NOVEMBER 17, 2020
9:30 A.M.
1.1 13255 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publication. [$0]
1.2 13839 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING DIRECTORS DECISION TO APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 37293 Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration (EA43023) Applicant: Mounir Girguis Engineer/Representative: Valued Engineering Inc. c/o Jeff Meiter First Supervisorial District Mead Valley Zoning District Mead Valley Area Plan: Rural: Rural Residential (R: RR) Location: North of Mack Street, south of Kelly Lane, east of Mead Street, and west of Brown Street. 10.00 Acres Zoning: Controlled Development Area with Mobile Homes ½ Acre Minimum (W-2-M-1/2) REQUEST: Tentative Parcel Map No. 37293 is a Schedule H map proposal that will subdivide a ten (10)-acre property into two (2), five (5)-acre parcels. The existing residential dwelling and accessory structures will remain on Parcel 1. Plot Plan No. 26257 is a proposal for a religious assembly facility that will be located on the northern half of Parcel 2. It includes a 5,245-square foot building that will accommodate 100 people, 62 parking spaces, on-site septic tank advanced treatment unit, leach fields, and a bio-retention basin. Off-site improvement includes paving Kelly Lane from the Brown Street and Kelly Lane intersection to the westerly edge of Parcel 2. Water line and other utilities (i.e., phone and cable) will be extended to service the proposed facility. APN: 319-240-004. District 1. [Applicant Fees 100%]
1.3 13907 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING DIRECTOR DECISION TO APPROVE THE TENATIVE PARCEL MAP NO 37188 CEQA Exempt Applicant: Joe Arico - Engineer/Rep: Landmark Surveys: Dan Gomez Fifth Supervisorial District Nuevo Zoning Area Lakeview/Nuevo Area Plan Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC:VLDR) 12.79 Acres Location: North of 13th Street, south of Apricot Avenue, and west of Gibson Avenue Zoning: Residential Agricultural (R-A) - REQUEST: a Schedule H subdivision of 12.79 acres into four single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 2.89 gross acres and a maximum lot size of 3.73 gross acres APN: 427-240-015. District 5. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.1 11943 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove, and the positive find of the Golden Spotted Oak Borer (GSOB) in the community of Idyllwild. [$0]
2.2 13814 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the spread of Pierce's Disease in the Local Vineyards, District 3. [$0]
2.3 13815 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of Local Emergency in Riverside County due to the discovery of citrus greening disease, or huanglongbing, All Districts. [$0]
2.4 13859 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Receive and File the Riverside County 2019 Annual Agricultural Production Report, All Districts. [$0]
2.5 13722 ANIMAL SERVICES: Animal Services 90-Day Status Report. [All Districts] [$0]
2.6 13886 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Internal Audit Report 2021-206: Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency, Aviation Department, Follow-up Audit, All Districts. [$0]
2.7 13881 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Transfer of Property Tax Unclaimed Refunds to the General Fund, All Districts. [$0]
2.8 13548 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency, Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5. [$0]
2.9 13579 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the De Luz Community Services District, District 3. [$0]
2.10 13583 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Mission Springs Water District, District 4 and 5. [$0]
2.11 13627 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District, District 3 and 5. [$0]
2.12 13884 HOUSING, HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HHPWS): Receive and File The 90-Day Directors Report for the Department of Housing, Homelessness Prevention and Workforce Solutions, All Districts. [$0]
2.13 13786 HUMAN RESOURCES: Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Risk Management Annual Report, All Districts. [$0]
2.14 13961 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Appointment of Special District Directors; All Districts; [$0]
2.15 13681 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Receive and File the Behavioral Health Commission Annual Report for FY 2018/2019 and FY 2019/2020, All Districts. [$0]
2.16 13969 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Appointment of Nicolas Meza to the Vista Santa Rosa Community Council, Fourth District. [$0]
3.1 13963 SUPERVISOR KEVIN JEFFRIES AND SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Adoption of Ordinance No. 963 Regarding Campaign Contribution Limits For County Elective Offices and Adoption of Ordinance No. 913.3 Amending Ordinance No. 913 Requiring Electronic Campaign Finance Disclosure. [$0]
3.2 13951 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to the Riverside Community College District Foundation, the Rotary Club of Greater Eastvale, and Peppermint Ridge. [$5,500.00 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.3 12666 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Adoption of Resolution 2020-253 Establishing the 2021 Advisory Redistricting Commission and Approval of the 2021 Redistricting Work Plan. All Districts. [$0 Total]
3.4 13918 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Receive and File Fiscal Year 2020/2021 First Quarter Budget Report; Approval of the recommendations and associated budget adjustments, All Districts. [$143,097,020, 0% General Fund and 100% Department Budgets] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.5 13660 ANIMAL SERVICES: Approve the Memorandum of Agreement Between the Petco Foundation and Department of Animal Services to Post Photographs of Animals in the Shelter; All Districts. [$0]
3.6 13836 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Introduce Ordinance 745.4, an Amendment to of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance No. 745 Relating to Providing for the Comprehensive Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste Within Specified Unincorporated Areas of Riverside County. Find the adoption of Ordinance 745.4 to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). All Districts. [$0] (Set for Public Hearing December 8, 2020) (Clerk to Advertise)
3.7 13794 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Riverside University Health System Behavioral Health Arlington Recovery Community Sobering Center Project - Approval of Construction Management Services Agreement with Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc. and Approval of Plans and Specifications to Advertise for Bids, District 1. [$570,000 - RUHS Behavioral Health Fund - 100%]
3.8 13754 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY (TLMA)-TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Resolution No. 2020-199, Notice of Intention to Adopt a Resolution of Necessity for the Orange Avenue Pavement Project, unincorporated area of Mead Valley, District 1. [Total Cost - $27,105; GAS Tax (Huta) Fund 2000 -100%] (Clerk to Send Notice to Property Owner) (Set a Public Hearing on December 15, 2020)
3.9 13847 HUMAN RESOURCES & TLMA; Human Resources recommendation to designate the Deputy Director of Natural Resources classification At-Will; and amend Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9172 submitted herewith, All Districts. [Total Cost - $0] [Department Budget 100%]
3.10 13849 PROBATION: Approval of the Local Community Corrections Partnership Public Safety Annual Realignment Plan Update for Fiscal Year 2020/2021, All Districts. [$0]
3.11 13812 PURCHASING AND FLEET SERVICES: Ratify and Approve Amendment No 1 to the Professional Service Agreement with Sentinel Offender Services, LLC for Alcohol Monitoring Services and Equipment [All Districts], [Total of $975,000 for five years, $195,000 annually; up to $50,000 annually in additional compensation], 100% Departmental Funds.
3.12 13962 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Federal Reimbursement Funds (HAVA Funds) and Agreement No. 20G26133; All Districts. [$4,189,440.00] Secretary of State Reimbursement 100%; (4/5 Vote Required)
3.13 13760 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Authorize Payment to California Mental Health Service Authority for the Mental Health Services Act Statewide Initiatives Annual Member Contribution, All District. [$600,000 Annually for 3 years; Up to $60,000 in Additional Compensation Annually, 100% State Funds]
3.14 13919 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and approve the FY 2020-2021 Memorandum of Understanding with the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools for the Provision of Educational Programs to Adult Inmates, All Districts. [Total Program $3,151,927; Riverside County Superintendent of Schools 51.86% and Inmate Welfare Fund 48.14%]
3.15 13931 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with County of San Diego and Other Parties for Acceptance of FY18 Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) Grant Program Subaward, funded by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), All Districts. [$60,000 Federal Funding 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.16 13899 CODE ENFORCEMENT: Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Personal Service Agreement for county-wide recreational vehicle abatement services with Statewide Towing & Recovery, Inc. to Increase the Total Aggregate Contract Amount to $500,000 and Extend the Contract Term through June 30, 2023, and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign the Amendment on behalf of the County. All Districts. [$500,000 Aggregate, up to $50,000 in additional compensation - 100% State Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) Grant Revenue for AVA qualified units] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.17 13860 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RESOLUTION NO. 2020-255 Authorizing Application For, and Receipt of, Local Government Planning Support Grant Funds. All Districts. [Award amount approximately $720,000]
3.18 13273 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of Consultant Services Agreement between the County of Riverside and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the Horizontal Curve Assessment Project. Districts 1, 3, and 5. [$230,780 FY 20/21 - 100% HSIP]
3.19 13597 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Landscape Maintenance Agreement for the Southerly parkway along Alessandro Blvd East of Interstate 215 (I-215) and West of Old 215 Frontage Road between the County of Riverside and the California Department of Transportation, project is located within the in March Joint Powers Authority area. District 1. [$2,688 Ongoing Cost - L&LMD No. 89-1-C Zone 206 Funds 100%]
3.20 13653 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval and execution of the Partial Assignment and Assumption of Improvement Credit Agreement between Forestar (USA) Real Estate Group Inc., D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc., and the County of Riverside associated with Lot Nos. 44 through 54, 63 through 64, 71 through 75, and 115 through 122 of Tract No. 30809, District 3. [$0]
3.21 13655 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bid for the Varner Road Resurfacing Project, in the Community of Thousand Palms, CEQA Exempt. District 4. [$2,482,945 Total - Local Funds 100%] (Clerk to Advertise)
3.22 13762 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approve Addenda to the Plans and Specifications, Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of Slurry Seal and Curb Ramp Accessibility Project for Fiscal Year 2020/21 at various locations; District 1. [$2,188,275 Total - Local Funds 100%]
3.23 13763 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approve Addenda to the Plans and Specifications, Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of Slurry Seal and Curb Ramp Accessibility Project for Fiscal Year 2020/21 at various locations; District 3. [$3,596,108 Total - Local Funds 100%]
3.24 13676 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-213 ordering the Annexation of Zone 206 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, March Air Reserve, District 1. [$2,687 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.25 13678 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-214 ordering the Annexation of Zone 207 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, El Cerrito, District 2. [$3,052 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.26 13679 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-215 ordering the Annexation of Zone 211 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, Winchester, District 3. [$79,412 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.27 13680 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-216 ordering the Annexation of Street Lighting Zone 132 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, El Cerrito, District 1. [$1,099 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.28 13683 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-217 ordering the Annexation of Street Lighting Zone 133 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, Woodcrest, District 1. [$265 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.29 13684 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-218 ordering the Annexation of Street Lighting Zone 134 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, Winchester, District 3. [$4,113 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.30 13685 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-219 ordering the Annexation of Street Lighting Zone 135 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, French Valley, District 3. [$635 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.31 13686 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-220 ordering the Annexation of Street Lighting Zone 136 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, Thermal, District 4. [$655 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.32 13687 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-221 ordering the Annexation of Street Lighting Zone 137 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, Romoland, District 5. [$389 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.33 13688 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-222 ordering the Annexation of Street Lighting Zone 138 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, Mead Valley, District 1. [$1,821 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.34 13689 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-223 ordering the Annexation of Street Lighting Zone 139 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, Thousand Palms, District 4. [$1,374 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.35 13690 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-224 ordering the Annexation of Street Lighting Zone 141 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated, Valle Vista, District 3. [$344 Ongoing - L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%]
3.36 13970 SUPERVISOR KEVIN JEFFRIES AND SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Agendizing a Discussion of a Potential Unincorporated Communities Initiative and Unincorporated Communities Fund as Part of the Upcoming Board Workshop. [$0]
3.37 13843 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Receive and file the Board Listening Sessions Summary Report and Board Workshop Proposal for December 15th, 2020. All Districts. [$0]
3.38 13952 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Response to the 2019-2020 Grand Jury Report issued on August 12, 2020, made public at close of business on August 14, 2020, regarding the KPMG Transformation Project [All Districts. Total Cost $0] (Continued from November 10, 2020)
4 Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting
5 Public Financing Authority Meeting
6 Industrial Development Authority Meeting
7 In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Meeting
8 Community Facilities District Legislative Body Meeting
9 Riverside County Library System Foundation Meeting
10 Housing Authority Meeting
11 Flood Control and Water Conservation District Meeting
11.1 13721 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the City of Jurupa Valley and Sequanota Partners, LP for Paramount Estates MDP Line C, Stage 1 and Paramount Estates MDP Line C-1, Stage 1 (Tract Map No. 37211), Project No. 1-0-00266, Nothing Further Required Under CEQA, District 2. [$0]
11.2 13736 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the City of Perris and Green Valley Recovery Acquisition LLC for Romoland MDP Line A-11, Stage 1 (Tentative Tract Map No. 37223), Project No. 4-0-00429, CEQA Exempt, District 5. [$0]
11.3 13820 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the March Joint Powers Authority and Meridian Park, LLC for Perris Valley MDP Line B-1, Miscellaneous No. 172 (Phase 1 for Tract No. 30857-4), Project No. 4-0-00538, Nothing Further is Required Under CEQA, District 1. [$0]
11.4 13827 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Review and Determine That Emergency Conditions Continue and There is a Need to Continue the Apple Fire and El Dorado Fire Emergency Actions; Receive and File the Report of the Apple Fire and El Dorado Fire Emergency Actions in the Areas of Cherry Valley, Highland Springs, Banning Canyon, Mias Canyon and Banning Bench in Unincorporated Riverside County and the Cities of Beaumont and Banning; Receive and File the Emergency Protection Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Granite Construction Company for Emergency Contract Work on the Emergency Protection Project, Nothing Further is Required Under CEQA, District 5. [$500,000 100% District Zone 5 Funds] (4/5 Vote Required)
11.5 13835 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Adopt Resolution No. F2020-35, Authorization to Convey Easement Interests in Real Property Over a Portion of RCFC Parcel Nos. 6060-3A, 6060-213, 6060-217, 6060-2A and 6060-215, Within Assessor's Parcel Number Nos. 508-161-002, 508-171-013, 508-172-010, 508-171-007 and 508-172-012, to the City of Palm Springs by Easement Deed, Tahquitz Creek Channel, Project No. 6-0-00060, CEQA Nothing Further Required, District 4. [$0] (4/5 Vote Required)
11.6 13846 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of First Amendment to Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the City of Moreno Valley for Moreno Master Drainage Plan Line K-1, Stage 2 (MS 122), Project No. 4-0-00766, Nothing Further is Required Under CEQA, District 5. [$2,500,000 District Zone 4 Funds 100%]
11.7 13848 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the City of Moreno Valley for Moreno MDP Line F-18, Stage 1 and Moreno MDP Line F-19, Stage 1 (MS 144), Project Nos. 4-0-00403 and 4-0-00787, CEQA Exempt, District 5. [Not to exceed $2,049,500 District Zone 4 Funds 100%]
11.8 13854 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Adoption of Resolution No. F2020-36 Notice of Intent to Convey an Easement Interest for Public Road and Utility Purposes and Temporary Construction Easement Interests within Portions of District-Owned Real Property (Portions of APNs 367-110-007 and 367-450-017) Located in the City of Wildomar, County of Riverside, to the City of Wildomar by Public Road and Utility Easement Deed and Temporary Construction Easement Deeds, Wildomar MDP Lateral C, Project No. 7-0-00075, District 1. [$0]
12 County Board and Waste Resources Management District Meeting
12.1 13817 DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Contract Award for the Construction of C2P5 and C3P2 Liner Expansion Project at Badlands Sanitary Landfill, District 5. [$2,331,558 Department of Waste Resources Enterprise Funds 100%] (CEQA Nothing Further Required)
D. District
13 County Board and Regional Park and Open Space District Meeting
13.1 13702 REGIONAL PARK & OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Approval of Professional Service Agreement with Infrastructure Engineering Corporation for the Lake Skinner Boat Launch Project; CEQA Exempt; District 3. [$131,594]
13.2 13867 REGIONAL PARK & OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Parks Director/General Managers 90-Day Report; All Districts. [$0]
14 Riverside Community Housing Corp. Meeting
15 Riverside University Health System Medical Center Governing Board Meeting
15.1 13682 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Ratification and Approval of the First Amendment to the Smile Grant Program, LLC Professional Services Agreement for Call Center Support Services without seeking competitive bids, All Districts. [Total Cost increase $350,000; 100% Federally Qualified Health Enterprise Fund-40090 to be Reimbursed by CARES Act]
16.1 Rosa Bobadilla spoke regarding Family childcare provider funds.
16.2 Maria Luz spoke regarding her job loss and her gratefulness for the rental assistance she received.
16.3. Kari Fobar spoke regarding a new plan to open Riverside businesses.
16.4 David Dinnel spoke regarding businesses shutdown due to COVID.
16.5 Juan Rojas spoke regarding a FB post and a cannabis business coming into Home Gardens.
16.6 Kristi Caraway spoke regarding COVID-19 closures.
16.7 Abigail Caraway spoke regarding how hard COVID is on kids.
16.8 Roy Bleckert spoke regarding COVID and that Riverside needs to open.
16.9 Joe Duffle spoke regarding COVID.
16.10 Charese Mongiello spoke regarding COVID.
16.11 Mercedes DeLeon spoke regarding COVID and recalling Governor Newsom.
16.12 Ree Tom spoke regarding COVID.
2.5, 3.3, 3.4, 3.12, 3.36, 3.37, 13.2
20 10:00 A.M. County General Plan Amendment Initiation Proceedings Meeting
21 10:00 A.M. County Land Use Public Hearings Meeting
21.1 13758 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE NO. 348.4933, CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 2000013, CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 2000012, ORDINANCE NO. 348.4934, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 200010, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 2000002, ORDINANCE NO. 664.66, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS POLICY F-7 Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration and Find Policy F-7 CEQA Exempt Applicant: Excel Riverside, Inc. Engineer/Representative: Infrastructure Engineers Second Supervisorial District University Zoning District Highgrove Area Plan: Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD: CR) Location: North of Palmer Street, South of Center Street, East of Iowa Avenue, and West of Pacific Avenue 0.41 Net Acres REQUEST: Ordinance No. 348.4933 associated with Change of Zone No. 2000013 amends Ordinance No. 348 related to Commercial Cannabis Activities and establishes a 1,000 feet separation requirement between cannabis retailers unless they are located with one-half mile of certain freeways. In those circumstances, the 1,000 foot separation requirement would not apply to the cannabis retailers. Conditional Use Permit No. 200010 a retail cannabis business located within an existing 3,952 sq. ft. commercial building with suites. The first suite of the existing building is 2,106 sq. ft. and would contain the retail cannabis business. Hours of operation would be 7 days a week; 8 am to 10 pm. Change of Zone No. 2000012 would change the existing zone from Commercial Office (C-O) to Scenic Highway Commercial (C-P-S). Development Agreement No. 2000002. The associated development agreement has a term of 10 years, will grant the applicant vesting rights to develop the project in accordance with the terms of DA2000002 and CUP200010, and will provide community benefits to the Highgrove Area. District 2. [Applicant Fees 100%]
21.2 13741 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on Adoption of Ordinance No. 348.4944 associated with Change of Zone No. 7544, Approve Tentative Parcel Map No. 36031 and Tentative Tract Map No. 36030, and Adoption of Resolution No. 2020-244 Certifying Environmental Impact Report No. 500 - Notice to Certify an Environmental Impact Report -Applicant: Lansing Industries Inc. Engineer/Representative: David Jeffers Consulting, Inc. Fifth Supervisorial District Nuevo Area Zoning District Lakeview/ Nuevo Area Plan: CD:LDR (1/2 Acre Minimum), R:RM (10 Acre Minimum), RC:VLDR (1 Acre Minimum) Location: Southerly of Nuevo Road, northerly of Central Avenue, westerly of Passage Road and easterly of Menifee Road 242 Gross Acres Zoning: Rural Agricultural (R-A) (20,000 Square Feet), Rural Agricultural- 1 Acre Minimum (R-A-1) and Rural Agricultural- 10 Acre Minimum (R-A-10) - REQUEST: CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7544 is a proposal to change the zoning on the subject property from R-A, R-A-1, and R-A-10 to R-1, R-1-20,000, and R-5. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 36031 is a proposal for a Schedule I subdivision of 242 acres into six (6) parcels with a minimum lot size of 25 acres. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 36030 is a proposal for a Schedule A subdivision of 242-acres into 314 single-family residential lots on 166 acres, construction of one aboveground water storage tank, and dedication of approximately 76 acres of open space as a habitat conservation area. Within the developed area of the proposed project there would also be pocket parks, landscape lots, linear parks/open space and paseos, multipurpose recreational trails, and a 6.5-acre dual-purpose neighborhood park/detention/water quality basin. Within the developed portion of the site, approximately 17 acres of the open space area will be maintained permanently as natural open space. APNs: 429-020-028, 429-020-021, and 429-160-002. District 5. [Applicant fees 100%]
Supervisor Washington:
· Sworn in as CSACs 2nd VP as the Urban County representative
Supervisor Spiegel:
· RCTC update regarding funding for 3 projects 71/91, Mckinley Grade, and Limonite Avenue.
· Toll Lanes ends right before the 15 Freeway at Galloway
Supervisor Perez:
· Lake Cahuilla Veterans Fishing for the Day
· Passed out PPE to childcare providers in East Coachella Valley
Board Committee Report / Update
Executive Officer / State Budget Update
· Recognize Waste Resources Civil Engineers and the Menifee Landfill
· Acknowledge Patti Romo in her retirement and introduce Mark Lancaster as the new Transportation Department Head.
Supervisor Spiegel:
· Omar J. Jim Madore
· Mary Alyce Stein
· Clarence LeRoy Fleming
Supervisor Perez:
· Julio Beltran
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9:
A.1 In re: National Prescription Opiate Litigation (Case No. 1:17-CV-2804)
A.2 Jane Doe v. County of Riverside; Sam Kaloustian; Dan DeLimon; Charles Kenyon; and Does 1 through 10, inclusive (RCSC Case No. RIC 2001499)
A.3 Chloe M., a minor by and through her guardian ad litem Patricia Nance, v. County of Riverside; Renee Littler; Jesus Haro; Tiffany Wing; Tracy Valoff; Alejandra Juarez, and DOES 1 through 40, inclusive (RCSC Case No. RIC2002387)
B.1 One potential case
B.2 One potential case
C.1 One potential case
D.1 Conference with labor negotiator:
Agency Negotiator Brenda Diederichs, Asst. County Executive Officer
Employee organizations Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, RCDDAA,
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1):
E.1 Hearing and Report on Quality Assurance
24.1 13591 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Community forum pertaining to the provision of access of certain individuals to the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency pursuant to California Government Code 7283.1(d). All Districts. [$0]