DECEMBER 15, 2020
9:30 A.M.
1.1 13257 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publication. [$0]
1.2 13968 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING DIRECTOR DECISION TO APPROVE THE TENATIVE PARCEL MAP NO 36927 – Applicant: Inland Valley Surveying, Inc. – Fifth Supervisorial District – Nuevo Zoning Area – Lakeview/Nuevo Area Plan – Rural Community: Low Density Residential (RC:LDR) – 4.32 Acres – Location: North of Central Avenue, south of Nuevo Road, east of Rosary Avenue, and west of Sky Drive – Zoning: Residential Agriculture (R-A) - REQUEST: Tentative Parcel Map No. 36927 is a Schedule “H” subdivision map to subdivide a 4.49 gross acres parcel into four single-family residential parcels. The minimum proposed parcel size is 1.0 gross acres and the maximum proposed parcel size is 1.20 gross acres – APN(s): 309-130-005. District 5. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.1 11944 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove, and the positive find of the Golden Spotted Oak Borer (GSOB) in the community of Idyllwild. [$0]
2.3 14013 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of Local Emergency in Riverside County due to the discovery of citrus greening disease, or huanglongbing, All Districts [$0].
2.4 14014 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the spread of Pierce's Disease in the Local Vineyards, District 3. [$0]
2.5 14087 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Internal Audit Report 2021-207: Riverside County Office of the District Attorney, Follow-up Audit, All Districts. [$0]
2.6 14113 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Approval of 2021 Recurring Board Presentations of Proclamations List. [$0]
2.7 13795 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the San Jacinto Valley Cemetery District, District 3. [$0]
2.8 13901 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Northwest Mosquito and Vector Control District, Districts 1 and 2. [$0]
2.9 13949 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Alvord Unified School District, Districts 1 and 2. [$0]
2.10 14010 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, District 4. [$0]
2.11 14102 HOUSING, HOMELESS NESS PREVENTION AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS / COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP (HHPWS / CAP): Receive and File 2019 Annual Report for Community Action Partnership, All Districts. [$0]
2.12 13972 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of Final Parcel Map 37201 a Schedule "E" Subdivision in the Anza area. District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.13 14127 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Appointment of Teri Biancardi as a Third District Representative to the Temecula-Elsinore-Anza-Murrieta Resource Conservation District within Riverside County. [$0]
2.14 14129 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Reappointment of Bruce Scott and John J. Etchart as San Jacinto Basin Resource Conservation District Directors. [$0]
3.1 14144 BOS DISTRICT 4: Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the Regional Access Project Foundation. [$2,500 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.2 10999 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Introduction of Ordinance No. 957, Regulating Alarm Systems and Declaring Repeated False Alarms a Public Nuisance, All Districts. [$0]
3.3 13887 ANIMAL SERVICES: Accept and Approve the PetSmart Charities Grant Agreement between Department of Animal Services and PetSmart Charities, Inc.; All Districts. [$75,000 - 100% Grant Revenue]
3.4 13850 ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER/ RMAP: Approval of the revised General and Departmental Records Retention Schedules, All Districts. [$0] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.5 14040 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Authorization to Reissue County Stale Dated Warrants #2020-9, All Districts. [$199,667- Stale Dated Warrants Fund 69008 100%]
3.6 13395 BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Angela Janus for consulting services under the Coachella Valley Small Business Development Center without seeking competitive bids for three years; [Fourth and Fifth Districts]; [Total Cost $210,000; up to $21,000 in additional compensation] [$70,000 Annually]; 100% Coachella Valley Small Business Development Center Grant funds; CEQA Exempt.
3.7 13878 BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (BCS): Ratify and Approve the Application for and Financial Assistance Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Supplemental Disaster Recovery and Resiliency Award project in the amount of $858,000, Approve the Subrecipient Agreement with AMPAC Tri-State CDC, Inc. for microloan services without seeking competitive bids in the amount of $819,000, Approve the First Amendment to Subrecipient Agreement with AMPAC Tri-State CDC, Inc. in the amount of $250,000 for microloan services; and Approve updated RLF Administrative Plan, [All Districts], [$1,108,000] Federal USEDA Grant Funds 91%, Business and Community Services Funds 9%; Not A Project Under CEQA.
3.8 14045 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM): Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Service Agreement with Cal Dreamscape Landscape Company, Inc. for the Addition and Deletion of locations for Landscape Maintenance Services up to June 30, 2023 - All Districts, [$531,043 annually up to $53,104 in additional compensation]; 100% Department Budgets.
3.9 13853 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Riverside County Emergency Operations Center COVID-19 Design-Build Project - Ratify and Approve First Amendment and Approval of Notice of Completion for Hensel Phelps Construction Company, District 1. [$925,000 - General Fund to be Reimbursed by CARES Act - 100% (Previously approved budget)] (Clerk to Record Notice of Completion)
3.10 13715 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Roy's Desert Springs Remodel Project - Approve the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with LandMark Consultants, Inc. and Approval of the Notices of Completion for the Awarded Multi-Prime Contractors, District 4. [$924,615 - Mental Health Services Act Fund - 100%] (Clerk to Record Notices of Completion)
3.11 14118 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Riverside University Health System Behavioral Health Riverside Juvenile Hall Coronavirus Disease 2019 Emergency Housing Conversion Project - Approval of Notices of Completion for ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc., CICO Electrical Contractors, Inc., Sudweeks Construction, Inc., and Shaw Industries, Inc., District 1. [$79,256 - RUHS Behavioral Health Funds to be Reimbursed by CARES Act - 100%] (Clerk to Record Notices of Completion) (Continued to January 12, 2021)
3.12 13956 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Riverside University Health System Medical Office Building Furniture and Equipment Design Project – Approval of Notice of Completion for GKK Works Construction Services, Inc., District 5. [$12,017 - RUHS Enterprise Fund 40050 - 100%] (Clerk to Record Notice of Completion)
3.13 13134 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND SALTON SEA AUTHORITY: Salton Sea North Shore Marina Dredging Project – Approval of the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement for Environmental Planning and Compliance Services with Dudek, and Approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids, District 4. [$0 - Salton Sea Authority Department Funds - 100% (Previously approved Budget)] (Clerk to Advertise for Bids)
3.14 13590 HOUSING, HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS: Ratify and Approve Agreement HHPWSCoC-0000033 with Bitfocus, Inc. for Homeless Management Information System Services for Five Years; All Districts. [$638,470; up to $63,847 in additional compensation - 100% Federal Funding]
3.15 13948 HOUSING, HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HHPWS): Adoption of Environmental Assessment Report and Finding of No Significant Impact for Tres Lagos Apartments, City of Wildomar, Pursuant to the National Environment Policy Act, and Approval of Request for Release of Funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); District 1. [Housing Choice Voucher Program Project Based Vouchers 100%]
3.16 13953 HOUSING HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HHPWS): Adoption of Environmental Assessment Report and Finding of No Significant Impact for La Sierra Development, City of Riverside, Pursuant to the National Environment Policy Act, and Approval of Request for Release of Funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); District 1 [Housing Choice Voucher Program Project Based Vouchers - 100%]
3.17 13954 HOUSING HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HHPWS): Adoption of Environmental Assessment Report and Finding of No Significant Impact for Vista Sunrise II Development, City of Palm Springs, Pursuant to the National Environment Policy Act and Approval of Request for Release of Funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); District 4. [Housing Choice Voucher Program Project Based Vouchers - 100%]
3.18 13955 HOUSING, HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HHPWS): Adoption of Environmental Assessment Report and Finding of No Significant Impact for Agave at Palm Canyon, City of Palm Springs, Pursuant to the National Environment Policy Act, and Approval of Request for Release of Funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); District 4. (Housing Choice Voucher Program Project Based Vouchers 100%)
3.19 13960 HOUSING, HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HHPWS): Ratify and Approve Standard Agreement No. 20-HHAP-00009 with the State of California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency (BCSH), as Administrative Entity for the Continuum of Care for Riverside County, for the 2020 Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program for five years, and Subrecipient Agreement Template, All Districts. [Total Cost: $3,311,373 - 100% State]
3.20 14071 HOUSING, HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HHPWS): Adoption of Environmental Assessment Report and Finding of No Significant Impact for Rancho Family Housing, City of Temecula, Pursuant to the National Environment Policy Act, and Approval of Request for Release of Funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); District 3. [Housing Choice Voucher Program Project Based Vouchers - 100%]
3.21 13904 HUMAN RESOURCES: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 1 to the County of Riverside Flexible Benefit Program, effective from 1/01/2020, and Approve the County of Riverside Flexible Benefit Program, as Amended and Restated effective 1/01/2021, for Eligible County Employees, All Districts. [Total Cost - $0]
3.22 13973 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. Service Agreement and the Fixed Annuity Investment Fund Option under the Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association Post Employment Program Health Savings Plan. All Districts. [$0]
3.23 11407 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the 2021 - 2025 MOU with the County of Riverside and the Riverside County Deputy District Attorneys Association, All Districts [$8,484,935; 42% Department Budget, 58% NCC]
3.24 14009 HUMAN RESOURCES & SHERIFF: Classification and Compensation recommendation to adjust the salaries of the Chief Forensic Pathologist, Forensic Pathologist IV, and Forensic Pathologist III classifications; and amend Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9176 submitted herewith, All Districts. [Cost-$392,701 [Source of Funds – 100% Sheriff's Budget] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.25 14133 PURCHASING AND FLEET: Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Service Agreements with Interpreters Unlimited, Inc. and Hanna Interpreting Services for Verbal and Written Interpretative Language Services without seeking competitive bids through June 30, 2021. (All Districts); [Total Cost $215,000; up to $21,500 in additional compensation] 100% Departmental Funds.
3.26 14112 RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - PUBLIC SAFETY ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATION (PSEC): MOU with the City of Corona to expand PSEC radio coverage as approved by the PSEC Steering Committee to increase public safety communications, approve Change Order #CO191270A-02 with Motorola for additional services for the City of Corona for the amount of $770,920, and approve the purchase of Pepro Cabinet without seeking competitive bids in the amount of $107,525; All Districts. [Total Cost $946,767, which includes contingency of $68,322; RCIT PSEC Funded - 30%, City of Corona funded – 70%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.27 11520 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify an Increase to the FY19/20 Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Provider Aggregate, All Districts. [Additional Cost of $2,063,535 for 1 year; up to $206,354 in Additional Compensation, 100% State Funding]
3.28 12647 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Emergency Procurement Agreement with Telecare Corporation for Residential Psychiatric Services without Seeking Competitive Bids for One Year with the Option to Renew for One Additional Year Based on Emergency Declaration Status, District 1. [Total Cost for Two Years $11,431,214; 30%Federal, 70% State Funding]
3.29 13912 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and approve the First Amendment to the FY20/21 Agreement with Recovery Innovations Inc. DBA RI International for the Integrated Care Behavioral Health Full Service Partnership Program, Districts 4 and 5. [$2,934,304; Up to $293,434 in Additional Compensation; 30% Federal Funding , 70% State Funding]
3.30 14126 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Adopt Resolution 2020-252 to Authorize the Director of Behavioral Health to Apply for and Accept the Noncompetitive Allocation Funds Under the No Place Like Home Program (NPLH), All Districts. [$0, State 100%]
3.31 14136 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Adopt Resolution 2020-243, to Authorize the Director of Behavioral Health to Apply for and Accept the Competitive Allocation Funds Under the No Place Like Home Program (NPLH), All Districts. [$0, State 100%]
3.32 13950 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approve the Professional Service Agreement with TDJ Partners Inc. DBA Rubidoux Mortuary to Provide Body Transport Services for the Sheriff’s Coroner Department for Ten (10) years and authorize the Chairman of the Board to Sign the Agreement on behalf of the County, All Districts. [$400,000- Annual; $4,000,000 Ten Year Total; up to $400,000 in additional compensation; 80% Department Revenue Collections Program, 20% Sheriff’s Budget]
3.33 13652 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approve FLIR Surveillance, Inc. as a Sole Source vendor for the repair, parts and inspections of Sheriff's Aviation FLIR camera systems without seeking competitive bids for five years. All Districts. [$500,000 - 5 Year Cost; 100% Sheriff's Budget]
3.34 13994 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approve the First Amendment to Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the Southern Coachella Valley Community Services District and the County of Riverside (FY20/21-FY24/25), and Amend Salary Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9175 submitted herewith. District 4. [<$1,583,400> - Contract City Law Enforcement 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.35 13942 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/AVIATION: Approval of a Lease Agreement Between the County of Riverside and Ramko Injection, Inc., a California corporation at Hemet-Ryan Airport, District 3. [$0]
3.36 13957 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/BUILDING AND SAFETY: Approve the Professional Services Agreements with Willdan Engineering, Interwest Consulting Group, Inc., True North Compliance Services, Inc., Bureau Veritas North America, Inc., Transtech Engineering Consultants, Inc., and J. Lee. Engineering, Inc. from other than low bidder, for On-Call Building and Safety Services (Plans Examiner, Building Inspector, and Counter Technician), and Geotechnical Services for four and half years. All Districts. [$5,850,000 Total Aggregate Cost, up to $585,000 in Additional Compensation - 100% Fee Revenue]
3.37 14004 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the County of Riverside on behalf of its Transportation Department and MRF-Groves Development, L.P. for Springbrook Wash – South Pigeon Pass Road Storm Drain, Stage 1, Springbrook Wash – South Pigeon Pass Road Lateral, Stage 1, and Springbrook Wash – Highgrove Pass Road Storm Drain, Stage 1, Project Nos. 1-0-00027, 1-0-00024, and 1-0-00019 (Tract No. 33410), Districts 2 and 5. [$0]
3.38 13739 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Notice of Completion – Emergency Road and Storm Drain Repair Work, Lakepointe Drive at Blue Bird Place, Community of Lake Hills. District 1. [$0]
3.39 13900 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the County of Riverside, Valley Wide Park and Recreation District and Global Investment Pool, LLC. for Menifee Valley – Dunn Drive Storm Drain, Stage 1, Menifee Valley – Gardner Lane Storm Drain, Stage 1 (Tract No. 36785), Project Nos. 4-0-00404 and 4-0-00405. District 3. [$0]
3.40 13932 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution No. 2020-246 Summarily Vacating the right to accept drainage easements in the Mead Valley area, CEQA Exempt, District 1. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.41 13934 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approve an Addendum to the Plans and Specifications, Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of Pala Road Resurfacing Project, in the Community of Wolf Valley; District 3. [$1,206,000 Total Cost - Local Funds 100%]
3.42 13935 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution No. 2020-192, Summarily Vacating Apple Court in the Cherry Valley area, CEQA Exempt, District 5. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.43 13993 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Adoption of Resolution No. 2020-257 Summarily Vacating a portion of Cajalco Road in the Mead Valley area, CEQA Exempt, District 1. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.44 14083 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the County of Riverside and Diamond Valley, LLC for Salt Creek - Winchester Road Storm Drain, Stage 1 (Parcel Map No. 36545), Project No. 4-0-00026, District 3. [100% Developer Funds]
3.45 13933 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Ordinance No. 500.2 - Initiation of Amendment to Ordinance No. 500.2 Reducing Permissible Commercial Vehicle Weight on County Highways in Various Residential Areas. All Districts. [$3,000 Total Cost - 100% Gas Tax]
3.46 13997 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Updated Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Re-Bid for the Ramona Expressway Resurfacing Project, in the Communities of Nuevo, Lakeview, and Gilman Hot Springs; CEQA Exempt. Districts 3 and 5. [$7,621,372 Total Cost - Local Funds 100%] (Clerk to Advertise)
3.47 13183 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Adoption of New Thresholds of Significance for Vehicle Miles Traveled for the Purpose of Analyzing Transportation Impacts in Accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and Approval of Transportation Analysis Guidelines for Level of Service and Vehicle Miles Traveled. All Districts. [$130,000 Total Cost - Combined Improvement Funds 100%]
3.48 13262 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Approve the Voluntary Collection Agreement for Riverside County (California) Transient Occupancy Tax and Applicable Assessments with Airbnb, Inc., All Districts. [$0]
3.49 14027 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Approval of the Professional Services Agreement for 18 months through June 30, 2022 with Bridgecom, LLC for processing, printing and mailing of property tax bills, All Districts. [$1,462,500 total cost with up to $146,250 in additional compensation - 100% Treasurer-Tax Collector Budget]
3.50 14029 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR AND ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER: Ratify and Approve the First Amended and Restated Professional Services Agreement with Sonant Corporation for Interactive Voice Response System and Interactive Web Response System Product Maintenance and Support Services, All Districts. [Total Cost $213,417; up to $21,342 in additional compensation - 44% Assessor-Clerk Recorder Budget, 56% Treasurer-Tax Collector Budget Year 1; 100% Treasurer-Tax Collector Department Budget years 2-3]
3.51 14148 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Substitution of Subcontractor for Security Services (Warranty Work) for John J. Benoit Detention Center Project Pursuant to Resolution No. 2010-097, District 4. [$0]
3.52 14165 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reallocation of CARES Act Program Funding to Acquire Additional Mobile Homes At Mountain View Mobile Home Park; Approve the Form of Loan Agreements for the Use of CARES Act, Coronavirus Relief Funds, for Acquisition of Mobile Home Units at Mountain View Estates Phase III in the Community of Oasis; Terminate CARES Loan Agreement Dated December 8, 2020; District 4 [100% CARES Act, Coronavirus Relief Funds - $4,250000] (Companion Item to MT Item #14166)
3.53 14167 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reallocation of Homekey Program Funds from the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to Acquire Additional Mobile Homes At Mountain View Mobile Home Park; Acceptance of Additional Homekey Program Funds from the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and Approval of Standard Agreement with HCD for Homekey Program Funds for the additional Funding; Approval of Budget Adjustment; All Districts [$8,500,000]; Project is CEQA Exempt.
3.54 14161 BOS DISTRICT 5: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the Riverside University Health System Foundation, Riverside County Foundation on Aging and Family Services Association. [$6,500 General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.55 14164 HUMAN RESOURCES & EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Classification and Compensation recommendation to adjust the salaries of the County Counsel & Public Defender job classifications; and amend Salary Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9177 submitted herewith, All Districts. [$(45,052)] [Source of Fund- Department Budget]
3.56 14114 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) Monthly Report November 2020. All Districts. [$0]
4 Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting
4.1 13871 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Adopt SA Resolution No. 2020-03 Approving the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency for the County of Riverside (Successor Agency) Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the Period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 (ROPS 21-22) and Administrative Budget for the Successor Agency for the Period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; All Districts [$56,285,233 -Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF-92%, Bond and Reserves-8%)
5 Public Financing Authority Meeting
6 Industrial Development Authority Meeting
7 In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Meeting
8 Community Facilities District Legislative Body Meeting
9 Riverside County Library System Foundation Meeting
10 Housing Authority Meeting
11 Flood Control and Water Conservation District Meeting
11.1 14141 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Public Hearing to Adopt Resolution No. F2020-32 for the Woodcrest Dam Outlet Modification Project Pursuant to Section 18 of the District Act, CEQA Exempt, Project No. 1-0-00045, District 1. [$0] (Clerk to File CEQA Notice of Exemption) (Continued from December 8, 2020)
11.2 13718 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approve the Addition of District Policy A-12 Authorization for the Use of Facsimile and Digital Signatures, All Districts. [$0]
11.3 13874 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of the Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the County of Riverside on behalf of its Transportation Department and MRF-Groves Development, L.P. for Springbrook Wash South Pigeon Pass Road Storm Drain, Stage 1, Springbrook Wash South Pigeon Pass Road Lateral, Stage 1, and Springbrook Wash Highgrove Pass Road Storm Drain, Stage 1, Project Nos. 1-0-00027, 1-0-00024, and 1-0-00019 (Tract No. 33410), Nothing Further is Required Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Districts 2 and 5. [$0] (Companion Item to MT Item No. 14004)
11.4 13898 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the County of Riverside on behalf of its Transportation Department, Valley Wide Park and Recreation District, and Global Investment Pool, LLC. for Menifee Valley Dunn Drive Storm Drain, Stage 1, Menifee Valley Gardner Lane Storm Drain, Stage 1 (Tract No. 36785), Project Nos. 4-0-00404 and 4-0-00405, Nothing Further is Required Under CEQA, District 3. [$0] (Companion Item MT Item No. 13900)
11.5 13909 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of the License Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the Lake Hemet Municipal Water District for Bautista Creek Channel Recharge Basin Expansion, Stage 50, Project No. 4-0-00030, CEQA Finding of Nothing Further Required, District 3. [$0]
11.6 14021 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Ratification and Approval of the Joint Funding Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey for Water Resources Investigations for a Period of Eight (8) Months, from November 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021. CEQA Exempt. All Districts. [Total $164,220 - 100% District Funds]
11.7 14022 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Adopt Resolution No. F2020-38, Declaration of Exempt Surplus Real Property and Notice of Intent to Sell Fee Simple Interest in District-Owned Real Property Located in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, Identified with Assessor's Parcel Number 909-120-040, Being a Portion of RCFC Parcel 7020-102K, to Eastern Municipal Water District by Grant Deed, Murrieta Creek Channel, Project No. 7-0-00020, District 3. [$0] (4/5 Vote Required)
11.8 14024 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Accept and File the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, All Districts. [$0]
11.9 14031 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Review and Determine That Emergency Conditions Continue and There is a Need to Continue the Apple Fire and El Dorado Fire Emergency Actions; Receive and File the Report of the Apple Fire and El Dorado Fire Emergency Actions in the Areas of Cherry Valley, Highland Springs, Banning Canyon, Mias Canyon and Banning Bench in Unincorporated Riverside County and the Cities of Beaumont and Banning; Receive and File the First Amendment to Emergency Protection Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Granite Construction Company for Emergency Contract Work on the Emergency Protection Project, Nothing Further is Required Under CEQA, District 5. [$550,000 – 100% District Zone 5 Funds] (4/5 Vote Required)
11.10 14038 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the County of Riverside and Diamond Valley, LLC for Salt Creek Winchester Road Storm Drain, Stage 1 (Parcel Map No. 36545), Project No. 4-0-00026, No Further Action is Required Under CEQA, District 3. [$0] (Companion Item to MT Item No. 14083)
11.11 14059 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Adoption of Resolution No. F2020-27, Authorization to Convey An Easement Interest for Public Road and Utility Purposes and Temporary Construction Easement Interests within Portions of District-Owned Real Property Located in the City of Wildomar, County of Riverside, Wildomar MDP Lateral C (Portions of APNs 367-110-007 and 367-450-017) to the City of Wildomar by Public Road & Utility Easement Deed and Temporary Construction Easement Deeds Project No. 7-0-00075, Nothing Further is Required Under CEQA, District 1. [$0] (4/5 Vote Required)
12 County Board and Waste Resources Management District Meeting
13 County Board and Regional Park and Open Space District Meeting
14 Riverside Community Housing Corp. Meeting
14.1 13421 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOUSING CORP (RCHC): Ratify and Approve the Emergency Solutions Grant Agreement between the Riverside Community Housing Corp. (RCHC) and the County of Riverside (County) for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, for the Use of Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Funds between RCHC and the County for Fiscal Years 2020-2021; All Districts. [$295,000 - CARES Act Funding 100%]
14.2 14166 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reallocation of CARES Act Program Funding and Homekey Program Funds from the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to Acquire Additional Mobile Homes At Mountain View Mobile Home Park; Acceptance of Additional Homekey Program Funds from the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and Approval of Standard Agreement with HCD for Homekey Program Funds for the additional Funding; Approval of Acquisition of Mobile Home Units and Master Rental Agreement for Mountain View Estates Mobile Home; Terminate that certain Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Joint Escrow Instructions with Hotel Oxygen Palm Springs, LLC dated September 29, 2020; Terminate CARES Loan Agreement Dated December 8, 2020; Approval of Budget Adjustment; All Districts [$8,500,000]; Project is CEQA Exempt (Clerk of the Board to file the Notice of Exemption) (Companion Item to MT Item #14165)
15 Riverside University Health System Medical Center Governing Board Meeting
15.1 14110 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Receipt and Filing of Report by Riverside University Health System - Medical Center on Agreements and Purchases of Medical and Surgical Equipment and Supplies signed Under Delegated Authority for Fiscal Year 2019/2020, Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2020/2021 First Quarter; All Districts. [$0]
15.2 14028 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Approval of the Professional Service Agreement with DVA Renal Healthcare, Inc. for Hemodialysis Treatment Services for 3 years, effective February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2024; All Districts. [Total Cost $7,034,748, up to $703,474 in additional compensation; 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund – 40050]
15.3 12639 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Ratification and Approval of the Fourth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Health Care Security Services of California, Inc. for Health Care Security Services effective April 12, 2020 through July 31, 2021; All Districts. [Total Cost Increase $1,317,869; up to $131,786 in additional compensation – 44% Hospital Enterprise Fund – 40050; 37% to be reimbursed by CARES Act Funding; 19% RUHS Behavioral Health (Federal/State)]
15.4 14066 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Approval to adopt Resolution 2020-258 to approve a Professional Services Agreement with GI Endurant, LLC without securing competitive bids for Maintenance of the Riverside University Health System Medical Center, effective December 15, 2020; 1 year; All Districts. [Total Cost $819,000; up to 10% in additional compensation; 100% - Hospital Enterprise Fund 40050] (APPROVED AS RECOMM.)
16.1 Mercedes DeLeon spoke regarding her rights.
16.2 Charese Mongiello spoke regarding fighting for the rights of the people.
16.3 Nancy S. spoke regarding COVID.
16.4 Roy Bleckert spoke regarding Gavin Newsom and the definition of insanity.
16.5 Whitney spoke regarding Supervisor Perez.
16.6 Shannon Denton spoke regarding the Board of Supervisor’s authority.
16.7 Brianna Mercedes spoke regarding the needs of her special needs kids.
16.8 Keven Porter spoke regarding the proposed SEIU Nurses strike.
There was a brief recess and a statement from County Counsel on speaker time policy.
16.9 Cheryl Romano spoke regarding high risk health issues, grocery delivery fees, and the senior Great Plates program.
16.10 Bill Hemsley spoke regarding the recognition of Patty Romo by the Inland Empire Branch of Public Works and the Award of the Project of the Year.
Brian Nestande, Deputy CEO gave an update on State and Federal funding.
17 Presentations
(Supervisor Perez) Retirement Presentation - Patty Romo, Director of Transportation, TLMA
(Supervisor Perez) Medal of Valor Presentation - Justin Gardiner
3.2, 3.9, 3.15, 3.45, 3.46, 3.47, 3.52, 3.53, 3.56, 14.2
19 Public Hearings
19.1 13729 COUNTY COUNSEL: Public Hearing for Amended Appendix to the Conflict of Interest Code for Departments, Agencies, Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Councils of the County of Riverside, All Districts. [$0]
19.2 13756 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM-RE) AND TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY (TLMA)-TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Public Hearing for the Adoption of Resolution No. 2020-200, Authorizing the Resolution of Necessity for the Orange Avenue Pavement Project, unincorporated area of Mead Valley, District 1. CEQA Exempt; [Total Cost - $27,105; GAS Tax (Huta) Fund 2000 -100%] – (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption) (4/5 Vote Required)
20 10:00 A.M. County General Plan Amendment Initiation Proceedings Meeting
21 10:00 A.M. County Land Use Public Hearings Meeting
21.1 13872 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: PUBLIC HEARING ON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 190013, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1900008 and associated ORDINANCE NO. 664.67 – CEQA EXEMPT – Applicant: Empire Connect – Engineer/Representative: Anthony Hicks - First Supervisorial District – Lakeland Village Zoning District – Elsinore Area Plan: Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD: CR) (0.20 – 0.35 FAR) – Location: North of Macy St, southeast of Grand Ave., and west of Laguna Ave. – 0.98 Acres – Zoning: General Commercial (C-1/C-P) – REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit No. 190013 proposes a Cannabis Retail Facility with delivery service. The project would occupy an existing 4,467-square foot commercial building and include the following site improvements: demolition of the 1,741 -square foot steel building, new building facade, additional parking spaces, and new landscaping. The Cannabis Retail Facility would be open to the public between the hours of 8am to 10pm daily and delivery services would occur during the same business hours. Development Agreement No. 1900008 has a term of 10 years, will grant the applicant vested rights to develop the project in accordance with the terms of the development agreement and CUP No. 1900013 and will provide community benefits to the Elsinore Area. District 1. [Applicant Fees 100%]
21.2 13774 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on the Approval and Adoption of CHANGE OF ZONE NO. CZ2000014 and ORDINANCE NO. 348.4946 - No Further California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Analysis Required (CEQ200050) - Applicant: Jeff Dinkin c/o Hannah Wosskow – Engineer/Representative: Albert A Webb Associates – Fayres Hall – Third Supervisorial District – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan – Winchester Zoning Area – General Plan: High Density Residential (HDR), Very High Density Residential (VHDR), Commercial Retail (CR), Open Space-Conservation (OS-C), Open Space-Recreation (OS-R) as reflected in the Specific Plan Land Use Plan.– Zoning: Specific Plan (The Crossroads in Winchester Specific Plan No.288) Planning Areas – 1 - 6 – Location: North of Domenigoni Parkway, south of Olive Avenue, east of Rice Road, and west of Winchester Road – 50.35 Acres – REQUEST: Change of Zone No. 2000014 proposes establish the legal boundaries of Planning Areas 1 – 6 within Specific Plan No. 288 (The Crossroads in Winchester)- APN’s 461-220-031, 032, and 033. District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
· Good work by County staff doing COVID testing @ the Hemet Library .
· Thanked everyone for support in handing out masks and PPE to childcare providers and others at the Family Resource Center in Mecca.
Board Committee Report / Update
Executive Officer / State Budget Update
· Alice Vose
· Dr. David Howard
· Fernand J. Sauvageau
· Garland L. McCollum
· Esther Soto Aparicio
· Carl Wuersch
14160 A.1 In re: National Prescription Opiate Litigation (Case No. 1:17-CV-2804)
14159 A.2 County of Riverside v. Sky Country Investment Company/East, LLC., et al. (RIC1801452)
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation:
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(2) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation:
Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(4) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6:
14156 D.1 Conference with labor negotiator:
Agency Negotiator – Brenda Diederichs, Asst. County Executive Officer
Employee organizations – Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, RCDDAA,
Title: County Executive Officer
14154 F.1 Hearing and Report on Quality Assurance
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8:
14153 G.1 Conference with real property negotiator:
Property – 5293 Mission Blvd., Jurupa Valley
APN Numbers: 179-300-001 through 179-300-010 and 179-300-013 through 179-
Negotiating Parties – Facilities Management for County of Riverside, Rod Butler,
City Manager and George Wentz, Assistant City Manager
Agency Negotiator – Vincent Yzaguirre, Assistant Director of Facilities Management
Under Negotiation – Price and Terms of Payment for the Purchase, Sale, Exchange, or Lease
Recess to Lunch
24.1 14171 Workshop about the Unincorporated Communities Initiative
24.2 14172 Workshop about the Community Listening Sessions