4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, California

(Clerk 951-955-1060)



9:00 A.M.


Invocation by Leti Fierro-Garcia, Senior Administrative Analyst, DPSS/IHSS- Public Authority


Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag


Presentation – Annual Women of the Year Award by Commission for Women


Presentation – Social Workers Appreciation Month

Presentation – Riverside County Decathlon Winners


Presentation of Employee Service Awards

























1-1       CLERK OF THE BOARD:  Proof of Publications.




CONSENT CALENDAR:  Presented for Block Approval: Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.



2-1       SUPERVISOR STONE:  Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove, and the positive find of the Golden Spotted Oak Borer (GSOB) in the community of Idyllwild.


2-2       AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER:  Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the spread of Pierce’s Disease in the Local Vineyards.


2-3       AUDITOR-CONTROLLER:  Receive and File Internal Audit Report 2011-311:  Riverside County Regional Medical Center, Materials and Supplies Procurement and Inventory Processes Follow-up.


2-4       AUDITOR-CONTROLLER:  Receive and File Internal Audit Report 2012-010:  Economic Development Agency, Project Management Office.


2-5       AUDITOR-CONTROLLER:  Receive and File Internal Audit Report 2011-313:  Riverside County Regional Medical Center Pharmacy Follow-up.


2-6       COUNTY COUNSEL:  Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Northwest Mosquito and Vector Control District.


2-7       COUNTY COUNSEL:  Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the SunLine Transit Agency.


2-8       COUNTY COUNSEL AND TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV10-01241 located on a Vacant Lot on Highway 74, Perris; APN:  349-060-043, 1st/5th District.


2-9       OFFICE ON AGING:  Appointment of Patricia Smith to the Advisory Council on Aging.


2-10     ECONOMIC DEVELOMENT AGENCY/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT:  Receive and File the County of Riverside Owned Building Vacancy List Report. (Request to Continue Item to March 19, 2013)


2-11     SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Appointment of Gerald Grey to the County Service Area 51 Advisory Board.


2-12     SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Appointment of Steven Bayard as an Alternate to the Solid Waste Advisory Council.


2-13     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Joel Dingman as an Alternate to the Woodcrest Municipal Advisory Council.


2-14     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Dildar Ahmad to the Advisory Committee on Substance Abuse.


2-15     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Eric Keen to the Advisory Committee on Substance Abuse.


2-16     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Robert Roy to the Emergency Medical Care Committee.


2-17     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of James Sinkiewicz to the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Task Force.


2-18     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Ali Mazarei to the Mead Valley Municipal Advisory Council.


2-19     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Charles Romero to the Mead Valley Municipal Advisory Council.


2-20     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Paz Trevino to the Mead Valley Municipal Advisory Council.


2-21     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Rogelio Rawlins as the First Alternate to the Mead Valley Municipal Advisory Council.


2-22     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Josh McNair to the Riverside County Trails Committee.


2-23     SUPERVISOR JEFFRIES:  Appointment of Jack Wyatt as an Alternate to the Temescal Valley Municipal Advisory Council.


2-24     SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Appointment of Michele Wilham to the Workforce Investment Board.


2-25     SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Appointment of Suzanne Lingold to the Workforce Investment Board.







POLICY CALENDAR:  Presented for Block Approval; Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.


3-1        SUPERVISOR STONE:  Approval of the Donation of Two Surplus Patrol Units to the City of San Jacinto for their ROCS Program-A-Joint Effort with the City of Hemet.


3-2        SUPERVISOR STONE:  Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for Safe Alternatives for Everyone; and Approval of the Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-3        EXECUTIVE OFFICE:  Approval of the Agreement with the California Department of Corrections/California Correctional Health Care Services for the Low Income Health Program.


3-4        AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER:  Approval of the USDA Cooperative Agreement No. 12-0474-SF Providing for Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Treatments in the Coachella and Temecula Valley, 3rd & 4th Districts.


3-5        ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER:  Approval of the Licensing, Professional Services and Maintenance and Support Agreement for a fully integrated Clerk and Recorder Document System (CARDS) with Tyler Technologies, Inc.


3-6       DELETED


3-7       DELETED


3-8        DISTRICT ATTORNEY:  Approval and Ratify Acceptance of the FY 2012-13 Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud Program Grant.


3-9        DISTRICT ATTORNEY:  Acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Victim Witness Assistance Program award from the California Emergency Management Agency (“Cal EMA”) and Adoption of Resolution 2013-048 authorizing the District Attorney to submit VW grant applications to Cal EMA and sign grant agreements on behalf of the Board.


3-10      DISTRICT ATTORNEY:  Acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach Program Subgrant Award from the California Emergency Management Agency.


3-11      DISTRICT ATTORNEY AND ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER:  Adoption of Resolution 2013-054 Authorization to Increase to $10.00 the fee for the Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund.


3-12      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the First Amendment to the Loan Agreement for the use of HOME Funds for Monte Vista II Family Apartments, 3rd/3rd District.


3-13      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  US District Court Lease Agreement Replacement Project – Ratify Change Order No. 2; Approval of Change Order No. 3; Approval of Reduction of the Contract Retention and Authorize the Release of Retained Funds; and Acceptance of the Notice of Completion, 2nd/2nd District.


3-14      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Assignment of Ground Lease, Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport:  Approval of the Consent to the Assignment of Ground Lease, and Consent to the sale, 4th/4th District.


3-15      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Adoption of Resolution 2013-033, amending the Workforce Investment Board Bylaws (WIB).


3-16      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT:  Graffiti Abatement Services Agreements between the County of Riverside and the City of Jurupa Valley and other Governmental Entities; and Approval of the proposed rates, 2nd/2nd District.


3-17      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT:  Ratify Lease – Community Health Agency, Department of Public Health, 2nd/2nd District.


3-18      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT:  Ratify Lease – Riverside County Regional Medical Center, Riverside, 2nd/2nd District.


3-19      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT:  Approval of the Second Amendment to the Lease – Riverside County Department of Mental Health; and Approval of a Budget Adjustment, 1st/1st District. (4/5 vote required)


3-20      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT:  Approval of the Fifth Amendment to the Lease – Law Offices of the Public Defender (4275 Lemon Street, Suite 251), Riverside, 2nd/2nd  District. (3-27 of 02/26/2013) (Request to Continue Item to March 19, 2013)


3-21      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT:  Approval of the Fifth Amendment to the Lease – Law Offices of the Public Defender (4275 Lemon Street, Suite 100 and 101), Riverside, 2nd/2nd District. (3-28 of 02/26/2013) (Request to Continue Item to March 19, 2013)


3-22      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT AND TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Approval of the Right of Way Acquisition Agreements and Permit to Enter and Construct Agreements all within a portion of APN 342-020-039, 343-130-003 and 342-020-038;  and Authorize and Allocate funds for the Ellis Avenue Sidewalk Project, 1st/5th District.


3-23      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT AND TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Adoption of Resolution 2013-035, Notice of Intention to Adopt a Resolution of Necessity Regarding the Clay Street Grade Separation Project – City of Jurupa Valley, 2nd/2nd District. (Set for Hearing 04/23/2013 @ 9:30 a.m. - Clerk to advertise)


3-24      ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH:  Approval of the Purchase Order with Fisher HealthCare for replacing the ultra-low temperature freezer; and Approval of a Budget Adjustment. (4/5 vote required)


3-25      HUMAN RESOURCES:  Approval of the Classification and Compensation recommendations to establish a new salary plan/grades for the Transportation and Land Management Agency executive management classifications of Building and Safety Official, Code Enforcement Official, Planning Director, Deputy Director of Transportation, and Assistant Director of Transportation; and Approval of the Amendment to Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to the Adoption of Resolution 440-8919.


3-26      HUMAN RESOURCES:  Approval of the Exclusive Care – Renewal of Exclusive Provider Option Fourth Amendment to the Medical Contractor Agreement with John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital.


3-27      HUMAN RESOURCES:  Approval of the Exclusive Care – Renewal of Exclusive Provider Option First Amendment to the Medical Contractor Agreement with Eisenhower Medical Center.


3-28      HUMAN RESOURCES:  Approval of the Exclusive Care – Renewal of Exclusive Provider Option Fourth Amendment to the Medical Contractor Agreement with Desert Regional Medical Center.


3-29      HUMAN RESOURCES:  Ratify and Approval of the 2013 Medical Eye Services Vision Plan Administration Agreement.


3-30      MENTAL HEALTH:  Approval In-Principle for Lease or Purchase of New Space for the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Program Administration and Quality Management Programs.


3-31      OFFICE ON AGING:  Receive and File the Memorandum of Understanding with the Riverside County Department of Mental Health to Approve the Amendment to Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to the Adoption of Resolution 440-8923; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-32      PROBATIONApproval of the Local Community Corrections Partnership Public Safety Realignment and Post-Release Community Supervision Implementation Plan Update of AB 109, Criminal Justice Alignment.


3-33      PUBLIC HEALTH:  Ratify the First Amendment to Agreement EMS-1257 with the State of California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA); and Approval of a Budget Adjustment. (4/5 vote required)


3-34      PUBLIC HEALTH Approval of the Sole Source Purchase of the Cepheid GeneXpert IV, 4 Testing site System.


3-35      DELETED


3-36      RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:  Approval of the Service Agreements with Charter Fiberlink Ca-CCO, LLC to Upgrade Existing Core Backbone Circuits.


3-37      RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTERApproval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Inland Empire Health Plan and IEHP Health Access.


3-38      RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Ratify the Contract Agreement with Proximare Health, Inc.


3-39      SHERIFF-CORONER-PA:  Ratification of Calendar Year 2013 Law Enforcement Specialized Units (LESU) Program Grant Award Agreement; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-40      SHERIFF-CORONER-PA:  Ratification of Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Anti-Human Trafficking (AHT) Task Force Program Grant Award Agreement; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-41      SHERIFF-CORONER-PA:  U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Fiscal Year 2013 Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking Application - Authorization to sign Certifications and Assurances.


3-42      SHERIFF-CORONER-PA:  Acceptance of High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program Grant Awards.


3-43      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/Airport Land Use Commission:  Hemet-Ryan Airport Influence Area:  Acceptance of Grant Agreement with California Department of Transportation; Execution of the Grant Agreement; Execution of Professional Services Agreement with Mead & Hunt for Preparation of Compatibility Plan; and Approval of ALUC Budget Adjustment. (4/5 vote required)


3-44      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of the Abatement Agreement with Diane Williamson to resolve violations of the County’s ordinances and potentially waiver abatement costs for Case No. CV12-01205 located at 36990 Woodview Road, Anza, APN:  572-060-020, 3rd/3rd District.


3-45      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Acceptance of the Notice of Completion – Cahuilla Hills Resurfacing Project, 4th/4th District.


3-46      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Approval of a Professional Services Agreement for Fossil Fuel Filter Maintenance Services – Landscape & Lighting Maintenance District (L&LMD) 89-1-C Zones.


3-47      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Approval of the Estoppel Certificate for TRACT NO. 32628, BC Christensen Ranch LLC between the County of Riverside and City of Menifee, 3rd/5th District.


3-48      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Little Lake Master Drainage Plan (MDP) Line B, Stage 1, and a portion of MDP Line B-4 (Project No. 4-0-00265-01) Approval of the Cooperative Agreement between the District, County of Riverside and the City of Hemet, 3rd/3rd District.  (See item 11-2)


3-49      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION Approval of the Cultural Resources Monitoring Agreement with the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians for the State Route 79 Widening Project, 3rd/3rd District.


3-50      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATIONAdoption of Resolution 2013-024, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan for Access in the Public Road Right-of-Way.


3-51      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION Blythe Area Force Account Construction Project – Approval for the Director to conduct force account work, 4th/4th District.


3-52      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION Approval of the Cooperative Agreement between the County of Riverside and the City of Menifee for Leon Road Safety Improvements, 3rd/3rd District.


3-53      TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Leon Road, Roadway Improvements, Keller Road to Scott Road, located in the County of Riverside and the City of Menifee:  Approval of one addendum to the specifications and plans; Acceptance of the Low Bid and Award of Contract to FM & Sons, Inc.; and Approval of the Project’s Proposed Budget, 3rd/3rd District.


3-54      SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE:  Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to the Law Enforcement Appreciation Committee; Riverside East Rotary; Positive Results Corporation; Riverside Public Library; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-55      SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the CVEP FAFSA Fundraiser; Friends of the Desert Mountains; Indio Rotary Club Scholarship; Virginia Waring International Piano Competition; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-56      SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Eighth Annual CHARACTER COUNTS! Youth Awards Ceremony; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-57      SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Regional Access Project Foundation – Building Healthy Communities HUE Music & Arts Festival; Flying Doctors & CV Medical Volunteers; United Way of the Desert; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-58      SUPERVISOR ASHLEYFifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for Welcome Home Vietnam Vets; Moreno Valley Ballet Folklorico; Riverside County EDA; Law Enforcement Appreciation Committee; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-59      SUPERVISOR ASHLEYFifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for Cabot’s Pablo Museum; City of Banning; King High Remembers; Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-60      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCYHemet Ryan Airport – Runway and Taxiway Pavement Rehabilitation Project:  Approval the Contract between the County of Riverside and Mead & Hunt, Inc., 3rd/3rd District.


3-61      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  French Valley Airport – Runway and Taxiway Lighting and Automated Weather Observing System Upgrade Rehabilitation Project, 3rd/3rd District.


3-62      ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Approval of the Architectural Services Agreement with Holt Architects, Inc. for Alternate Emergency Operations Center, Communications Hub and Tower Relocation; and Approval of the Relocation of an already existing communication site to the PSEC Project, 4th/4th District.


3-63      SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE:  Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to Operation Safehouse; Riverside Art Museum; Mt. Rubidoux District of the Boy Scouts of America; and Approval of Budget Adjustments.


3-64     SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for Healing Horses; Indio Performing Arts Center; Riverside County Regional Medical Center 2013 Spring Garden Tour; The Joslyn Senior Center’s Fourth Annual Runway Event; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-65     SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Approval of the Donation of One Surplus Vehicle to the City of Palm Desert for their Palm Desert Citizens on Patrol (COP).


3-66     SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE AND SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Support for Extension of Benefits for those Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange during Operation Ranch Hand, in Vietnam.


3-67     SUPERVISOR ASHLEY AND SUPERVISOR STONE:  Adoption of Resolution 2013-060 Dissolving the Romoland-Homeland Municipal Advisory Council; Adoption of Resolution 2013-061 Amending the Winchester Municipal Advisory Council and Renaming it the Winchester/Homeland Municipal Advisory Council; and Adoption of Resolution 2013-063 Amending the Lakeview/Nuevo Municipal Advisory Council and Renaming it the Nuview/Romoland Municipal Advisory Council.


3-68     SUPERVISOR STONE:  Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3-69     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Van Horn Youth Treatment and Education Center - Adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program, 1st/1st District.




4-1       (No Business)






5-         (No Business)






6-         (No Business)






7-         (No Business)






8-         (No Business)






9-        (No Business)







10-1     Adoption of Authority Resolution H2013-002 Authorizing the Submittal of an Application for the CalHome General Program, 4th/4th District.


10-2     Public Hearing for the Housing Authority Annual Agency Plans and Supporting Documents.








11-1     Acceptance of the Notice of Completion for the Alessandro Dam Sediment Removal for 2012, 1st/1st District.


11-2     Approval of the Cooperative Agreement between the District, County of Riverside and the City of Hemet for the Little Lake Master Drainage Plan Line B, Stage 1 and Portion of Line B-4, 3rd/3rd District. (See item 3-48)


11-3     Approval of the Cooperative Agreement between the District, City of Moreno Valley and March Joint Powers Authority for the Sunnymead Master Drainage Plan Line B, Stage 3, 5th/5th District.








12-1C  Adoption of Resolution 2013-046 Authorizing the Department to Apply for CalRecycle Tire-Derived Aggregate Grants.


12-2C  Contract Award for the Construction of a Liner System within the Phase 2, Stage 4 area at the Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfill – Acceptance of the Bid submitted by Sukut Construction, Inc., 5th/5th District.


12-3C  Approval of Contract Documents for the Construction of a Liner System within the Canyon 4 Phase 3 area at the Badlands Sanitary Landfill, 5th/5th District.




12D-    (No Business)









13-1C    Approval of the Patterson House as a Riverside County Historic Landmark, 3rd/3rd District.


13-2C  Appointment of Bill Zimmerman to the Off Highway Vehicle Recreation Commission (OHVR).





13-       (No Business)





Members of the public are encouraged to address the Board of Supervisors. Anyone who wishes to speak must submit a comment request card to the board clerk. Each speaker should begin by identifying themselves for the record and is allowed up to three minutes. An orange light on the podium indicates one minute remaining.


In accordance with Board Policy A-2, section 14, the Chair requests that all present refrain from any action that might disrupt the orderly course of the meeting.  Coarse, crude, profane, or vulgar language, or unsolicited comments from the audience, which disrupts or disturbs the Board meeting, may result in exclusion from the meeting.  Board members are not allowed to take formal action on items not on the published agenda. As a result, immediate response to public comments may be limited.





15-       (No Business)





16-1     TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  Public Hearing on VARIANCE NO. 1857, Steven Taylor – Rancho California Zoning – Southwest Area Plan – 1st District.  The Project is a request to vary from the requirements of Ordinance No. 348 and is associated with the Second Unit Permit No. 1385, which is required because the construction of the second unit permit does not comply with Section 18.28.a.c (6) of Ordinance No. 348, which requires second units to be located at the rear of the property or in the side portions of the lot and shall not be located in front of the primary dwelling unit. (Request item be Continued to April 30, 2013)


16-2     TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  Public Hearing on GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 778 / CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7270 / TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 33248 – Elias Alfata – East Corona Zoning – Temescal Canyon Area – 2nd District.  Recommendation of the Planning Commission for the Adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 40396, Approval of General Plan Amendment No. 778 to amend the Land Use from Community Development:  Estate Density Residential (CD:EDR) and Agriculture:  Agriculture (A:A) {the project site features Rural:  Rural Mountainous; no change is proposed to this designation} Land Use Designations to Community Development:  Medium Density Residential (CD:MDR) and Open Space:  Conservation (OS:C);  Approval of Change of Zone No. 7270 to amend the zone from Residential Agricultural – 2 Acre Minimum (R-A-2) and areas with no previous zoning (previous Right of Way) to One Family Dwellings – 10,000 Square Foot Minimum (R-1-10,000), Residential Agricultural – 2 Acre Minimum (R-A-2) and Open Area Combining Zone Residential Developments (R-5); and Approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 33248, Schedule A to subdivide 18 acres into 16 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet and one (1) 6.73 acre lot for open space.


16-3     TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  Public Hearing on CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7764 – Alan Koby – Hemet – San Jacinto Zoning District – Harvest Valley – Winchester Area Plan – 3rd District.  Recommendation for Tentative Approval of Change of Zone No. 7764 to change the zoning of approximately 45 acres of vacant land from Controlled Development Areas (W-2) to Scenic Highway Commercial (C-P-S) (northern 33 acres) and General Residential (R-3) (southern 12 acres) to be consistent with the Existing General Plan designations of Commercial Retail (CR) and High Density Residential (HDR)


16-4     TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  Public Hearing on SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 336, SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE NO. 1 / CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7715 / PLOT PLAN NO. 09967 REVISION NO. 1 / TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 34552, AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 34553 – Pulte Homes Corporation/Hunsaker & Associates Irvine, Inc. – Western Coachella Valley – Pass & Desert Zoning Area – 5th /4th District.  Recommendation of the Planning Commission to Consider an Addendum to Environmental Impact Report No. 445;  Specific Plan No. 336, Substantial Conformance No. 1 proposes several minor changes to Specific Plan No. 336 (Desert dunes / Solera); Approval of Change of Zone No. 7715 to modify the approved Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance specifically as it relates to the drainage features and the recreation facility; revise the zoning boundaries for the project; formalize all the Planning Area Boundaries; Approval of Plot Plan No. 09967 Revised No. 1 which proposes modifications to an approved and constructed golf course layout in two phases:  Phase 1 proposes modifications to the existing golf course to accommodate the surrounding proposed residential development (Solera at Desert Dunes Specific Plan) including access road crossings, grading for flood control improvements and the renovation of the existing golf course clubhouse facilities and parking areas; Phase 2 proposes demolition and construction of a new golf course clubhouse facility and parking areas; Approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 34552, Schedule A to subdivide 165.5 Gross Acres into 437 Single-Family Residential Lots, 3 Open Space Lots, 1 Open Space/Flood Control Facility Lot, 3 Water Quality Feature Lots, 2 Storm Drain Easement Lots, 3 Landscaping Lots, 1 Sewer Easement Lot and 1 Bicycle Easement Lot; and Approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 34553, Schedule A to subdivide 207.6 Gross Acres into 896 Single-Family Residential Lots, 1 Well Site Lot, 2 Water Quality Feature Lots, 3 Storm Drain Easement Lots, 1 Common Access Lot, 9 Landscaping Lots and 5 Open Space Lots











With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9:


Conference with legal counsel-existing litigation:

(Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9)


A.1       Bel Air Murrieta, LLC v. Inland Woods, Inc., et al.     (Case No. RIC 1214010)


A.2       Independent Power Producers Association dba Independent Energy Producers Association:

            Large Scale Solar Association v. County of Riverside: Riverside County Board of Supervisors

            (Case No. INC 1200838)

A.3       City of Temecula v. County of Riverside, Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside:  Granite Construction Company, Inc. (Case No. RIC 1211312)


A.4       City of Temecula v. County of Riverside, Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside  (Case No. RIC 1215119)


A.5       De Luz 2000 dba Save Our Southwest Hills and Elsinore Murrieta Anza Resource Conservation District v. County of Riverside:  Granite Construction Company (Case No. RIC 1211812)


A.6       De Luz 2000 dba Save Our Southwest Hills v. County of Riverside (Case No. RIC 1215882)


Conference with legal counsel-anticipated litigation:

Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9:


B.1       One Potential Case

Conference with legal counsel-anticipated litigation:

Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9:


C.1      Two Potential Cases


With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957:


D.1      Public Employee Performance Evaluation

            Title:    County Executive Officer


Appointment/Employment pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54957:


E.1       Public Defender