TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016
4080 Lemon Street, 1st Floor Board Chambers, Riverside, California
(951) 955-1069
9:00 A.M.
Invocation by Chaplain Captain David Sarmiento, 163d, March Air Reserve Base
Pledge of Allegiance
Presentation – Memorial Day
Presentation - Veterans’ Memorial Poppy Month
Presentation - Older Americans Month
1-1 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publications.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Presented for Block Approval. Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.
2-1 SUPERVISOR WASHINGTON: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove, and the positive find of the Golden Spotted Oak Borer (GSOB) in the community of Idyllwild, 3rd District. [$0]
2-2 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the spread of Pierce’s Disease in the Local Vineyards, 3rd District. [$0]
2-3 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Receive and File Internal Audit Report 2015-006: Riverside County Economic Development Agency, Facilities Management, Maintenance Service Division. [$0]
2-4 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Conflict of Interest Code of the Alvord Unified School District, 2nd District. [$0]
2-5 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: TRACT NO. 28477, Schedule A. Approval of the Extension of Time Agreements/New Owner/Substitution of Securities, 3rd District. [$0]
2-6 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and File the Treasurer’s Purchase Detail Report for April 2016. [$0]
2-7 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and File the Treasurer’s Monthly Statement of County and School Funds for April 2016. [$0]
2-8 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and File the Treasurer’s Monthly Disclosure Report on Investments for April 2016. [$0]
2-9 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Approval of the Revised Treasurer’s Statement of Investment Policy. [$0
2-10 SUPERVISOR ASHLEY: Appointment of Mr. Alan
L. Davis to the West Desert Municipal Advisory Council. [$0]
2-11 SUPERVISOR ASHLEY: Appointment of Ms. Diana Morris
to the West Desert Municipal Advisory Council. [$0]
2-12 SUPERVISOR ASHLEY: Appointment of Ms. Maxine
Israel to the West Desert Municipal Advisory Council. [$0]
POLICY CALENDAR: Presented for Block Approval: Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.
3-1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of a Criminal Justice Administration Fee for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. [$0]
3-2 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of a Criminal Justice Administration Fee Charge to Arresting Agencies for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. [$0]
3-3 ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER/RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND ARCHIVES PROGRAM: Adoption of Resolution No. 2016-126 Pertaining to the Management, Retention, Destruction or Disposition of County Records; Revised Board Policy A-43, County Records Management and Archives Policy; Rescind Board Policy A-68, Trustworthy Official Electronic Records Preservation. [$0] (4/5 vote required)
3-4 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Seventh Amendment to the Inland Empire Health Plan Joint Powers Agreement and First Amendment to the Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) Health Access Joint Powers Agreement. [$0]
3-5 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Fourth Amendment to Lease, Department of Public Social Services, Indio; CEQA EXEMPT, 4th District. [$3,802,756 – Federal 50.33%, State 25.22%, County DPSS Budget 2.02%, 1991 Realign Social Services 7.36%, 2011 Realign Protective Services 15.07%]
3-6 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Notice of Intent to Establish County Service Area Charges for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 – Adoption of Resolution No. 2016-093 to set a public hearing. [$0] (Set for Hearing 06/21/2016 @ 9:00 a.m. or as soon as possible thereafter – Clerk to advertise)
3-7 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Temescal Valley Monument Project – Easy Indefinite Quantity Contract Approval of Notice of Completion for Vincor Construction, Inc.; and Authorize Release of Retained Funds to Vincor, 1st District. [$19,334]
3-8 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Riverside County Information Technology Data Center Power Upgrade Project – Approval of Notice of Completion for ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc.; and Authorize Release of Retained Funds, 1st District. [$159,319 – RCIT Operating Budget 100%]
3-9 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Annual Rate Adjustment for Waste Collection with Riverside County Waste Franchise Areas. (Set for Hearing 06/21/2016 @ 9:00 a.m. or as soon as possible thereafter – Clerk to advertise)
3-10 FIRE: Approval of the College/Pre-Hospital Provider Agreement between the County of Riverside and The Orange County EMT Training, to provide Supervised Field Service Experience for Emergency Medical Service Program Students. [$0]
3-11 FIRE: Approval of the College/Pre-Hospital Provider Agreement between the County of Riverside and The West Coast County EMT Training, to provide Supervised Field Service Experience for Emergency Medical Service Program Students. [$0]
3-12 OFFICE ON AGING: Approval of the 2016-2020 Area Plan on Aging (Area Plan), “The Changing Face of Aging.” [$0]
3-13 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approval of the Exemption to Board Policy A-18 to administer the Adult Protective Services (APS) Motel Voucher Program for five years, to provide emergency shelter services for vulnerable elderly or dependent adults. [$20,000 annually] [$129,605 aggregate]
3-14 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Ratify and Approval of Amendment #6 to Agreement #CS-02731 and Amendment #7 to Agreement #CS-02732-07 with Riverside County Superintendent of Schools for providing Educational Liaison, Counseling, and Clerical Services. [$303,800 – Federal Funds 60%, State Funds 40%]
3-15 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approval of Amendment #09 to Agreement AA-02834 with Jaquar Computer Systems, Inc. for Managed IT Services. [$73,311 – Federal 57.40%, State 15.94%, County 0.06%, Realignment: 26.28%, Other 0.32%]
3-16 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement for Correctional Health Electronic Health Records System (EHRS) with Naphcare, Inc. [$80,000 – General Fund 100%]
3-17 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Approval and Execution of the Professional Services Agreement with Innovative Consulting Group for a Novius Lab Analyst without seeking competitive bids, to provide conversion services in support of the EPIC Project. [$236,000 – Hospital Enterprise Fund]
3-18 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Adoption of Resolution No. 2016-121 Authorizing the Sheriff’s Department to Submit a Grant Application to the Board of State and Community Corrections, 5th District. [$0]
3-19 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of Contract Law Enforcement Rates for Fiscal Year 2015-2016. [$0]
3-20 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated (L&LMD No. 89-1-C), unincorporated countywide Zones and Street Lighting Zones – Adoption of Resolution No. 2016-117 ordering preparation of the Engineer’s Report regarding the proposed assessment to be levied and collected for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 within Zones 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 15, 19, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 36, 39, 43, 44, 45, 53, 55, 57, 58, 66, 68, 72, 74, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 94, 97, 100, 103, 109, 110, 112, 119, 123, 124, 135, 138, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 166, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175, 180, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, and 193 and Street Lighting Zones 2,3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 81, 82, 85, 89, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, and 110 of L&LMD No. 89-1-C; and Adoption of Resolution No. 2016-118 declaring its intent to levy and collect assessments within Zones 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 15, 19, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 36, 39, 43, 44, 45, 53, 55, 57, 58, 66, 68, 72, 74, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 94, 97, 100, 103, 109, 110, 112, 119, 123, 124, 135, 138, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 166, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175, 180, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, and 193 and Street Lighting Zones 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 81, 82, 85, 89, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, and 110 of L&LMD No. 89-1-C for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. [$1,562,831 – L&LMD No. 89-1-C 100%] (Set for Public Hearing 07/12/2016 @ 9:00 a.m. or as soon as possible thereafter)
3-21 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Engineering Services Agreements between the County of Riverside and NCM Engineering Corporation for the Temescal Canyon Road Widening Project on Dawson Canyon Road and the Temescal Canyon Road Widening Project on Dos Lagos Drive within the Unincorporated Community of Temescal Valley, 1st & 2nd Districts. [$1,881,236 – Local Funds 100%]
3-22 VETERANS’ SERVICES: Authorization to Accept a Grant from the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CDVA/CalVert) for mental health outreach programs; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. [$45,000 – State 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3-23 RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PSEC DIVISION: Approval of the Public Safety Enterprise Communications (PSEC) Radio System Channel Expansion (channel capacity at the Northwest, Southwest, San Jacinto, Santa Rosa, and Indio PSEC radio cells) and Professional Service Agreement with Motorola Solutions, Inc. without seeking competitive bids. [$4,144,834 – RDA Pass-thru Capital Improvement Fund 100%]
3-24 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Approval and Execution of the Professional Services Agreement with Polaris Healthcare Consulting to provide process improvement management consulting and training services. [$132,000 – Hospital Enterprise Funds]
3-25 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Payment of Attorney Fees to the Prison Law Offices Following Final Approval of the Settlement of Quinton Gray, et al v. County of Riverside; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. [$1,700,000 – General Fund] (4/5 vote required)
3-26 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Adoption of Resolution No. 2016-099, Approval of the By-laws of the Coachella Valley Animal Campus. [$0]
3-27 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT 5: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to the Menifee Valley Community Cupboard; Moreno Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. [$14,500 – General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3-28 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT 4: Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to the Riverside County Economic Development Agency/Workforce Division; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. [$1,000 – General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3-29 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT 4: Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to Desert Recreation District; Rotary Club of Indio; Sky Valley Community Center; United Way of the Desert; and Approval of Budget Adjustments. [$12,100 – General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3-30 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Approve the request made by the Chiriaco Summit Water District to perform biennial audits permitted under Government Code 26909(b)(1) (Requires unanimous vote).
3-31 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Adoption of Resolution No. 2016-130 Determining the Amount of Property Tax Revenue to be Exchanged Between the County of Riverside and the City of Riverside – LAFCO 2015-08-1 Annexation 118 (Central/Sycamore), 1st District. [$1,533 annually - Property Tax Revenue 100%]
of the Mission, Priorities and Authority of the March Joint Powers Authority
(JPA) [$0]
4- (No Business)
5- (No Business)
5-B (No Business)
5-C (No Business)
6- (No Business)
7- (No Business)
8- (No Business)
9-1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Public Hearing on Adoption of Resolution No. 2016-112, Approving the Issuance by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority of Private Activity Bonds for the benefit of Hemet Vistas Apartments, 3rd District. [$0] (Vote Separate)
9-2 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Statement of Abatement on Case No. CV 10-09396, located at 51909 Maxine Drive, Cabazon; APN: 528-033-011, 5th District. [$0]
9-3 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Substandard Structure, Excessive Outside Storage & Accumulated Rubbish] on Case No. CV 14-04439, located at 41315 Johnston Avenue, Hemet; APN: 449-280-005, 3rd District. [$0]
9-4 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Excessive Outside Storage & Accumulated Rubbish] on Case No. CV 15-01226, located at 24431 Juniper Springs Road, Homeland; APN: 455-040-012, 5th District. [$0]
9-5 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 189, Item 318, last assessed to Marion Helen Jones Rubio aka Marion Helen Rubio Trustee or Successor Trustee(s) of the Rubio Living Trust dated 5/28/02, 4th District. [$65,199 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-6 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 192, Item 225, last assessed to Anita Fellabaum Trustee, 1st District. [$5,475 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-7 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 194, Item 32, last assessed to Willie Wortham and Henrietta Wortham, husband and wife, as to an undivided one-third interest; Tommy P. Lee and Cora Lee, husband and wife, as to an undivided one-third interest; and Romalis Lane, a married man as his sole and separate property, 1st District. [$20,574 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-8 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 196, Item 485, last assessed to Martingale Investments, LLC, 4th District. [$126,841 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-9 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 196, Item 703, last assessed to Betty Bedoian, a widow, 4th District. [$10,133 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-10 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 196, Item 737, last assessed to David Lara, a single man, 3rd District. [$304,998 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-11 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 197, Item 127, last assessed to James D. Tielens, 3rd District. [$47,950 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-12 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 197, Item 152, last assessed to Lawrence W. Moore, a married man as his sole and separate property, 5th District. [$4,895 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-13 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 197, Item 153, last assessed to Lawrence W. Moore, a married man as his sole and separate property, 5th District. [$38,576 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-14 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 199, Items 51 and 52, last assessed to Rebecca Pauline, 1st District. [$0]
9-15 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 199, Item 136, last assessed to TMX Holdings, Inc. Trustee of the Crossline Financial Trust pursuant to Declaration dated August 7, 1984, 1st District. [$0]
9-16 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 199, Item 271, last assessed to MG Banning, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, 5th District. [$548 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-17 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 199, Item 321, last assessed to JWB Development, Inc., a California Corporation, 4th District. [$2,612 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-18 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 199, Item 424, last assessed to Daniel Musetti and Janet Musetti, husband and wife as joint tenants and to an undivided one-half interest and William L. Maragno and Dawn Maragno, husband and wife as joint tenants as to an undivided one-half interest as tenants in common, 4th District. [$10,008 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-19 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 200, Item 132, last assessed to Stanley H. Brown and Raenna F. Brown, husband and wife as joint tenants, 1st District. [$21,796 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-20 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 200, Item 358, last assessed to David Dohoda, as his sole and separate property, 5th District. [$301,535 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-21 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 200, Item 474, last assessed to Arthur Garcia and Veronica Garcia, husband and wife and Alice Garcia, a single woman, all as joint tenants, 4th District. [$0]
9-22 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 200, Item 521, last assessed to Rayburn Surrett, 4th District. [$25,951 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-23 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 200, Item 535, last assessed to Francis Iacovino, 5th District. [$16,431 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-24 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 200, Item 567, last assessed to Sarah C. Wall, an unmarried woman and Kevin C. Wall, an unmarried man as joint tenants, 4th District. [$5,388 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-25 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 200, Item 586, last assessed to Antonio Cortes Flores, a married man as his sole and separate property, 4th District. [$7,581 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-26 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 200, Item 641, last assessed to Murrieta Land 60, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, 3rd District. [$355,286 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-27 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 201, Item 57, last assessed to Investment Property Trust dated May 9, 2011, 1st District. [$473 – Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
9-28 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 176, Items 285, 306, 307, 385 and 470, 3rd, 4th & 5th Districts. [$0]
9-29 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 177, Items 106, 127, 134, 143, 215, 219 and 256,1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Districts. [$0]
9-30 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 180, Items 18 and 40, 1st & 5th Districts. [$0]
9-31 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 185, Items 48, 56, 66, 81, 83, 126, 135, 136, 174, 194, 195, 220, 229, 244, 263, 271, 273, 274, 287, 313, 323 and 335, 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Districts. [$0]
9-32 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 189, Items 7, 18, 19, 50, 51, 61, 84, 106, 119, 132, 138, 180, 221, 224, 250, 333, 334, 335, 357, 407, 420, 421, 462, 480, 487, 488, 499, 526, 527, 529, 530, 531, 533, 534 and 555, All Districts. [$0]
9-33 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 191, Items 16, 23, 111, 272, 286, 337, 338 and 339,1st, 2nd 3rd & 4th Districts. [$0]
9-34 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 192, Items 66, 110, 181, 182, 212, 272, 293, 294, 307, 331, 338, 351, 382, 385, 391, 392, 402, 407, 408, 462, 559, 713, 738, 742, 779, 780, 781, 839, 841, 864, 866, 882, 896, 936, 937, 1022, 1023, 1025, 1037, 1041, 1042, 1049, 1050, 1133, 1134 and 1158, 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Districts. [$0]
9-35 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 194, Items 57, 58, 103, 185 and 196, 1st, 4th & 5th Districts. [$0]
9-36 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 195, Items 5, 11, 27, 38, 50, 54, 55, 76, 118, 119, 136, 147, 165, 208 and 257, 4th District. [$0]
9-37 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 196, Items 40, 46, 103, 104, 106, 199, 202, 233, 259, 282, 296, 314, 322, 325, 332, 373, 445, 448, 477, 508, 514, 532, 551, 592, 594, 643, 666, 691 and 693, All Districts. [$0]
9-38 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 197, Items 5, 23, 32, 95 and 96, 1st & 5th Districts. [$0]
9-39 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 199, Items 61, 114, 119, 121, 246, 280, 296, 320, 356, 390 and 391, 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Districts. [$0]
9-40 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 200, Items 28, 34, 36, 43, 89, 92, 101, 128, 129, 234, 247, 255, 276, 282, 322, 324, 382, 400, 459, 465, 466, 476, 488, 489, 501, 502, 511, 571, 572, 574, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 587, 593, 601, 627, 643 and 644, All Districts. [$0]
9-41 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 201, Items 46 and 70, 1st & 3rd Districts. [$0]
9-42 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on Distribution of Unclaimed Excess Proceeds for Agreement Sale No. 4344, 1st District. [$0]
10- (No Business)
11- (No Business)
12-1C DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Public Hearing on the ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 779.17, An Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance No. 779, Relating to County Solid Waste Facilities and Establishing Fees. [$0] (12-1C of 04/26/2016)
12-2C DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Approval of Contract Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with Road Builders, Inc. for the Construction of the 2015 Site Improvements at the Closed Edom Hill, Beaumont, Mead Valley and Coachella Landfills; and Affirm that the environmental effects of the De Anza Channel Slope Repair/Bank Stabilization Project at the closed Pedley Landfill (Project) will not have a significant effect on the environment; CEQA Exempt, 2nd, 4th & 5th Districts. [$286,451 – Department of Waste Resources Enterprise Funds]
12-D (No Business)
13-C (No Business)
13-D (No Business)
14- (No Business)
Members of the Public are encouraged to address the Board of Supervisors. Anyone who wishes to speak must submit a comment request card to the board clerk. Each speaker should begin by identifying themselves for the record and is allowed up to three minutes. An orange light on the podium indicates one minute remaining.
In accordance with Board Policy A-2, section 14, the Chair requests that all present refrain from any action that might disrupt the orderly course of the meeting. Coarse, crude, profane, or vulgar language, or unsolicited comments from the audience, which disrupts or disturbs the Board meeting, may result in exclusion from the meeting. Board members are not allowed to take formal action on items not on the published agenda. As a result, immediate response to public comments may be limited.
15- (No Business)
10:30 A.M.
16-1 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1127, CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7844, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 36730, AGRICULTURAL CASE NO. 1046. Recommendation for Approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 42710, Tentative Approval of General Plan Amendment No. 1127 to amend the land use designation of the Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD:CR) 12.9-acre portion of the property to Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD:MDR); Tentative Approval of Change of Zone No. 7844 to change the zoning from Light Agriculture – 10 Acre Minimum (A-1-10) to One Family Dwellings (R-1) and Planned Residential (R-4); Approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 36730, Schedule A to subdivide 103.62 gross acres into 272 residential lots ranging in size from 5,400 square feet, three water quality detention basin lots (plus one off-site detention basin on 7.7 acres), one 2.18-acre park site, one sewage lift station lot, and 17 open space lots; and, Tentative Approval of Agricultural Case No. 1046, which proposes to disestablish the approximately 100 acre El Sobrante Agricultural Preserve No. 3 (“the project”); and Adoption of Resolution No. 2016-084 approving Agricultural Case No. 1046, issuing a Certificate of Tentative Cancellation and disestablishing El Sobrante Agricultural Preserve No. 3, Map No. 1046. The project is located northerly of El Sobrante Road and easterly of McAllister Street in the Lake Mathews/Woodcrest Area Plan, 1st District. [$0]
16-2 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7877, ORDINANCE NO. 348.4836, and TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 36910. Recommendation for Approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 42811, Approval of Change of Zone NO. 7877 and associated Ordinance No. 348.4836 to change the zoning from Light Agriculture – 5 Acre Minimum (A-1-5) to Residential Agriculture (R-A) and Watercourse, Watershed, & Conservation Areas (W-1); and Approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 36910, Schedule B, to subdivide 9.9 acres into 9 residential lots with a minimum lot size of 25,000 sq. ft. and one (1) open space lot (“the project”). The project is located northerly of Mariposa lane, southerly of Ponderosa Lane, easterly of Alita Drive, and westerly of Suttles Drive in the Lake Mathews / Woodcrest Area, 1st District. [$0]
16-3 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7892, ORDINANCE NO. 348.4837, and PLOT PLAN NO. 16891 REVISION 3 (FTA 2015-03). Recommendation to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 42804; Approval of Change of Zone No. 7892 and associated Ordinance No. 348.4837 to change the zoning from Citrus/Vineyard – 5 acre min (C/V-5) and Citrus/Vineyard – 10 acre minimum (C/V-10) to Wine Country – Winery (WC-W); and Approval of Fast Track 2015-03 Plot Plan No. 16891 Revision 3 to classify the winery as a Class V Winery under the WC-W Zone and add 30 rooms, a swimming pool with a pool service building, and 30 parking spaces to an existing wine country hotel (“the project”). The project is located at 35001 Rancho California Road, Temecula, CA 92591, in the Rancho California area – Southwest Area Plan, 3rd District. [$0]
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9:
Conference with legal counsel-existing litigation:
(Subdivision (d)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9)
A.1 Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians v. Riverside County, et al. (Case No. cv-00007-DMG); Heidi L. Herpel, et al. v. County of Riverside, et al. (Case No. PSC 1404764); Leonard Albrecht, et al. v. County of Riverside (Case No. PSC 1501100)
A.2 County of Riverside v. Paul Hubbs Construction Company, Inc., et al. (Case No. RIC 387195)
A.3 SoCal Environmental Justice Alliance v. County of Riverside (Case No. RIC 1604639)
A.4 Christian Cazares v. County of Riverside, et al. (Case No. CV 00900-JGB-SP)
A.5 Betsey S. Whitman, et al. v. Jonathan Atchison, et al. (Case No. PSC1505435)
A.6 Albert Thomas Paulek, et al. v. County of Riverside, et al. (Case No. RIC 1605515)
County of Riverside v. City of Moreno Valley; Moreno Valley Community
District Board; et al. (Case No. RIC 1511180)
Conference with legal counsel-anticipated litigation:
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(2) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
B.1 Three potential cases
Conference with legal counsel-anticipated litigation:
Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(4) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
C.1 One potential case
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6:
D.1 Conference with labor negotiator:
Agency Negotiator – Michael T. Stock
Employee organizations – Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, RCDDAA, RSA, SEIU, LIUNA, UDW and LEMU
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1461:
E.1 Report Involving Trade Secret
Discussion will concern: Compliance Update
1:30 P.M.
16-4 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Fire Audit Workshop. [$0]