APRIL 9, 2024
9:30 A.M.
1.1 23585 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publication. [$0]
2.1 24638 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Final Parcel Map 37537 a Schedule "E" Subdivision in the Glen Valley area. District 1. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.2 23727 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Final Tract Map 37155 a Schedule "A" Subdivision in the Cleveland National Forest area. District 2. [Applicant Fees 100%] (Continued to April 30, 2024)
2.3 24645 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Receive the Official Canvass of Votes for the March 5, 2024 Consolidated Presidential Primary Election, All Districts. [$0].
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
3.1 24689 BOS DISTRICT 1: First District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) to be allocated to The Fruit of Our Hands Ministries, The Grove Community Church, Riverside County District Attorney’s Office, Riverside University Health System Foundation, and Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center. [$61,500 – General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.2 24467 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approve Allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds from the Contingency Allocation Category to the Coachella Valley Water District for Increased Costs Associated with Construction of the Mecca Lift Station 55-11 Capacity Upgrade Project, and Approve and Execute the Second Amendment to the Infrastructure Project Funding Agreement Between the County of Riverside and Coachella Valley Water District, through Fiscal Year 26/27, District 4. [$1,000,000 Total Cost - 100% ARPA] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.3 24388 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Ratify and Approve the First Amendment to the Legal Services Agreement for Legal Counsel for the Attorney General Investigation with Liebert Cassidy Whitmore to Increase the total contract amount to $300,000 and authorize the Chair of the Board to Sign the Agreement on behalf of the County. District all. [Total cost $300,000; up to $30,000 in additional compensation; 100% General Fund]. (4/5 Vote Required)
3.4 24543 DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Approve and Authorize the District Attorney, or Designee, to Submit Online Grant Application and Related Documents for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) for the BJA FY24 Prosecuting Cold Cases Using DNA, including Application for Federal Assistance Standard Form (SF-424) OMB Form Number 4040-0004, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL) OMB Form Number 4040-0013, and Web-Based Form Regarding System of Internal Controls Questionnaire (F1-36), and Authorize the Chairman of the Board to Make Certifications of Forms SF-424 and SF-LLL on Behalf of the County, and Authorize the District Attorney, or Designee, to Complete and Make the Certifications in the Web-Based Form F1-36. All Districts. [$0].
3.5 24576 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Ratify and Approve the Agreement with Mercy Air Methods, LLC. providing Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) for Riverside County Emergency Medical Services for the period of February 1, 2024, through January 31, 2029. All Districts. [Total Cost $0]
3.6 24198 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Indio Law Library Relocation Project - California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exempt Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1 Existing Facilities and Section 15061 (b)(3) "Common Sense" Exemptions, Approval of In-Principle and Phase I Preliminary Project Budget, Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Westgroup Designs, Inc.; District 4. [Total Cost $2,890,580 - 100% Capital Improvement Program Fund 30700]
3.7 24260 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT- REAL ESTATE (FM-RE): Adoption of Resolution 2024-059, Declaration of Exempt Surplus Land and Notice of Intent to Convey Fee Simple Interests in Real Property Located in the County of Riverside (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers Listed in Attachment A), by Grant Deed to the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority; Districts 2 and 3. [$0] (Clerk of the Board to give notice) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.8 24279 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REAL ESTATE (FM-RE): Approval of Notice to Terminate Lease with Desert Community College District, 73-300 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines sections 15301 and 15061(b)(3); District 4. [$0] (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
3.9 24499 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Ratify and Approve Professional Services Agreement for Electronic Medical Dispatch Software and Associated Software Licensing and Maintenance (FPARC-92045-001-12/28) with Medical Priority Consultants, Inc. dba Priority Dispatch Corp Without Seeking Competitive Bids for up to Five (5) Years through December 31, 2028; All Districts. [Total Cost Not to Exceed $546,000, up to $54,600 in Additional Compensation - 24% Fire General Fund, 41% Contract Reimbursement, 35% Structural Fire Taxes]
3.10 24263 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Approve the Form of the Subrecipient Agreement HWSCoC-0000053 with Housing Authority of the County of Riverside and Subrecipient Agreements and Covenant Agreement Templates HWSCoC-0004913 with God's Fan Club, and HWSCoC-0000054 with Riverside University Health System - Behavioral Health for the Use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds for the Emergency Resilience/Shelter Projects; and Authorize the Director of HWS to Execute the attached Forms of the Subrecipient Agreements and Covenant Agreements; Districts 1 and 3. [$4,000,000 Total Cost - 100% Federal ARPA Funds]
3.11 24302 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-019, Approving Funding Allocation and Support for Application for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee and Support for Application for Award of Private Activity Bonds to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee for Cambern Avenue Apartments, Located in the City of Lake Elsinore; and Approval of Up to $4,000,000 from Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Funds to Community HousingWorks; District 2. [$4,000,000 – 100% Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Funds]
3.12 24392 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Approve the Form of the Loan Agreement for the Use of Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program (HHIP) Funds for Mulberry Gardens Senior Apartments in the City of Riverside by and between the County of Riverside and Mulberry Gardens Senior, L.P., a California Limited Partnership, and Approval of All Attachments Thereto, and Authorize the Director of HWS to Execute a Form of the Attached HHIP Loan Agreement, Covenant Agreement, and Subsequent Subordination Agreements; District 1. [$1,300,000 – 100% HHIP Funds]
3.13 24583 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-083, Approving HOME ARP Funding Allocation and Support for Application for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee and Support for Application for Award of Private Activity Bonds to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee for the Sunrise at Bogart Apartments Project Located in the City of Riverside, and Approval of Loan up to $1,800,000 from HOME Investment Partnerships Act American Rescue Plan Act (HOME-ARP) Funds to Sunrise at Bogart, LP for the Sunrise at Bogart Apartments Project; District 1. [$1,800,000 - 100% HOME-ARP funds]
3.14 24601 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-084, Approving Funding Allocation and Support for Application for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee and Support for Application for Award of Private Activity Bonds to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee for the Sandstone Valley Apartments Housing Project Located in the City of Murrieta, and Reapproval of Up to $3,000,000 from Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Funds to Sandstone Valley Apartments LP, for the Sandstone Valley Apartments Housing Project, District 3. [$3,000,000 - 100% Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) funds]
3.15 24704 DELETED
3.16 24636 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve the Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement between Washington Trust Bank as Current Trustee and Alta Trust Company to become Successor Trustee holding Trust assets of a health reimbursement plan sponsored by the County of Riverside and Appendix A Consent of Gallagher, Successor Trustee, and Plan Sponsor (Attachment A), All Districts. [$0]
3.17 24664 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve Restated Services Agreement with Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. and the County of Riverside NRCC-0156CA for the Fixed Annuity Contract Issued for the Benefit of the County of Riverside VEBA Post-Employment Program Health Savings Plan, All Districts. [$0]
3.18 24476 HUMAN RESOURCES AND CODE ENFORCEMENT: Approval of the Side Letter Agreement with Laborers’ International Union of North America, Local 777, (LIUNA) adding an Overtime Exception for Code Enforcement Employees, All Districts. [Total Cost – $99,825, Annual Cost - $70,737, Source of Funds – Code Enforcement Department Budget]
3.19 24507 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Classification and Compensation recommendation to establish a new Diet Aide classification, and amend Salary Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9417 submitted herewith, All Districts. [Current Year Cost – $0, Ongoing Cost – $0]
3.20 23176 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Approve the Funding Allocation for Visit Greater Palm Springs/ Film Familiarization (FAM) Tours, and Approve and Execute Professional Services Agreements with Visit Greater Palm Springs and Inland Empire Film Services, through Fiscal Year 25/26. All Districts [$150,000 Total Cost - 100% ARPA funds] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.21 24300 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Ratify and Approve Subcontract No. S-7983-County of Riverside Office of Economic Development, S-8213-County of Riverside Office of Economic Development, and Subcontract No. 8214- County of Riverside Office of Economic Development by and Between CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC) and the County of Riverside, by and through its Office of Economic Development to operate the Coachella Valley Small Business Development Center (CVSBDC) for two years, and for Capital Infusion Consulting and Expansion of Services through the Coachella Valley Small Business Development Center (CVSBDC) for one year, Districts 4 and 5. CEQA Exmpt per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) [$830,000 Total Cost – 39% Federal, 22% State, 39% Economic Development funds]
3.22 24456 PROBATION DEPARTMENT: Approve the Professional Service Agreement with Codex Corporation dba Guardian RFID for Software, Hardware, Support, Web-Based Software for Inmate Management, Monitoring, and Tracking Solutions, effective upon signature for three years from the “Go-Live Date” in the aggregate amount of $273,640, with the option to renew for an additional three year period in the aggregate amount of $235,470 through 2030; All Districts; [Total Aggregate Cost $509,110; Up to $50,911 in Additional Compensation; 100% Probation Department Budget].
3.23 23475 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 2 to the First Amended and Restated Professional Services Agreement DPSS-0004398 with Simpler North America, LLC. for Lean Leadership and Delivery Support for Integrated Services Delivery Model to increase the FY 23/24 budget amount by $495,252 from $3,222,488 to $3,717,740 effective January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024; All Districts. [Total Cost $495,252; up to $1,093,548 in additional compensation; FY2023/2024 State 24%, County General Fund 76%]
3.24 24185 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES (DPSS): Approve and Authorize the County of Riverside System Improvement Plan 2023-2027 for the Department of Public Social Services: Children’s Services Division; All Districts. [$0]
3.25 24544 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Polling Place Accessibility Training Program, § 213 Reimbursement Funds and Budget Agreement No. 23G26133, All Districts. [$158,829 - 100% Secretary of State Reimbursement] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.26 24546 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Cyber Security and Infrastructure Program Reimbursement Funds and Budget Adjustment Agreement No. 23G27133, All Districts. [$249,000 - 100% Secretary of State Reimbursement] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.27 23884 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Agreement with Service Thinking, Inc to Provide the CareFlow Software Platform for FY 2023/2024, With the Option to Renew for Four Additional One-Year Periods Without Seeking Competitive Bids, All Districts. [$1,150,000 total for 5 Years, up to $115,000 in Additional Compensation, $300,000 for FY 2023/2024, $250,000 for FY 2024/2025, $200,000 annually for FY 2025/2026 through FY 2027/2028, 100% State Funding]
3.28 24672 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Adoption of Ordinance No. 989, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Authorizing a Public Leaseback to Finance the Costs of the Design, Development, Construction, Installation, Furnishing and Equipping of a Behavioral Health Facilities Campus in the Unincorporated Mead Valley Area of the County of Riverside, California, District 1. [$0]
3.29 24614 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Best Value Construction Contracting for Counties Pilot Program report on Implementation of the Best Value Contracting Methodology to Increase Flexibility in the Sheriff’s Office Project Management Division. All Districts; [$0]
3.30 24505 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Approve the Professional Service Agreement with Rivera Towing, Inc. for Standard Vehicle Abatement Services through December 31, 2024, without seeking competitive bids; All Districts. [$250,000 Total Cost; up to $25,000 in additional compensation - 100% State Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) Grant Revenue for AVA qualified units]
3.31 24549 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 348.5012 FOR CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 2100122 - Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to sections 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structure) – Applicant: Diamond Valley Lodge – Third Supervisorial District – San Jacinto Valley Area Plan: Open Space: Recreation (OS:R) – Rural Community: Low Density Residential (RC:LDR) – Location: South of Cactus Valley Road, north east of Sage Road, west of Kel Star Road – 60.32 Acres – Hemet / San Jacinto Zoning District – Zoning: Open Area Combining Zone-Residential Developments (R-5) – REQUEST: Ordinance No. 348.5012 and Change of Zone No. 2100122 is a proposal to change the zoning classification on APNs 469-160-005, 469-160-029, 469-160-035, and 469-160-037 from Open Area Combining Zone-Residential Developments (R-5) to Natural Assets (N-A). – APNs: 469-160-005, 469-160-029, 469-160-035, 469-160-037. District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.32 24070 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Notice of Completion – Center Street and Stephens Avenue Resurfacing Project, in the Community of Highgrove. District 1. [$0]
3.33 24301 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Notice of Completion – Emergency Repair Work, Whitewater Cutoff Bridge in the Whitewater Area and Chuckwalla Valley Road Culverts in the Desert Center Area, District 4. [$0]
3.34 24358 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approve Addendum to the Plans and Specifications, Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of the Avenue 48 Widening Project, in the Community of Carver Tract, City of Coachella, and City of Indio; District 4. [$2,337,000 Total Cost - CVAG 75%, County of Riverside 11%, City of Coachella 12%, City of Indio 1%, and Valley Sanitary District 1%]
3.35 24357 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approve Addenda to the Plans and Specifications, Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of the Lakepointe Drive Reconstruction Project, in the Community of Lake Hills; District 2. [$1,761,383 Total Cost - State Exchange 48.6%, American Rescue Plan Act 51.1%, and Western Municipal Water District 0.3%]
3.36 24703 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the Riverside County District Attorney's Office - Division of Victim Services, U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corp.; Paul Revere Division, Riverside University Health System Foundation, and Temescal Heritage Foundation Agency/Organization. [$14,500.00 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.37 24538 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approve and Execute the Infrastructure Project Funding Agreement Between the County of Riverside and the City of San Jacinto for Delivery of the State Street Rehab (Idyllwild to 9th Street) Project, through Fiscal Year 26/27, District 5. [$2,000,000 Total Cost - 100% ARPA Funds] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.38 24572 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Transition of Supervisorial Oversight Until the Remaining District Lines Take Effect in January 2025, District 3. [$0]
3.39 24677 BOS DISTRICT 3: Approve the Third District Unincorporated Communities Initiative Projects and Direct the Executive Office to Transfer $160,000 of Third District Unincorporated Communities Funds to Anza Electric Cooperative, Inc., $810,000 to Riverside County Transportation Department, and $12,000 to Riverside County Code Enforcement, to Support Project Funding. District 3. [$982,000 Total Cost – 100% General Fund/Unincorporated Communities Initiative Funds]
3.40 24684 BOS DISTRICT 4: Approval of a Neighborhood Revitalization Project Utilizing Fourth District American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Second Allocation Funds. District 4. [$4,500,000 Total Cost – 100% American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.41 24687 BOS DISTRICT 5: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the Construction Industry Education Foundation (CIEF) . [$4,000 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.42 24692 BOS DISTRICT 5: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for City of Hemet and Moreno Valley Education Foundation. [$27,500 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.43 24714 BOS DISTRICT 5: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for G1 Training & Fitness. [$3,000 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
5A Public Financing Authority Meeting
6 Industrial Development Authority Meeting
7 In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Meeting
8 Community Facilities District Legislative Body Meeting
9 Riverside County Library System Foundation Meeting
10 Housing Authority Meeting
11 Flood Control and Water Conservation District Meeting
11.1 23986 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Adoption of Resolution No. F2024-06, Authorization to Convey Easement Interests in Real Property Over a Portion of Assessor's Parcel Numbers 377-430-036, 377-430-037, 377-140-023 and 377-081-013, Referenced as RCFC Parcel Numbers 3175-3A, 3175-2, 3175-1A and 3175-5, to Southern California Edison Company by Easement Deeds, Third Street Channel, Project No. 3-0-00175, Nothing Further is Required Under CEQA, District 2. [$0]
11.2 24567 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of the Cooperative Funding Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the City of Calimesa for Calimesa Channel, Stage 3, Calimesa Channel, Stage 4 and Calimesa Detention Basin, Project Numbers 5-0-00160 and 5-0-00141 (Miscellaneous No. 183), CEQA Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), District 5. [$11,447,260 Not-to-Exceed Cost – District Zone 5 Funding 100%]
11.3 24609 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Review and Determine There is a Need to Continue the Tropical Storm Hilary Emergency Actions; Receive and File the Report of the Tropical Storm Hilary Emergency Actions, CEQA Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15269, All Districts. [$0] (4/5 Vote Required)
12 County Board and Waste Resources Management District Meeting
13 County Board and Regional Park and Open Space District Meeting
14 Riverside Community Housing Corp. Meeting
14.1 24525 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOUSING CORP. (RCHC): Adopt Resolution No. 2024-001, Rescinding Resolution 2021-003 and Authorizing RCHC Chief Executive Officer or the Chief Operating Officer to execute any documents necessary to receive permanent financing in an amount not to exceed $12,000,000 from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Multifamily Housing Program (MHP) and Adopt Resolution No. 2024-002, Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer or the Chief Operating Officer to execute any documents necessary to receive permanent financing in an amount not to exceed $8,000,000 from PNC Bank, National Association for The Blossom Apartments (formerly Allegheny Apartments) project on behalf of RCHC; Approve attached forms of loan and loan agreement documents with HCD and PNC Bank; Not a Project under CEQA; District 5. [$20,000,000 – 60% California Multifamily Housing Program Funds and 40% PNC Bank Permanent Loan Funds] (Clerk of the Board to File Notice of Exemption)
15 Riverside University Health System Medical Center Governing Board Meeting
15.1 24498 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Ratify and Approve Medical Staff Appointments, Reappointments, Clinical Privileges Proctoring, Additional Privileges, Withdrawal of Privileges, Leave of Absences, Resignations/Withdrawals, Automatic Termination, and Privileges, as Recommended by the Medical Executive Committee on July 13, 2023, August 10, 2023, September 14, 2023, October 12, 2023, November 9, 2023, and December 14, 2023, All Districts. [$0].
16.1 Jim Niederecker spoke regarding concerns over signage requirements in the newly adopted Ordinance 348.
16.2 Errol Koschewitz spoke regarding concerns with item 3.2 and the Board moving public comments out of order at today’s Board meeting.
16.3 Eddie Apodaca spoke regarding the government and voting discrepancies.
16.4 Diane Zimmerman spoke regarding the eclipse and the negative impact of the government.
16.5 Veronica Langworthy spoke regarding the Board not announcing roll call verbally for those hard of hearing and requested the Board verbally say what motion was taken on the item.
(Executive Office) Riverside County Civil Grand Jury Recruitment
(Human Resources) County Service Awards 25 years or more of service
20 10:00 A.M. County General Plan Amendment Initiation Proceedings Meeting
21 10:00 A.M. County Land Use Public Hearings Meeting
21.1 24464 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 220011 – Consider an Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration – Applicant: GCRE & Butterfield Stage Center, LLC c/o Amy Williams – Engineer/ Representative: Temecula Engineering Consultants, Inc c/o Stanley D. Heaton – Third Supervisorial District – Rancho California Zoning Area – South West Area Plan – Commercial Retail (CR) – Location: North of Mazoe Street, south of Auld Road, east of Pourroy Road, and west of Dickson Path – 23.98 Gross Acres – Zoning: General Commercial (C-1/ C-P) – REQUEST: Proposal to amend the Circulation Element of the Riverside County General Plan to change the designation of Auld Road west of Pourroy Road to Washington Street from Urban Arterial to Arterial and to realign Pourroy Road between High Vista Drive to Auld Road – APN(s): 964-050-001 and 964-050-006. District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
Supervisor Perez:
· Easley Solar Project site visit
· Rancho Community Event Facility Ordinance Community meeting
Supervisor Spiegel:
· Michelle’s Place Community event in Canyon Lake
· Coffee with the Vets America Legion Post 742 event
· PEO Chapter DO Philanthropic Organization 100th Anniversary
· Women’s Initiative Readiness in Electrical
· Leaps and Bounds Saddle Up for Pediatric Therapy
Supervisor Washington:
· Child Abuse Preventative Month Flag Raising Ceremony
· City of Murrieta Assistant City Manager, Ivan Holler’s Retirement
· Raven Hilden, CEO of MILVET Recognition at Menifee
· Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Gala
Supervisor Jeffries:
· Requested staff look into creating an account to place discretionary revenues that can be utilized to help community centers
Board Committee Report / Update
Executive Officer / State Budget Update
Jeff Van Wagenen:
· Staff are working with departments on options to fund community centers
· Recognized Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District and Riverside County Sheriff’s department for receiving the California Trails and Greenways Merit Award for joint efforts with the Santa Ana River bottom
· Recognized Flood Control and Water Conservation District for receiving the Don Galleano Water Champion Award for innovative and collaborative work
· Riverside County received the Innovations in GIS Award joint efforts by RCIT, RUHS and Office of Strategic Integration
· Manuel Martinez Plaza
· Kenneth N. Parkins
County Counsel Report On Closed Sessions
Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation:
(Subdivision (d)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9)
24693 A.1 Lara T., et al v. County of Riverside, et al. (Riverside Superior Court Case No.: CVRI2000429) and Mary T., et al v. County of Riverside, et al. (Riverside Superior Court Case No.: CVRI2201537)
24694 A.2 Ryan Santana v. County of Riverside (Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board Case No.: ADJ15672338)
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation:
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(2) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation:
Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(4) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
24695 D.1 Conference with labor negotiator:
Agency Negotiator – County Executive Officer
Employee organizations – Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, RCDDAA, RSA, SEIU, LIUNA, UDW and LEMU
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1):
The Chair declared the meeting adjourned.
Chuck Washington, Chair of the Board of Supervisors
ATTEST: Kimberly A. Rector, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors