The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, State of California, ordains as follows:

 Section 1.     PURPOSE.     This ordinance is intended to establish a golf cart transportation program within the County of Riverside. The Streets and Highways Code of the State of California authorizes the County of Riverside to develop a golf cart transportation plan that extends the use of golf carts for transportation beyond access to golf courses. It is the further intent of the state to accommodate the functional travel needs of certain residents of the plan area, provided the County establish golf cart lanes, minimum golf cart standards, operation requirements and permit procedures.

 Section 2.     FINDINGS.     The Board of Supervisors finds and determines that:

(a)      The utilization of golf carts will reduce automobile trips and vehicular emissions, thus promoting improved air quality.

(b)      Establishment of a golf cart transportation plan will serve to expand mobility to those persons not utilizing automobiles.

 (c)     The selected golf cart routes maximize the utilization of golf carts for golf course transportation, residential transportation, commercial/office transportation, and public/institutional transportation within the Plan area.

 (d)     The selected routes accommodate golf carts without an adverse impact upon traffic safety.

Section 3.      AUTHORITY.   This ordinance is established pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code Sections 1950-1967. The Golf Cart Transportation Plan may be amended to designate specific plan areas by Resolution of the Board of Supervisors.

Section 4.      DEFINITIONS.  The following definitions apply to this ordinance:

(a)      APlan area@ means that territory under the jurisdiction of the County designated for a golf cart transportation plan, including the privately owned area of any owner that consents to its inclusion on the plan.

(b)      AGolf cart@ means a motor vehicle having not less than three wheels in contact with the ground and unladen weight less than 1,300 pounds which is designed to be and is operated at not more than 25 miles per hour and is designated to carry golf equipment and not more than two persons, including the driver.

(c)      AGolf cart lanes@ means all publicly owned facilities that provide for golf cart travel including roadways designated by signs or permanent markings which are shared with pedestrians, bicyclists, and other motorists in the Plan area.

Section 5.      GOLF CART DESIGN CRITERIA.       Minimum golf cart design criteria for operation on golf cart lanes are hereby established. The following elements are minimum design and equipment requirements:

(a)      The golf cart must be the shape and size that conforms to the industry standards for manufactured golf carts.

(b)      The golf cart must have a covered passenger compartment.

   (c)    The golf cart must be equipped and safely operated with:

(1)      seat belts for driver and passenger

(2)      either an unobstructed rear-view mirror and left side mirror, right and left view mirrors, or a wide angle cross bar rear mirror.

(3)      a windshield

(4)      reflectors that conform to California Vehicle Code Section 24607



Section 6.      GOLF CART OPERATOR SAFETY CRITERIA.  Minimum golf cart operator safety criteria for golf cart use on golf cart lanes have been established by the State of California. The following safety criteria for operators are set and adopted by the Board of Supervisors:

(a)      A golf cart operator must have a valid driver=s license issued by the State of California or a recognized foreign jurisdiction in accordance with Vehicle Code Sections 12502-12505.

(b)      If physically disabled, a golf cart operator may be permitted to operate a golf cart in accordance with Vehicle Code Section 21114.5.

(c)      Operators must show proof of financial responsibility established pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 16000, et seq.

Section 7.      GOLF CART PERMIT PROCESS.       The provisions of Sections 5 and 6 shall be administered and enforced by the Director of Transportation, his staff or designees through the issuance of a golf cart permit.

Section 8.      GOLF CART OPERATION RESTRICTIONS.     The following restrictions limiting the operation of golf carts shall apply:

(a)      Only those golf carts that have been retrofitted with the safety equipment specified in the Plan may be operated under the provisions of the Golf Cart Transportation Plan.


(b)      Golf cart operation is limited to those golf cart lanes identified in the Golf Cart Transportation Plan and those streets within the Plan Area that have a prima facie speed limit of 25 miles per hour or less.

(c)      Only those golf carts having a County golf cart permit may be operated in accordance with the Golf Cart Transportation Plan.

(d)      Golf cart operators may only operate golf carts on public streets between one-half hour after sunrise and one-half hour prior to sunset.

(e)      A golf cart operator must maintain his golf cart in a safe condition.

Section 9.      VIOLATION.    Any person operating a golf cart in the Plan area in violation of this Ordinance is guilty of an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.

Section 10.    EFFECTIVE DATE.     This ordinance will take effect 30 days after its adoption.





Adopted:       12/1/98         (3.28)  (Eff:    12/31/98)