Bob Buster John Tavaglione Marion Ashley Jeff Stone John J. Benoit
First District Second District Fifth District Third District Fourth District
Vice-Chairman Chairman
4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, California
(Clerk 951-955-1060)
8:30 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
Invocation by Cecelia Wycoff, Administrative Assistant III, TLMA/Transportation Department
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
1.1 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publications.
The following items do not require specific Board action unless the matter is appealed.
1.2 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 31712 – Leonardo Avina – Rancho California Zoning Area – Southwest Area Plan – 3rd District, 20.65 gross acres, R-A-5 Zoning, Schedule H. Second Extension of time approved by the Planning Director.
1.3 TRANSPORATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 32448 – Martha Miranda – Nuevo Zoning Area – Lakeview/Nuevo Area Plan – 5th District, 2.45 acres, R-R Zoning, Schedule H. First Extension of time approved by the Planning Director.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Presented for Block Approval: Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.
2.1 SUPERVISOR STONE: Appointment of Steven W. Beswick to the Flood Control Commission.
2.2 SUPERVISOR STONE: Reappointment of Jeffery Lohre to the County Service Area 143 Advisory Council.
2.3 SUPERVISOR STONE: Reappointment of Tracey Weiss to the County Service Area 60 Advisory Council.
2.4 SUPERVISOR STONE: Reappointment of George Service to the County Service Area 60 Advisory Council.
2.5 SUPERVISOR STONE: Reappointment of Shirley Maddox to the Fair Board.
2.6 SUPERVISOR STONE: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove.
2.7 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Appointment of Rochelle Koch to the Riverside County Mental Health Board.
2.8 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Carol Wilyat to the Mesa Verde Community Council.
2.9 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Ethel Giddens to the Mesa Verde Community Council.
2.10 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Sharon Essary to the Mesa Verde Community Council.
2.11 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Jo Strepy to the Ripley Community Council.
2.12 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Rigoberto Perez to the Ripley Community Council.
2.13 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Atanasia Douglas to the Ripley Community Council.
2.14 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Jane Alcumbrac to the Palm Springs Cemetery District.
2.15 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Lenny Pepper to the Palm Springs Cemetery District.
2.16 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of George Stettler to the Palm Springs Cemetery District.
2.17 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the spread of Pierce’s Disease in the Local Vineyards.
2.18 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Receive and File Internal Audit Report: 2010-302: Department of Mental Health, Revolving Funds, Follow-up Audit.
2.19 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Receive and File Internal Audit Report: 2010-005: Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office.
2.20 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Receive and File Internal Audit Report: 2010-007: Community Action Partnership of Riverside County.
2.21 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Receive and File County of Riverside, Internal Audit Plan for Fiscal Year 2010/11.
2.22 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Authorization to reissue County Stale-Dated Warrants #2011-1.
2.23 COUNTY COUNSEL: (R) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE No. 348.4707, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance No. 348 relating to Zoning (amending the zoning in the Prado-Mira Loma District Area), 2nd District, ZC 6737.
2.24 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Recreation and Park District.
2.25 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the March Joint Powers Authority.
2.26 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER: Approval of Medical Staff Appointments, Reappointments, and Clinical Privileges.
2.27 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of Continued Use of Credit Cards.
2.28 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2010-217 accepting a portion of 54th Street for public road and utility purposes, in the Mira Loma area, 2nd District.
2.29 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2010-225 accepting Avenue “C” in the Glen Valley area, 1st District.
2.30 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2010-237 summarily vacating portions of Baron Drive and River Road and execution of Quitclaim Deed, in the Eastvale area, 2nd District.
2.31 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2010-182 accepting a portion of Straw Road, 1st District. (2.19 of 08/10/10)
2.32 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Treasurer’s Monthly Disclosure Report on Investments.
2.33 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Marion Tudor and Bruce Rucker to the Citrus Pest Control #2 Board..
2.34 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of William
Perez to the Workforce Investment Board
2.35 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of
Chuck McDaniel to the Workforce Investment Board.
2.36 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Reappointment of Edward Walsh to the Workforce Investment Board..
POLICY CALENDAR: Presented for Block Approval; Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.
3.1 SUPERVISOR BUSTER: First District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the City of Riverside Lunar New Year’s Festival; and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.2 SUPERVISOR BUSTER: First District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to the EDA for the State of the County Address; and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.3 SUPERVISOR BUSTER: First District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the 15th Annual El Protector Coalition; and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.4 SUPERVISOR BUSTER AND SUPERVISOR STONE: Approval of the Expansion of the Foreign Trade Zone Number 153 to include significant portions of Southwest Riverside County for the purpose of business retention, attraction, and assistance to manufactures.
3.5 SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to the Jurupa Mountains Cultural Center; Corona Norco YMCA; NAMIWalks Inland Empire; Norco Mounted Posse Rodeo; and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.6 SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to Performance Riverside; YMCA of Riverside County; Riverside County Economic Development Agency; Eleanor Roosevelt High School Climate Boosters; and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.7 SUPERVISOR STONE: Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Hemet Community Pantry; National Alliance on Mental Illness; Riverside County Sheriff’s Department; and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.8 SUPERVISOR STONE: Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Temecula Valley Flyers; Single Mothers United in Rewarding Fellowship; Riverside County Regional Medical Center Foundation; and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.9 SUPERVISOR STONE: Adoption of Resolution 2010-270, to Oppose H.R. 5034, the Comprehensive Alcohol Regulatory Effectiveness Act of 2010.
3.10 SUPERVISOR STONE: Authorization of Fast Track Status for the Mt. Palomar Project in the Temecula Valley Wine Country.
3.11 SUPERVISOR STONE: Moving to Work, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development.
3.12 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Receive and File the Follow-up to the Internal Audit Report 2009-302: Countywide Credit Cards.
3.13 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of the Increase in the Criminal Justice Administration Fee (Set for Hearing 09/28/10 @ 9:30 a.m. – Clerk to advertise)
3.14 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of the Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County of Riverside, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the Rancho California Water District for the Upper Santa Margarita Watershed Integrated Regional Watershed Management Plan (IRWMP).
3.15 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) R10-MU-35-0025 for the Santa Margarita Lagoon Investigative Order, 1st & 3rd.
3.16 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of the Minor Amendment to Board Policy D-2 Use and Purchase of County Vehicles.
3.17 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of the Community Action Partnership Scope of Work for the Dispute Resolution Program during FY 10/11.
3.18 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Adoption of Resolution 2010-252 Adopting Tax Rates and Levy of Taxes for County, School Districts, Cities and Special Districts for the 2010/2011 Secured Tax Roll.
3.19 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the Sixth Amendment to the Revenue Agreement with Loma Linda University Contract #06-127 for Student Affiliation and Coordination of Clinical Rotation Services.
3.20 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify Agreement #10-95437 with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for the California Immunization Registry (CAIR) – Inland Empire Region.
3.21 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the First Amendment with California State University San Bernardino Contract #08-084 for Student Affiliation to include Coordination of Clinical Rotation Services.
3.22 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the First Amendment with California State University Fullerton Contract #10-075 for Student Affiliation and Coordination of Clinical Rotation Services.
3.23 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the Fifth Amendment to Agreement #08-016 with Desert AIDS Project to provide HIV Services.
3.24 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the Agreement between the County of Riverside Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agency and the State of California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) for the Regional Disaster Medical Health Specialist (RDMHS) Grant.
3.25 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the Extension to the Agreement with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for the CDC Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) Phases I, II and III H1N1 Grants.
3.26 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the First Amendment to Agreement with Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) for Professional Services for the Family Asthma Program.
3.27 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify Agreement 1028-OP-11 between CHA/Public Health, Disease Control Branch, Immunization Program and the Riverside County Children and Families Commission (First 5 Riverside) for the Immunization Program. (4/5 vote required)
3.28 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Head Start/Early Head Start Programs (ES/EHS).
3.29 COUNSEL COUNTY: REINTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 902, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Establishing Sex Offender Residency and Loitering Prohibitions. (3.74 of 08/10/10)
3.30 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Workforce Investment Act Youth Funding Recommendation for the Development of a Youth Internet Portal by Monster Evolutions Public Sector and Education (PSE).
3.31 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Findings for the Proposed Mead Valley Library - Consulting Services Agreement; and Consent to the Payments by the Redevelopment Agency, 1st District. (See item 4.1)
3.32 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Findings for the Jurupa Valley Sheriff’s Evidence Warehouse – Architectural Services Agreement; and Consent to the Payments by the Redevelopment Agency, 2nd District. (See item 4.2)
3.33 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Ratify the Program Agreement with the State of California, Department of General Services, Natural Gas Services Program for Purchasing Natural Gas.
3.34 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Second Amendment to the Lease – Mental Health and Public Defender; and Authorize a Budget Adjustment, 2nd District. (4/5 vote required)
3.35 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Fourth Amendment to Lease – Probation Department, San Jacinto; and Authorize a Budget Adjustment, 3rd District. (4/5 vote required)
the Ground Lease for the Public Safety Enterprise Communications Project - Iron
3.37 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Acceptance of the Notice of Completion – Kay Ceniceros Senior Center Expansion; and Authorize Release of Retained Funds, 3rd District.
3.38 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the First Amended Master Lease Agreement between the County of Riverside and the Board of Directors of the Van Horn Regional Treatment Facility, a Joint Powers Authority, 1st District.
3.39 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Adoption of Resolution 2010-207, Authorization to Award and Loan Neighborhood Stabilization Program Funds; and Approval of the Template Loan Agreement for Use of the Funds.
3.40 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Adoption of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on the Environment for Cedar Glen Apartments Housing Project in the City of Riverside; and Approval of the Release of Funds, 1st District.
3.41 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Substantial Amendment to the 2010-2011 One Year Action Plan of the 2009-2014 Five Year Consolidated Plan; Adoption of Resolution 2010-257, Designating the Idyllwild Business District as a Qualifying Target Area for the Purpose of Community Development Block Grant Funding; and Adoption of Resolution 2010-258, Designating the March Air Force Base Redevelopment Project as a Qualifying Target area for Community Development Block Grant Funding, 3rd & 5th Districts.
3.42 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of Lease Option – Department of Public Social Services, Riverside; and Authorize a Budget Adjustment, 1st District. (4/5 vote required)
3.43 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of Communication Facility Permit – U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Belle Communications Site, 4th District.
3.44 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Acceptance of the Notice of Completion – Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility Video Visitation Center; Approval of the Reduction of the Contract Retention for Capstone Construction Co., Inc.; and Ratify Change Order No. 6, 5th District.
3.45 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Acceptance of the Notice of Completion – Community Health Agency Temecula WIC Clinic Remodel; and Approval of the Release of Retained Funds, 3rd District.
3.46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Ratify the Sublease between the City of Blythe and Desert Air Service, Inc.
3.47 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Findings for the Pyrite Avenue Street, Sidewalk, and Storm Drain Improvement Project; and Consent to the Expenditure of Redevelopment funds for the Project, 2nd District. (See item 4.7)
3.48 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Revenue Ground Lease Agreement for Alternative Energy Projects.
3.49 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Adoption of Resolution 2010-211, Authorization to Purchase Real Property Interests, APN 473-120-010 for the Public Safety Enterprise Communication Project, 3rd District. (3.31 of 08/10/10)
3.50 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Findings; and Approval of the Reimbursement Agreement between the Riverside County Redevelopment Agency and the County of Riverside for the Mecca Downtown Street Revitalization Project – Phase 2, 4th District. (See item 4.3)
3.51 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Reimbursement Agreement by and between the Redevelopment Agency and the County of Riverside for a Portion of Varner Road Improvement Project – Thousand Palms, 4th District. (See item 4.4)
3.52 FIRE: Approval of the Department Cost Allocation Plan for FY 10/11.
3.53 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the Classification and Organizational changes relating to the Transportation and Land Management Agency (TLMA) and Approval of the amendment to Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Adoption of Resolution No. 440-8845.
3.54 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the Exclusive Care – New Exclusive Provider Option Skilled Nursing Facility Contractor Agreement with Bruce Bennett, Inc. doing business as Community Care Rehab.
3.55 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the Exclusive Care – New Exclusive Provider Option Medical Contractor Agreement with Hooman M. Javanmardi, Physical Therapist, APC, doing business as Prime Therapy and Pain Center.
3.56 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the Exclusive Care – New Exclusive Provider Option Medical Contractor Agreement with David H Nguyen, M.D., Inc.
3.57 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the Exclusive Care – New Exclusive Provider Option Medical Contractor Agreement with Cullins Chiropractic Group, Inc., also known as Cullins Chiropractic Clinic.
3.58 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the Exclusive Care – New Exclusive Provider Option Medical Contractor Agreement with Moshrefi Chiropractic Corporation.
3.59 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the Exclusive Care – New Exclusive Provider Option Ancillary Contractor Agreement with Infusion Nursing Solutions, Inc.
3.60 MENTAL HEALTH: Adoption of Resolution 2010-262 to Approving the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMSHA) and Authorizing Participation in the CalMSHA; Authorize the Assignment of Riverside County’s portion of Funds for Three Statewide Programs; and Approval of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement.
3.61 MENTAL HEALTH: Ratify the Amendment #1 to the Agreement with Netsmart Technologies, Inc.
3.62 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Ratify and Receive and File the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant Agreement #CA0665B9D080800 – Family Service Association of Western Riverside County, 3rd District.
3.63 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approval of Amendment #4 (CS-01137-04) to the Professional Services Contract with Olive Crest Treatment Centers, Inc.
3.64 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approve and Ratify Agreement #AA-01758 with University of California, Davis for Training Services.
3.65 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Authorization to Submit the In-Home Supportive Services Fraud Prevention & Program Integrity Plan to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS).
3.66 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approval of Agreement (CS-01720) with the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) for Safemeasures Web-Based Reporting Service.
3.67 PURCHASING AND FLEET SERVICES: Approval of the Request for Proposal EOARC019 to be Released for Indigent Defense Services for the Executive Office.
3.68 PURCHASING AND FLEET SERVICES: Approval of the Multiple Service Agreements to Provide Financial Advisory Services for the Executive Office.
3.69 RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Approval of the Microsoft Select Agreement.
3.70 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER: Ratify the Professional Services Multi-Year Agreement with Blood Bank of San Bernardino/Riverside Counties doing business as LIFESTREAM.
3.71 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the FY 2010-11 Agreement for School Resource Officers with the Corona-Norco Unified School District, 2nd District.
3.72 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the Federal Equitable Sharing (Asset Forfeiture) Program.
3.73 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the FY 2010-11 School Resource Officers Agreement with the Lake Elsinore Unified School District and the Adoption of Resolution 440-8844, 1st District.
3.74 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Acceptance of a Grant Award from the California Department of Parks and Recreation; and Approval of a Budget Adjustment. (4/5 vote required)
3.75 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY: Receive and File the BIA/Riverside County Streamlining Strike Force: Progress Report 2010.
3.76 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Construction Cooperative Agreement between the County of Riverside, City of Palm Springs and the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for I-10 at Indian Avenue Interchange, 5th District.
3.77 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Contract Change Order No. 2 between the County of Riverside and All American Asphalt, for the Rehabilitation of Etiwanda Avenue, Mira Loma, 2nd District.
3.78 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Acceptance of Low bid and Award of Contract to Hazard Construction for Construction of Street Improvements for the Mecca Streets Revitalization Project – Phase 2, including 3rd Street, 4th Street, 5th Street, Coahuilla Street, Date Palm Street, Brown Street, Dale Killer Road and Hammond Road, in the unincorporated community of Mecca, 4th District.
3.79 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Acceptance of the Notice of Completion – Resurfacing of various roads, East La Quinta area, 4th District.
3.80 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Consent to Assignment of Agreement for Street Sweeping Services.
3.81 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Ratify Amendment No. 2 to the On-Call Environmental Services Agreement with ASM Affiliates, Inc.
3.82 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Cooperative Funding Agreement between the County of Riverside and Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) for the Proposed Avenue 56 (Airport Boulevard) Railroad Grade Separation Project, 4th District.
3.83 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of a Personal Service Agreement for Landscape Maintenance Services for Menifee Lighting & Landscape Maintenance District 89-1-C, Zone 3; and Approval of the Amount for FY 2010-2011, 3rd District.
3.84 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of a Personal Service Agreement for Landscape Maintenance Services for Wildomar Lighting & Landscape Maintenance District 89-1-C, Zone 3; and Approval of the Amount for FY 2010-2011, 1st District.
3.85 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Engineering and Environmental Services Agreement with Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. for the Avenue 56 (Airport Boulevard) Railroad Grade Separation Project, 4th District.
3.86 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY Approval to Set a Public Hearing for Deposit Based Fee (DBF) Productive Hourly Rates for FY 10-11. (Set for Hearing 09/14/10 @ 9:30 a.m. – Clerk to advertise)
3.87 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Acceptance of the Notice of Completion – Reconstruction of Menifee Road from San Jacinto Avenue to Nuevo Road, Nuevo area, 5th District.
3.88 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Acceptance of the Notice of Completion – Construction of Miles Avenue Bridge over the Whitewater River (Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel) in the Indio area, 4th District.
3.89 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Ratify Amendment No. 2 to the On-Call Environmental Services Agreement with Jones & Stokes Associates.
3.90 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Ratify Amendment No. 2 to the On-Call Environmental Services Agreement with LSA Associates, Inc.
3.91 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Approval of the Investment Advisory Management Services Agreement Renewal and Amendment for County of Riverside Asset Leasing Corporation (CORAL) bond and Certificate of Participation (COP) Proceeds.
3.92 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Approval of the Investment Advisory Management Services Agreement Renewal and Amendment for Land Secured Districts, in particular, Community Facilities Districts and Assessment Districts.
3.93 VETERAN SERVICES: Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with the California Department of Veteran Affairs (CDVA) for the hiring of AmeriCorp members.
3.94 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of the Plans and Specifications for the Hall of Justice and Larson Justice Center Security Upgrades, 2nd & 4th Districts. (Clerk to advertise)
the Construction Agreement between the County of Riverside and ASR Constructors,
Inc. for the Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility Warehouse; and Approval of
the Total Project Budget, 5th District.
the Response to the Local Preference Policy. (3.57 of 06/08/10)
3.97 SUPERVISOR BENOIT: Approval of the Waiver
of Lake Cahuilla Park Fee for the Desert Mirage High School Cross Country Team.
ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 630.14 an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending
Ordinance 630.13 Relating to Dogs and Cats. (9.2 of 08/10/10)
3.99 SUPERVISOR BUSTER: First District Use of
Community Improvement Designation Funds for to the Community Foundation – Youth
Philanthropy Initiative; and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
STONE: Supervisorial
Redistricting Plan.
ASHLEY: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds
for the Moreno Valley Elks; NAMIWalks; Shozen Martial Arts; New Vision
Children’s Services; and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
ASHLEY: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds
for the Western Center; Burn Institute of the Inland Empire; Never Again
Project/Moreno Valley; 5 Nations District Boy Scouts; and Budget Adjustments.
(4/5 vote required)
ASHLEY: Receive and File the Report on Traffic Safety Improvements on
Lambs Canyon Road (SR-79)
4.1 Approval of the Findings for the Proposed Mead Valley Library; and Approval of the Consulting Services Agreement with DLR Group WWCOT for the design of the project 1st District. (See item 3.31)
4.2 Approval of the Findings for the Jurupa Valley Sheriff’s Evidence Warehouse; and Approval of the Architectural Services Agreement with Holt Architects for the design of the project, 2nd District. (See item 3.32)
4.3 Approval of the Findings; and Approval of the Reimbursement Agreement with the County of Riverside for the Mecca Downtown Streets Revitalization Project – Phase 2, 4th District. (See item 3.50)
4.4 Approval of the Reimbursement Agreement with the County of Riverside for Reimbursement for a Portion of the Varner Road Improvement Project – Thousand Palms, 4th District. (See item 3.51)
4.5 Adoption of RDA Resolution 2010-047, Authorization to Purchase Real Property in the Mid-County Project Area; and Approval of Acquisition Agreement for the Purchase of APN 439-060-009, 439-060-010, 439-060-011, 439-060-024, 439-060-013, 439-060-014, and 439-281-035, 3rd District.
4.6 Approval of the Reimbursement Agreement with the City of Riverside for the Highgrove Center Street Trunk Sewer Project, 1st & 5th Districts.
4.7 Approval of the Findings for the Pyrite Avenue Street, Sidewalk, and Storm Drain Improvement Project; and Approval of the Agreement with Albert A. Webb Associates, Inc., 2nd District. (See item 3.47)
4.8 Adoption of RDA Resolution 2010-048, Authorization to Sell Real Property to the Desert Community College District – APN 650-331-029, in the Thousand Palms area, 4th District. (See item 9.10)
5. (No Business)
6. (No Business)
7. (No Business)
8. (No Business)
9.1 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Excess Outside Storage & Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case No. CV 08-09702, located 1 Parcel North of 39565 Howard Road, Anza, APN: 572-280-012, 3rd District.
9.2 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Substandard Structures] on Case No. CV 09-12074, located at 33737 Highway 74, Hemet, APN: 458-223-002, 3rd District.
9.3 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Excess Outside Storage & Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case No. CV 09-05966, located at 44640 Highway 371, Aguanga, APN 583-160-025, 3rd District. (9.2 of 06/22/10)
9.4 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case No. CV 06-6220, located 1 Parcel South of 68711 Dillon Road, Desert Hot Springs, APN: 656-380-013, 5th District.
9.5 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case No. CV 09-03435, located 1 Parcel West of 22237 Lukens Lane, Perris APN: 323-090-012, 5th District.
9.6 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Substandard Structures] on Case No. CV 09-11070 located at 21231 Old Elsinore Road, Perris, APN: 322-110-016, 5th District.
9.7 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Grading Without a Permit] on Case No. CV 09-12792, located at 25475 Echo Valley Circle, Homeland, APN: 455-220-009, 5th District.
9.8 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case No. CV 09-06749, located 1 parcel East of 21725 Orange Street, Perris, APN 322-110-029, 5th District. (9.2 of 05/25/10)
9.9 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Case No. CV 08-02981, located at 25080 Juniper Flats Road, Homeland, APN 457-120-036, 5th District (9.12 of 05/25/10)
9.10 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Public Hearing on the Adoption of Resolution 2010-229, Approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency for the County of Riverside and Desert Community College District – APN 650-331-029, Thousand Palms area, 4th District. (See item 4.8)
9.11 FIRE: Public Hearing on the Adoption of Resolution 2010-219, Confirming Special Assessments for the Cost of Abating Hazardous Weeds. (3.41 of 07/27/10)
9.12 HUMAN RESOURCES: Public Hearing regarding the County’s Opposition to the Request for Appeal filed by the Riverside Sheriff’s Association related to the grievance concerning the Senior District Attorney Investigator IIIB Classification.
respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9:
with legal counsel-anticipated litigation:
of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
One potential case(s).
respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to
Government Code Section 54957.6:
Cheree Duarte, Matthew Duarte; Cody Duarte, by and through his Guardian Ad
Litem, Cheree Duarte v. Riverside County Regional Medical Center, et al.
(Case No. RIC 465105)
respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to
Government Code Section 54957.6:
Conference with labor negotiator:
Agency Negotiator – Barbara Olivier
Employee organizations – Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, DDAA, RSA,
10. (No Business)
11.1 Adoption of Resolution F2010-21, Authorization to Convey Fee Title in District Owned Real Property Perris Valley Channel Lateral A, Stage 2 (Heacock Street Bridge Widening) to the City of Moreno Valley, 5th District. (11.3 of 07/27/10)
11.2 Approval of the Cooperative Agreement between the District and the City of Moreno Valley for the Perris Valley Channel – Lateral A, Stage 2 (Heacock Street Bridge Widening), 5th District.
11.3 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding to Conduct an Integrated Regional Water Management Planning for the Upper Santa Margarita Watershed.
11.4 Receive and File the Annual Report on Financial Status of Area Drainage Plans.
11.5 Presentation of Resolution of Commendation to Jay Keller.
12.1 Approval of the Professional Service Agreement with SCS Energy to provide Operations and Maintenance of Landfill Gas to Energy (G2E) Facility, 5th District.
12. (No Business)
13.1 Approval of the Mayflower Park Phase 2 Improvement Project; Approval of Award of Construction Contract to A.E.L. Construction Inc.; and Authorize a Budget Adjustment, 4th District. (4/5 vote required) (13.1 of 08/10/10)
13. (No Business)
15. (No Business)
16.1 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7026 / TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 32531 – Michael Garcia – RAMCAM Engineering – Cajalco Zoning District – Lake Mathews Area Plan – 1st District. Recommendation of Planning Commission for Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 39735; Approval of Change of Zone 7026 to change the zone from Residential Agricultural – 2 ½ Acre Minimum (R-A-2 ½) to Residential Agricultural – 2 Acre Minimum (R-A-2); and, Tentative Tract Map No. 32531, Schedule B, to subdivide 22.86 acres into 11 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of two gross acres. (16.1 of 07/27/10)
16.2 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7725 / TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 36128 – Temecula Engineering Consultants – Rancho California Zoning District – Southwest Area Plan – 1st District. Recommendation of Planning Commission for Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 42185; Approval of Change of Zone 7725 to change the zone from Residential Agricultural – 20 Acre Minimum (R-A-20) to Residential Agricultural – 10 Acre Minimum (R-A-10); and Approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 36128, Schedule H to subdivide 22.2 gross acres into two (2) residential parcels with a minimum parcel size of 10 acres.