Bob Buster                John Tavaglione       Marion Ashley           Jeff Stone                  John J. Benoit

First District                   Second District           Fifth District              Third District                 Fourth District

Vice-Chairman                                                   Chairman








4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, California

(Clerk 951-955-1060)



9:00 A.M.



Invocation by Cecelia Wycoff, Office Assistant III, Transportation Department        


Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag


Presentation of Proclamation to Manolito Molina, Code Enforcement Officer


Presentation of Proclamation to J. Michael Palmer


















1.1       CLERK OF THE BOARD:  Proof of Publications.





CONSENT CALENDAR:  Presented for Block Approval: Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.



2.1       SUPERVISOR ASHLEY:  Appointment of Deborah Franklin to the Riverside County Children & Families Commission.


2.2       SUPERVISOR ASHLEY:  Appointment of Dr. Jay Hoffman to the Riverside County Children & Families Commission.


2.3       SUPERVISOR ASHLEY:  Reappointment of W.W. (Bud) Miller to the Law Library Board of Trustees.


2.4       SUPERVISOR ASHLEY:  Reappointment of Joseph Peter Myers to the Law Library Board of Trustees.


2.5       SUPERVISOR STONE:  Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove.


2.6       AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER:  Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the spread of Pierce’s Disease in the Local Vineyards.


2.7       FIRE:  Receive and File Response to Internal Audit Report 2009-027.002:  County of Riverside Fire Department Cooperative Service Agreements with Local Agencies. (2.6 of 01/26/10)


2.8       COUNTY COUNSEL:  (R) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE No. 348.4689, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance No. 348 relating to Zoning (amending the zoning in the Rancho California Area), 3rd District, ZC 7692.


2.9       COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 07-6991, located at 21377 Nandina Avenue, Perris, APN 295-260-017, 1st District.


2.10     COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 07-4305, located 1 parcel North of Grand Avenue, Winchester, APN(s) 461-130-013 and 461-130-014, 3rd District.


2.11     COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 08-02002, located at 37200 Remuda Drive, Temecula, APN 915-380-016, 3rd District.


2.12     COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 09-05774, located at 44174 Florida Avenue, Hemet, APN 549-152-038, 3rd District.


2.13     COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 06-3907, located at 33495 Mirage Mesa Circle, Temecula, APN 965-390-008, 3rd District.


2.14     COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 07-3542, located at 25097 Jutland Drive, Hemet, APN 549-382-003, 3rd District.


2.15     COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 08-08056, located at 33608 Blue Water Way, Temecula, APN 966-030-049, 3rd District.


2.16     COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 08-03101, located at 28838 Marguerita Road, Lake Elsinore, APN 347-210-059, 5th District.


2.17     COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 09-04756, located at 22841 Fisher Road, Perris, APN 325-200-042, 5th District.


2.18     RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER:  Approval of Medical Staff Appointments, Reappointments and Clinical Privileges.


2.19     TREASURER & TAX COLLECTOR:  Receive and File the Treasurer’s Monthly Statement of County and School Funds for January 2010.


2.20     TREASURER & TAX COLLECTOR:  Receive and File the Treasurer’s Purchase Detail Report for January 2010.






POLICY CALENDAR:  Presented for Block Approval; Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.



3.1       SUPERVISOR STONE:  Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the American Legion Post 53, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3.2       SUPERVISOR STONE:  Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Mount San Jacinto College Foundation; Sun City Crime Watch, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3.3       SUPERVISOR STONE:  Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for A Salute to Veteran’s Parade Committee, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3.4       SUPERVISOR STONE:  Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for Safe Alternatives for Everyone, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3.5       SUPERVISOR STONE:  Naming of the Romoland Community Center.


3.6       SUPERVISOR BENOIT AND SUPERVISOR ASHLEY:  INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 893, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside, Providing for Displacement Payments for Residential Households. (3.8 of 02/09/10)


3.7       SUPERVISOR ASHLEY:  Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for Highgrove Days, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3.8       SUPERVISOR ASHLEY:  Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for Heritage High School Band; King High School; Menifee/Sun City Center; KB Home Golf Classic, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3.9       SUPERVISOR ASHLEY:  Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Transportation and Land Management Agency (TLMA), and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3.10     EXECUTIVE OFFICE:  Approval of the Recommended Increase to Appropriations for Contingency in order to cover the Board-approved Backfill of Proposition 172, Public Safety Sales Tax. (4/5 vote required)


3.11     COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY:  Approval for a Sole Source Agreement made under the Community Services Block Grant – American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


3.12     COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY:  Ratify the Agreement with Marin County for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA)/Targeted Case Management (TCM) Participation Fees for FY 2009/10 and FY 2010/11.


3.13     COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/ANIMAL SERVICES:  Approval of Agreement with Hill’s Pet Nutrition Inc. to Provide Animal Feed to the Department at no cost, 4th District.


3.14     COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH:  Ratify the Agreement with the Riverside County Children and Families Commission and the Maternal Child and Adolescent Health “Maternal Adolescent Family Services” Program. (4/5 vote required)


3.15     COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH:  Ratify the Agreement with California Family Health Council Inc.


3.16     COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH:  Approval the First Amendment to Agreement Number 09-11333 A01 between the Department, Disease Control Branch, Immunization Program and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Immunization Branch to add and incorporate the new Supplemental Terms and Conditions for contracts using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Funds.


3.17     COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH:  Ratify the First Amendment with Riverside County Children and Families Commission and Riverside County – Injury Prevention Services, 1032OP-10. (4/5 vote required)


3.18     COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH:  Approve the First Amendment to Agreement #1028-OP-10 with CHA/Public Health, Disease Control Branch, Immunization Program and the Riverside County Children and Families Commission (First 5 Riverside) for the Immunization Program. (4/5 vote required)


3.19     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the Real Property Services Agreement with the City of Temecula, 3rd District.


3.20     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the First Amendment to the Revenue Lease – Riverside Centre, Riverside, 2nd District.


3.21     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the Project for the Riverside County Regional Medical Center Operations Building; Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring Report of EA 08430003953, 5th District.


3.22     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Ratify the Second Amendment to Lease – Sheriff’s Department, 3rd District. (4/5 vote required)


3.23     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Termination of the Owner’s Representation Services Agreement with Harris & Associates for the San Jacinto Valley Animal Shelter, 3rd District.


3.24     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the First Amendment to the Loan Agreement for the Use of Neighborhood Stabilization Program Funds with Rancho Housing Alliance, 4th & 5th Districts.


3.25     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the Funding of the Supplemental Educational Augmentation Funds (SERAF) to the State of California. (See item 4.7)


3.26     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Acceptance of Notice of Completion – 911 Communications Center RCIT – Remove Existing UST & Old Generator; Authorization to Release Retained Funds.


3.27     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the Ground Lease for Public Safety Enterprise Communications, Cajalco site, 2nd District.


3.28     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the Cleaning Services Agreement with Riverside County Superintendent of Schools for Custodial Services (RCOE), 4th District.


3.29     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the Funding for Community Economic Development and Tourism Organizations.


3.30     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:  Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with PBS&J for the Public Safety Enterprise Communication Project.


3.31     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER:  Approval of the Plans and Specifications for the Riverside County Regional Medical Center Emergency Treatment Services Facility Expansion – Phase 2, 1st District. (Clerk to advertise)


3.32     FIRE:  Approval of the Cooperative Agreement to Provide Fire Protection, Fire Prevention, Rescue and Medical Emergency Services for the City of San Jacinto, 3rd District.


3.33     FIRE:  Approval of the Single/Source Payment for State Certified Training, Rescue Systems II, from Riverside County Training Officers’ Association (RCTOA).


3.34     HUMAN RESOURCES:  Approval of the Internal Service Fund Rates for Fiscal Year 2010/11.


3.35     HUMAN RESOURCES:  Approval of the General Fund Rates Charge for Fiscal Year 2010/11.


3.36     HUMAN RESOURCES:  Approve the Exclusive Care – Exclusive Provider Option Medical Contractor Agreement Renewal with Eisenhower Medical Center.


3.37     HUMAN RESOURCES:  Approve the Exclusive Care – New Exclusive Provider Option Urgent Contractor Agreement with Apex Healthcare Medical Center, Inc., dba Access First Urgent Care.


3.38     MENTAL HEALTH:  Approval of the Agreement with the Juvenile Defense Panel to Provide Legal Indigent Conservatee and Guardianship Services.


3.39     OASIS:  Approval of FY 2010-2011 rates. (3.63c of 02/09/10) (Department request Continuance to March 2, 2010)


3.40     PROBATION:  Approval of 2010 Second Chance Act Adult and Juvenile Offender Reentry Demonstration Projects Competitive Grant Application and Adoption of Resolution 2010-081, authorizing the Chief Probation Officer to sign grant application documents.


3.41     PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES:   Approval of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Renewal Project Sponsor Agreement [HO-01495] with SVDP Management, Inc. doing business as Martha’s Village & Kitchen, 4th District.


3.42     PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES/CHILDREN SERVICES:   Approval of Amendments to existing FY 09/10 Contracts for Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) additional one time funds.


3.43     RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER:  Ratify the First Amendment to the Capitated Primary Care (Medicare Dual Choice) Agreement between the County of Riverside and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).


3.44     RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER:  Ratify the Agreements for Registry Services for Radiology Technicians.


3.45     RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER:  Approve the Amendment to the Professional Services Agreements for Temporary Nursing Services; Approval of the Uniform Rates for Nurse Registry Services; and Approval of the Report on Use of Registries for Registered Nurse Staffing.


3.46     SHERIFF-CORONER-PA:  Adoption of Resolution 2010-064 in Support of the FY 2010 Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Demonstration Project Grant Application and Authorization to Sign Assurances.


3.47     SHERIFF-CORONER-PA:  Acceptance of Continued California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) Funding for the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program. (4/5 vote required)


3.48     SHERIFF-CORONER-PA:  Adoption of Resolution 2010-063 Authorizing the Sheriff’s Department to Submit a Grant Application to the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation to continue Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) law enforcement efforts.


3.49     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  Determination of Public Convenience and Necessity (PNC-61) for Alcoholic Beverage Control License, located northerly of “A” Street, easterly of Raymond Drive, southerly of Schleisman Road, and westerly of Hamner Avenue, APN 152-050-047, 2nd District.


3.50     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 673.3 an Ordinance of the County of Riverside amending Ordinance 673 amending the fee appeal time period for the Coachella Valley Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (CVTUMF).


3.51     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Adoption of Resolution of 2010-047, Ordering the Annexation, and Confirming the Diagram and Assessment of Zone 126 (Mira Loma) of Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1 Consolidated, 2nd District.


3.52     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Adoption of Resolution of 2010-049, Ordering the Annexation, and Confirming the Diagram and Assessment of Zone 97 (Mead Valley) of Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1 Consolidated, 1st District.


3.53     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Adoption of Resolution of 2010-48, Ordering the Annexation, and Confirming the Diagram and Assessment of Zone 91 (Glen Avon) of Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1 Consolidated, 2nd District.


3.54       TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the TUMF Funding Agreement between the County of Riverside Transportation Department and the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) for State Route 79 Improvements, Thompson Road to Domenigoni Parkway (RCTC Agreement No. 06-72-521-02), 3rd District.


3.55       TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Approval of the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Improvement and Credit Agreement between the County and Heller Development Company for Briggs Road Transmission Pole Relocation Associated with TR 28801-1, 3rd District.


3.56       TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION:  Approval of the Cooperative Agreement between Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the County of Riverside, and the City of Corona for the Corona Drains East Ontario Avenue Storm Drain, 2nd District.


3.57a     EXECUTIVE OFFICE:  Approval in Concept of adding an Alternate Public Defender for Death Penalty Cases.


               b     EXECUTIVE OFFICE:  Receive and File the Indigent Defense Trust Account Audit.


               c     PURCHASING AND FLEET SERVICES:  Approval of the Agreement with the Criminal Defense Lawyers to provide Legal Indigent Defense Criminal Services.


3.58     SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for United Way, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3.59     SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Sheriff’s Annual Awards Ceremony, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)


3.60     SUPERVISOR ASHLEY AND SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Approval Riverside County Works (RCW).


3.61     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Ratify the Final Contract with Knight Maintenance, doing business as Air Metrix for the Probation Department Security/Safety Enhancement; Acceptance of the Notice of Completion – Riverside Juvenile Hall Security Camera Project; and Authorize the Release of Retained Funds.


3.62     SUPERVISOR BENOIT:  Approval of Fourth District Supervisor’s Pay Reduction.


3.63     PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES:  Approval of the Agreement with United Concordia Companies Inc. (UCCI) to provide dental insurance for IHSS Home Workers.


3.64     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Approval of the Fourth Amendment to the Lease – Riverside County Regional Medical Center; and Authorization of a Budget Adjustment, Moreno Valley, 5th District. (4/5 vote required)


3.65     SUPERVISOR ASHLEY:  Approval of the Withdrawal of Membership from the Inland Empire Economic Recovery Corporation.


3.66     SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE:  Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for Riverside Downtown Partnership, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)








4.1       Acceptance of Notice of Completion – Sun City Library Expansion Project; and Authorization of the Release of Securities, 3rd District.


4.2       Acceptance of the Low Bid and Award of the Construction Contract to Parkwest Construction Company for the Mecca Boys and Girls Club; and Approval of the Project Budget, 4th District.


4.3       Approval of the First Amendment to the Agreement with Coachella Valley Housing Coalition to Develop Valencia Homes in Mecca, 4th District.


4.4       Approval of the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement and Pre-Development Loan with Urban Housing Communities LLC.


4.5       Acceptance of Notice of Completion – Bermuda Dunes Community Center; and Authorization to Release Retained Funds, 4th District.


4.6       Adoption of Redevelopment Resolution RDA2010-008 approving the Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency, F.E.A.T.H.E.R., and Butler Amusement, Inc., 2nd District.


4.7       Approval of Funding of Supplemental Educational Augmentation Funds to the State of California through Redevelopment Tax Increment Funds.  (See item 3.25)







5.            (No Business)






6.            (No Business)







7.1       Approval of the Agreement with United Concordia Companies Inc. (UCCI) to provide Dental Insurance for IHSS Home Workers.







8.            (No Business)








9.1       COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Substandard Structure and Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case Nos. CV 09-05465 and CV 09-05466, located 1 parcel South of 44225 El Prado Road, Temecula, APN 934-040-022, 1st District.


9.2         COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Substandard Structure & Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case No. CV 09-05539, located at 21431 Oakwood Street, Perris, APN 318-150-019, 1st District.


9.3         COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Grading without Permit] on Case No. CV 09-01874, located at 39095 Avenida Bonita, Murrieta, APN 929-230-004, 1st District. (9.1 of 12/01/09)


9.4         COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Excess Outside Storage and Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case No. CV 05-0289, located at 38795 Highway 79, Aguanga, APN 917-150-007, 3rd District.


9.5         COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Grading without Permit] on Case No. CV 05-3785, located at 45712 Gene Road, Aguanga, APN 581-240-037, 3rd District. (9.5 of 11/24/09)


9.6         COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Grading without a permit] on Case No. CV 09-01266, located at 71475 Cholla Way, Palm Desert, APN 628-380-009, 4th District.


9.7         COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Grading without a permit] on Case No. CV 08-05954, located at 21197 Dorchester Road, Perris, APN 349-380-004, 5th District.


9.8         COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Grading without Permit] on Case No. CV 08-00109, located one parcel East of 47760 Woodcliff Drive, Banning, APN 544-270-006, 5th District. (9.11 of 12/01/09)


9.9         COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Accumulation of Rubbish, Excess Outside Storage, Substandard Structure, Grading without Permit] on Case Nos. CV 08-06509, CV 08-06510, CV 09-02137, and CV 09-02138 , located at 62550 16th Avenue, North Palm Springs, APN 668-140-033, 5th District. (9.7 of 12/15/09)


9.10       COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 03-2402, located at 34235 Orange Street, Wildomar, APN 367-040-029, 1st District.


9.11       COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 06-6182, located at 21820 Cedar Street, Perris, APN 318-200-015, 1st District.


9.12       COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT:  Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 07-9105, located at 42596 De Portola Drive,   Temecula, APN 924-120-027, 3rd District. 


9.13     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY:  Public Hearing on the Approval of Board Policy H-31, Policy for the Use of the Indio Hills Community Center Facility and Proposal of Facility Rental Rates. (3.12 of 01/26/10)











With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9:


Conference with legal counsel-existing litigation:

(Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9)


A.1       City of Perris v. Local Agency Formation Commission (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 486028)


With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6:


B.1       Conference with labor negotiator:

                        Agency negotiator – Ron Komers

Employee organizations – Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, DDAA, RSA, SEIU, LIUNA, UDW and LEMU












10.       (No Business)








11.1     Authorize the Use of Development Impact Fees from the Upper San Jacinto Valley Area Flood Control Facility Fund for costs associated with San Jacinto River Levee, Stage 4, 3rd District.


11.2     Authorize the Use of Development Impact Fees from the San Gorgonio Pass Area Flood Control Facility Fund for costs associated with Noble Creek Channel, 5th District.


11.3     Approval of Cooperative Agreement between the District, the County of Riverside and the City of Corona for the Corona Drains East Ontario Avenue Storm Drain, 2nd District.









12.       (No Business)




12.       (No Business)











13.1     Approval of the Project and Addendum No. 1 to Environmental Assessment No. 38521 for the Upgrade and Expansion of Mayflower Park, 4th District.


13.2     Adoption of Resolution 2010-062 Authorizing the Application for the Statewide Park Program Grant Funds.





13.1     Approval of the Allocation of Funds from Fish and Game Fund 25500 to California Waterfowl Association. (4/5 vote required)


13.2     Approval of Contract Amendment No. 3 with Schmidt Design Group for the Lake Skinner Recreation Area Site Improvement Project Design Services, 3rd District.


13.3     Approval of the Contract Documents for the San Timoteo Schoolhouse – Site Improvement Project, 5th District. (Clerk to advertise)


13.4     Approval of the Contract Documents for the Santa Rosa Plateau Visitor Center Improvement Project, 1st District. (Clerk to advertise)










15.1     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1017 (FOUNDATION – REGULAR) – Henry C. Cox II/Robert Beers – Rubidoux and Pedley Zoning District – Jurupa Area Plan – 2nd District. The Planning Director  recommends that the Board adopt an order initiating proceedings for General Plan Amendment   1017-A (the Jurupa Hills Golf Course project) which proposes to change the land use   designation from Open Space Recreation and Medium Density Residential (2 – 5 dwelling units  per acre) to Open Space Recreation and High Density Residential (8 – 14 dwelling units per   acre) for an approximately 117.36 acre property. The Planning Director recommends that the   Board also adopt an order initiating proceedings for General Plan Amendment 1017-B (the El   Palomino Drive/Mission De Anza Specific Plan No. 123 project) which proposes to change the   land use designations within Specific Plan No. 123 from Open Space Recreation, Commercial  Retail (0.20 – 0.35 floor area ratio) and High Density Residential (8 – 14 dwelling units per acre)   to Open Space Recreation, Commercial Retail (0.20 – 0.35 floor area ratio), High Density   Residential (8 – 14 dwelling units per acre) and Open Space Water for an approximately   16.11 acre property.


15.2     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1015 (FOUNDATION – REGULAR) – Victor Heimbach – Aguanga  Zoning District – REMAP Area Plan – 3rd District. The Planning Director recommends that the Board tentatively decline to adopt an order initiating proceedings for the above-referenced general plan amendment to amend the General Plan Foundation Component of the proposed site from Rural to Rural Community and Community Development; also to amend the General Plan Land Use Designation of the proposed site from Rural Residential (5 acre minimum) to  Estate Density Residential (2 acre minimum) and Commercial Retail.


15.3     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: GENERAL PLAN  AMENDMENT NO. 1028 (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) – Virgil Havener & Tom Hile/Fomotor  Engineering/Nolte Associates – Pass & Desert Zoning District – Western Coachella Valley Area Plan – 4th & 5th Districts. The Planning Director recommends that the Board adopt an order initiating proceedings for the above-referenced general plan amendment to amend the General Plan Foundation Component and land use designation for the subject property from Rural: Rural Residential (5 acre minimum) to Community Development: Low Density Residential  (½ acre minimum).








 16.1    TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  Public Hearing on CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3630 – (FTA 00-11) – Marsha Vincelette – Bermuda Dunes Zoning District – Western Coachella Valley Area Plan – 4th District.  Recommendation of Planning Commission for adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 42208; Approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 3630 which proposes a security training facility and indoor shooting range within two existing industrial buildings 29 feet in height, and totaling approximately 39,600 square feet within the existing “Desert Business Park” (“the project”). The northerly building is to be used by the “Coachella Valley Security Academy” with nine small offices, five training rooms, 14 firing range lanes up to 5,900 square feet in area and tactical training area up to 5,400 square feet which will serve as a training center for various police units.  The southerly building is to be used by the “Academy Firing Range” with warehouse of approximately 1500 square feet, members only uniform and supply fitting area, nine small offices totaling approximately 400 square feet, with separate retail gun sale area of approximately 350 square feet and three rooms for training class purposes, plus 14 firing range lanes of approximately 5,900 square feet.  The project site contains existing parking and landscaping improvements with 110 existing parking spaces.


16.2     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  Public Hearing on CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7677 / PLOT PLAN No. 23701 – CEQA EXEMPT – Rich Warfield – JHA Engineering, Inc. – Bermuda Dunes Zoning District – Western Coachella Valley Area Plan – 4th District.  Recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of Supervisor FIND that this project is CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA); Tentative Approval of Change of Zone 7677 to change the zoning from Residential One Family Dwellings (R-1) to Industrial Park (I-P); and Approval of Plot Plan No. 23701, to permit a wholesale plant nursery, with a fifteen-hundred (1,500) square feet existing mobile home, two shipping containers at three-hundred square feet each, and a total parking area of approximately 13,460 square feet. 


16.3     TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  Public Hearing on Appeal of Approval of CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3464 – Ramona Duck Club – Overton Kuhn – Reche Canyon / Badlands Area Plan – 5th District.  Recommendation of Planning Commission for Denial of the Appeal; Adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 40284; Approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 3464 to extend the life of existing operation of a hunting club, comprised of 11 RV/Trailer parking spaces, an 8 foot by 12 foot tool shed, and the existing well that serves the property (“the project”). The proposed improvements that will occur only on the southerly two (2) acres include 8 additional RV parking spaces, two (2) 10 foot by 40 foot storage containers, 20 automobile parking spaces, two (2) 7,500 gallon water storage tanks, a trap and skeet range area, and portable restrooms used only during the 5 month hunting period. (16.2 of 01/12/10)


 16.4    TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING:  Public Hearing on SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 342 / GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 720 / CIRCULATION ELEMENT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 721 / CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7055 / ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 471 – Nuevo Development Company – Lewis Operating Corporation and Albert A. Webb and Associates – Hemet/San Jacinto & Lakeview Zoning Districts – Lakeview/Nuevo Area Plan – 5th District.  Recommendation of Planning Commission for Tentative Certification of Environmental Impact Report No. 471; Approval of  Specific Plan No. 342, which proposes a maximum of 11,150 dwelling units to be constructed within seven (7) villages plus one (1) conservation area (991.2 acres), which includes a range of residential products from Medium High Residential to Highest Residential with a density range of 5 to 40 units per acre, a Mixed Use Town Center, Public Facilities, Public Facilities/Open Space, and Parks; Approval of General Plan Amendment No. 720 which proposes a Foundation Element Amendment change from Rural, Agricultural and Open Space to the Community Development Foundation and changing the underlying land use designations from: Medium Density Residential (2-5 DU/AC); Low Density Residential (1/2 AC Min.); Very Low Density Residential (1 AC Min.); Light Industrial; Public Facility; Retail; Agriculture; Rural Mountainous; and, Conservation, to a Specific Plan (SP) land use designation; Approval of Circulation Element General Plan Amendment No. 721, which proposes modifications to the Circulation Element and trails of the General Plan within the project boundaries and will include upgrading, downgrading, and elimination of numerous existing and proposed roadway classifications for several streets including 3rd Street, 5th Street, 6th Street, 10th Street, 9th Street, Yucca Avenue, Wolfskill Avenue, Hanson Avenue, and Bridge Street from designations shown on the current circulation element plan for the Lakeview/Nuevo Area Plan; and, Approval of Change of Zone No. 7055, to change the zoning from A-1-10, A-2-10, A-P, C-P-S, C-R, M-SC, R-1, R-A, R-A-1, R-A-10, R-A-2 ½, R-R Zone to Specific Plan (SP). (16.2 of 01/26/10)














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