Section 1. Any accumulation of limbs, branches, prunings, trim-mings, stumps
and parts of domestic or cultivated fruit
trees, cut, removed, fallen or severed from such trees, is
hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
2. The word "accumulation" as used in this
ordinance is hereby defined as any and all limbs, branches,
prunings, trimmings,
stumps and parts of domestic and cultivated fruit trees, which
have fallen from such trees and have not been destroyed
by burning or
oth-erwise, within ten days after such cutting, removal, severance
or falling, including such limbs, branches, prunings, trimmings,
stumps and parts of such trees which have been cut, removed,
severed or have fallen prior to the adoption of this ordinance.
Section 3. Any person, firm or corporation maintaining a public
nuisance as defined herein shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail
for not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding $500.00,
by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency
measure and necessary for the immediate preservation of public
peace, health
and safety, for the reason that there has accumulated great quantities
of limbs, branches, prunings, trimmings, stumps and parts of
domestic and cultivated fruit trees, which have become breeding
places for
fruit tree insects, pests and diseases, which are now greatly
endangering such fruit trees and the crops thereof. Therefore,
this ordinance
shall become effective immediately upon the adoption hereof,
and shall be published once in The Riverside Enterprise, a newspaper
printed and published in the County of Riverside, State of California,
together with the names of the members of the Board of Supervisors
voting for and against the same.