MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2013
4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, California
(Clerk 951-955-1060)
9:00 A.M.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
1-0 WASTE MANAGEMENT: Adoption of Resolution 2013-115, Authorizing the Issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Riverside County Solid Waste System Landfills; Approval of the RFQ; Approval of the Award of a Sole Source Contract for Phase 1 of the process to Nossaman LLP for legal services; Approval of an award of a Sole Source contract to HF&H Consultants, LLC to assist in the analysis of responses received; and Receive and File the responses to tasks/questions raised in item 16-3 of February 26, 2013.
Members of the Public are encouraged to address the Board of Supervisors. Anyone who wishes to speak must submit a comment request card to the board clerk. Each speaker should begin by identifying themselves for the record and is allowed up to three minutes. An orange light on the podium indicates one minute remaining.
In accordance with Board Policy A-2, section 14, the Chair requests that all present refrain from any action that might disrupt the orderly course of the meeting. Coarse, crude, profane, or vulgar language, or unsolicited comments from the audience, which disrupts or disturbs the Board meeting, may result in exclusion from the meeting. Board members are not allowed to take formal action on items not on the published agenda. As a result, immediate response to public comments may be limited.