JANUARY 9, 2024
9:30 A.M.
1 23926 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Elect the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors for 2024. [$0]
2 23927 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Elect the Chair and Vice Chair of the Flood Control and Water Conservation District for 2024. [$0]
3 23928 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Elect the Chair and Vice Chair of the Housing Authority for 2024. [$0]
4 23929 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Elect the Chair and Vice Chair of the Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District for 2024. [$0]
5 23930 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Elect the Chair and Vice Chair of the Waste Resources Management District for 2024. [$0]
6 23931 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Board of Supervisors Appointments Reorganization 2024. [$0]
1.1 23935 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publication. [$0]
1.2 23833 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 37979 – CEQA Exempt per Section 15315 (Minor Land Divisions) – Applicant: Desert Empire Homes – Engineer/Representative: Watson Engineering – Fourth Supervisorial District – Lower Coachella Valley Zoning District – Eastern Coachella Valley Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD-MDR) (2-5 D.U./Ac.) – Location: East of Harrison Street, North of 70th Avenue, West of Polk Street, and South of 68th Avenue – 79.27 Gross Acres – Zoning: Light Agriculture - 10 Acre Minimum (A-1-10) and Residential Incentive (R-6) – REQUEST: Schedule J subdivision of two parcels totaling 79.27 gross acres with an existing 515 space mobile home park into three parcels ranging in size from 19.9 acres to 31.29 acres, for finance and conveyance purposes only. The application includes a request for a waiver of the final map. – APN(s): 751-280-018, 751-280-019. District 4. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.1 23864 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Re-Appointment of Victor Marabella to Citrus Pest Control District No. 3, Third District. [$0]
2.2 23865 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Re-appointment of Felicitas P Connolly to the In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee, Third District. [$0]
2.3 23607 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove, and the positive find of the Golden Spotted Oak Borer (GSOB) in the community of Idyllwild. [$0]
2.4 23862 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County Due to the Spread of Pierce's Disease in the Local Vineyards, District 3. [$0]
2.5 23863 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of Local Emergency in Riverside County Due to the Discovery of Citrus Greening Disease, or Huanglongbing, All Districts. [$0]
2.6 23825 AUDITOR CONTROLLER: Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), and Report on Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 114. The Auditors’ Communication with those Charged with Governance, All Districts. [$0]
2.7 23629 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Approval of the January 2024 Commemorative List of Presentations, All Districts. [$0]
2.8 23810 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and File the Treasurer's Monthly Disclosure Report on Investments dated November, 2023, All Districts. [$0]
2.9 23892 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Treasurer’s Monthly Statement of County and School Funds for November 2023, All Districts. [$0]
2.10 23893 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and file the Treasurer’s Purchase Detail Report for November 2023, All Districts. [$0]
3.1 23906 BOS DISTRICT 1: First District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) to be allocated to Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, Inc., Starting Over Inc. [$9,000 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.2 23923 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the American Legion Norco Post 328, Inc., My Learning Studio OUTREACH, Riverside Co. Department of Public Social Services, Adult Services Division Service Through Action, Friends of the Inland Empire Lions, Patriot High School Girls Soccer, Friends of the Corona Public Library, Corona-Norco Family YMCA, Corona-Norco Family YMCA / Fender Music Program, Hands & Feet Ministries and SAFE Family Justice Centers. [$31,000.00 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.3 23946 BOS DISTRICT 4: Approval of Child Care Facilities and Services Utilizing Fourth District American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Second Allocation Funds. District 4. [$2,072,202 Total Cost – American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.4 23880 BOS DISTRICT 5: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the City of Beaumont's Police Shop with a Cop event ($3,000) [$3,000 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.5 23790 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Fiscal Year 24/25 Internal Service and General Support Service Rate Overview, All Districts. [$0]
3.6 23799 AUDITOR CONTROLLER: Approval of FY 24/25 General Support Services Payroll Warrant Rate, All Districts. [$0]
3.7 23485 ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER: Approval of FY 2024/2025 RMAP Tiered Rate Schedule, All Districts. [$0]
3.8 23643 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of FY 24/25 County Counsel Billable Hourly Rates and Department Allocations, All Districts. [$0]
3.9 23776 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA - Public Safety Enterprise Communication (PSEC): Approval of FY24/25 PSEC Internal Service Fund Rates and Approval of the Update to the Capital Asset Plan for FY23/24 – FY27/28, All Districts. [$3,354,621, 100% Departmental Cost] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.10 23628 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of FY 24/25 Human Resources General Support Services Rate, All Districts. [$0]
3.11 23731 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Approval of FY 24/25 Facilities Management Custodial and Maintenance Internal Service Rate Allocation, All Districts. [$0]
3.12 23853 RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Approval of FY 24/25 Service Allocations and Rates and Approval of the update to the Capital Asset Plan for FY 23/24 – FY 27/28 for RCIT, All Districts. [$0] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.13 23788 PURCHASING AND FLEET SERVICES: Approval of the Central Mail Internal Services Fund Allocation and Equivalent Rates for FY 24/25 and Approval of 5 Years Capital Asset Plan for FY 24/25 - FY 28/29, All Districts. [$53,000 - 100% Departmental Budget] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.14 23791 PURCHASING AND FLEET SERVICES: Approval of FY 24/25 Fleet Services Rate and Approval of Capital Asset Plan FY 23/24-27/28, All Districts. [$3,054,432 - 100% Departmental Budget] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.15 23732 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Approval of FY 24/25 Facilities Management Real Estate (FM-RE) Internal Service Rate, All Districts. [$0]
3.16 23705 ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER/RMAP: Approval of Revised Departmental Records Retention Schedule for the Department Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder RMAP (ACR-RMAP), All Districts. [$0] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.17 23856 ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER AND PURCHASING AND FLEET SERVICES: Approve the Off-site Paper Records Storage Service Agreement with VRC Companies, LLC through December 31, 2026, without seeking competitive bids for an annual amount not to exceed $800,000, with the option to renew for up to two (2) additional annual renewals; approve the Off-site Paper Records Storage Agreement with Iron Mountain Information Management, LLC for Off-Site Paper Records Storage Services, leveraging the OMNIA Partners National Cooperative Contract through January 22, 2026, with the option to renew annually through January 20, 2034, for an annual amount not to exceed $972,920; All Districts. [Total: $14,529,200; plus an additional $200,000 annually for future unforeseen service requirements, 100% Departmental Budgets]
3.18 23779 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Adoption of Resolution No.2024-022 Authorizing the Emergency Management Department to Submit Application and Administer the FY23 SHSP, All Districts. [$2,398,207 100% Federal Funds]
3.19 20829 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT- REAL ESTATE (FM-RE): Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-018, A Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside Granting Authorization to Convey Fee Simple Interest in Real Property in the City of Desert Hot Springs, County of Riverside, California, Assessor’s Parcel Number 664-190-027 by Grant Deed to the City of Desert Hot Springs; District 4. CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15061(b)(3). [$28,150 - 100% Sale Proceeds] (4/5 Vote Required) (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.20 22631 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REAL ESTATE (FM-RE): Ratification and Approval of the Revenue Lease with Pacific Premier Bank, Riverside, Five-Year Lease, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exempt, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15061(b)(3); District 1. [$0] (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.21 22863 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Riverside University Health System Medical Center Kitchen Dishwasher Equipment and Flooring Replacement Project - Approval of Revised Project Budget, Ratify and Approve Change Order No. 1 and Approve Notice of Completion for Horizons Construction Company International, Inc.; District 5. [$84,508 - 100% RUHS Enterprise Fund 40050] (Clerk to Record Notice of Completion) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.22 23482 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval of Annual Fire Department Cost Allocation Plan for FY 23/24; All Districts [$37,564,015] 100% Contract Partner Revenue.
3.23 21206 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Approve the Form of Loan Agreement, and All Attachments Thereto, for the Use of HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Program Funds for Cathedral Palms Senior Apartments and the Subordination Agreements and Authorize the Director of HWS to Execute Forms of the HOME-ARP Loan Agreement, Covenant Agreement, and Subordination Agreements, Project Located in Cathedral City; District 4. [$2,000,000 - 100% HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program Funds]
3.24 23311 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Ratify and Accept the Local Immigrant Integration and Inclusion Grant Award (LIIIG) from the State of California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) to the County of Riverside for the period ending November 30, 2025; Ratify Authorization for the Director of HWS to Execute the Grant Agreement with GO-Biz; Authorize the Director of HWS to Enter into and Execute Subrecipient Agreement No. HWSCoC-0004927 with Training Occupational Development Educating Communities (TODEC) without seeking competitive bids; All Districts. [Total Cost: $571,888 – 100% State Funding] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.25 23401 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Adopt Resolution No. 2024-026, Approving Vista Dorada, L.P. as the Recipient of the Homekey Program Grant Funds Contract Number 21-HK-17169 in the Amount of $11,949,900 for the Acquisition and Development of Vista Dorada Apartments; Approval and Execution of a Standard Agreement Amendment for the Homekey Program Grant Funds Contract Number 21-HK-17169; and Any Related Documents Necessary to Participate in the Homekey Program; District 2. [$0]
3.26 23386 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Approve the Form of Grant Agreement for the Use of the Allocation from the Unincorporated Communities Initiative Funds with Galilee Center, Inc., for a Grant Amount Not to Exceed $500,000 and the Form of the Covenant Agreement; District 4. [$500,000 – 100% Unincorporated Communities Initiative Funds] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.27 23399 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of Updated Board Policy C7, Support for Employee Training and Education, All Districts. [$0]
3.28 23855 HUMAN RESOURCES: Ratify and approve Amendment No. 6 to the Professional Service Agreement with Aon Consulting, Inc. for continued Employee Benefits Consulting and Actuarial Services for an annual amount of $180,000 through December 31, 2024 with the option to renew annually for up to four (4) additional years through December 31, 2028 without seeking competitive bids; and approve an annual amount of $200,000 for the term of Amendment 6 to pay for 401(a) late retirement calculations and Actuarial cost, All Districts. [Total Cost $1,900,000; plus, not to exceed a total aggregate amount of $150,000 in additional compensation for future as-needed services, 47% Health and Welfare Benefits plans assets, 53% 401(a) plan assets]
3.29 23898 Human Resources: Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-023 for Exempt Management, Management, Confidential and Other Unrepresented Employees submitted herewith. [Fiscal Year 23/24 Cost - $32,459, Ongoing Cost - $64,917, Source of Funds - 100% Departmental Budget]
3.30 23729 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Idyllwild Public Restroom Facility Project – Approval of Notice of Completion for Reed Family Enterprises, Inc., District 4. [$23,769 - 100% American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund 21735 (Previously approved budget)] (Clerk to Record Notice of Completion)
3.31 23837 PROBATION: Approve the Professional Service Agreement with TOC Public Relations, LLC for Public Relations Services, without seeking competitive bids, for two years; All Districts; [Total Aggregate Cost $180,000; Up to $18,000 in Additional Compensation]; 100% Department Budget.
3.32 23500 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES (DPSS): Approve Professional Services Agreement DPSS-0005033 with Brain Learning Psychological Corporation for Learning Disability Evaluation and Diagnostic Services for a total aggregate amount of $675,000 for five (5) years, effective upon execution through June 30, 2028; All Districts. [Total Cost: $675,000; 53% Federal, 47% State]
3.33 23738 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES (DPSS): Approve Professional Services Agreements DPSS-0004788 with California Family Life Center and DPSS-0004789 with MarSell Consulting & MHS, for SafeCare Services effective February 1, 2024 through June 30, 2028. All Districts; [Total Aggregate Cost $3,850,000; up to $770,000 in additional compensation; Realignment 88%, Children’s Trust Fund 12%]
3.34 23760 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES (DPSS): Approve Amendment No.1 to the Professional Services Agreement #DPSS-0004722 with HopSkip Drive, Inc., for specialized transportation services without seeking competitive bids to increase the annual agreement amount by $100,000 from $100,000 to $200,000, effective upon signature through June 30, 2028; All Districts. [Total Cost Increase $500,000; up to $100,000 in Additional Compensation Provisions; 37% Federal Funding; 63% Realignment Funding]
3.35 23775 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Ratify and Approve the Universal Terms Order Form Software 2023-013997 7183286/ DPSS-0005039 Agreement with SAS Institute Inc., for SAS Data Reporting Software without seeking competitive bids for one year, effective December 30, 2023 through December 31, 2024; All Districts. [Total Cost $83,649; up to $16,730 in Additional Compensation; 50% Federal, 24% State, 5% County General Fund, 21% Realignment]
3.36 23841 PURCHASING & FLEET SERVICES: Approve the Professional Service Agreements for Generator Preventative Maintenance and Repair with the following two (2) vendors: Odyssey Power Corporation and Global Power Group for the Total Aggregate Amount of $668,340 for three years through June 30, 2026. District: All. [$668,340 Total Aggregate; up to $100,251 in additional compensation - 100% Department Budget]
3.37 23852 RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Ratify and Approve Acceptance of Four (4) California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Broadband Adoption Account (Adoption Account) grant funding from California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), All Districts. [$600,000 State Funding-100%]
3.38 23806 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Accept Grant Funds from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Awarded through the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Initiative in the Amount of $9,217,146 through FY 2026/2027, Amend Salary Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No.440-9408, and Approve the RUHS Budget Adjustment for FY 2023/2024; All Districts. [Total: $9,217,146; 100% State Funding. (4/5 Vote Required)
3.39 23934 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Behavioral Health Agreement with Hathaway-Sycamores Child and Family Services to Provide Mobile Crisis Services for FY 2023/2024, Without Seeking Competitive Bids, With the Option to Renew Two Additional One-Year Periods through FY 2025/2026. All Districts. [$4,713,671 FY 2023/2024, $5,198,381 FY 2024/2025, and $5,388,065 FY 2025/2026; $15,300,117, Total for 3 years; Up to $471,367 in Additional Compensation for FY 2023/2024, $519,838 for FY 2024/2025, and $538,806 for FY 2025/2026; 40% Federal Funding and 60%State Funding]
3.40 22445 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Professional Services Agreement with Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) for the Loving Support Breastfeeding Program, Effective Upon Signature through December 31, 2024. All Districts [Total aggregate amount $350,000; up to $35,000 in additional compensation – 100% State]
3.41 23043 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Subcontracting Agreement with Jurupa Unified School District (JUSD) for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed), and CalFresh Healthy Living Program for the Period of Performance of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2026. Districts 1 and 2 [Total Aggregate Amount: $74,997; up to $15,000 in additional compensation - 100% Federal]
3.42 23047 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 1 to Professional Service Agreement No. 23-049 with Regional Access Project Foundation (RAP) for Nutrition and Tobacco Prevention Education Services Without Seeking Competitive Bids, increasing the amount by $650,000 and extending the period of performance to September 30, 2026. District 4. [Total increased aggregate amount $785,000; up to $157,000 in additional compensation – 75% Federal and 25% State]
3.43 23468 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 1 to Professional Service Agreement No. 22-051 with the California WIC Association for the Grow Our Own (GOO) Lactation Consultant Courses to Increase the Aggregate Compensation Amount. All Districts [Total Increase: $160,000; up to $16,000 in additional compensation - 100% State]
3.44 23646 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve Grant Agreement No. DD24005 with the State of California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for Be Wiser Teen Impaired and Distracted Driving and Speeding/Occupant Safety Program for the Period of Performance of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024. All Districts. [Total award amount: $182,000 - 100% Federal]
3.45 23649 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve Grant Agreement No. DI24016 with the State of California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for College Communities Against Drunk, Drugged, and Distracted Driving (CADDD) for the Period of Performance of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024. All Districts: [Total aggregate amount $120,000 - 100% Federal]
3.46 23675 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Subcontracting Agreement with the City of Perris for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed), and CalFresh Healthy Living Program for the Period of Performance of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2026. District 1 [Total Aggregate Amount: $528,000; up to $105,600 in additional compensation - 100% Federal]
3.47 23759 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Subcontracting Agreement with Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed), and CalFresh Healthy Living Program for the Period of Performance of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2026. District 1 [Total Aggregate Amount: $630,000; up to $126,000 in additional compensation - 100% Federal]
3.48 23717 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and Approve the Professional Services Agreement with Dr. Zhanna Georgievskaya, M.D. for Forensic Pathologist Services Without Seeking Competitive Bids for the Sheriff’s Coroner’s Bureau for 5 (Five) Years and Authorize the Chair of the Board to Sign the Agreement on Behalf of the County. All Districts; [Total Five-Year aggregate cost $1,300,000; up to $130,000 in additional compensation; 100% Sheriff’s Budget]
3.49 23798 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approve the Five-Year Public Safety Enterprise Communication (PSEC) Use Agreement for Incentive Rate Use with the City of Palm Springs. District 4. [$3,301,930 – 100% City of Palm Springs Funds]
3.50 23556 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approve the Professional Services Agreement for Helicopter Engine Replacement Parts, Engine Inspection, Overhaul, Rental and Maintenance Services between County of Riverside and Safran Helicopter Engines USA, Inc. for Engine Related Services for Department Owned Helicopters Without Seeking Competitive Bids for Five (5) Years; All Districts; [Total Cost $4,375,000; $875,000 Annual Cost]; 100% General Fund.
3.51 23687 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Accept the FY 2023-24 Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Funding, from the State of California (State), Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) and Ratify and Approve Grant Agreement PT24161; All Districts. [Total Cost $1,918,000, 100% Federal Grant Funding] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.52 23709 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approve 'Phase 1A', of the Pre-Development Agreement (PDA) with Griffin/Swinerton, LLC (“Vendor”) for the Ben Clark Training Center's (“BCTC”) Modernization Project (“Project”). Phase 1A of the PDA is expected to last one (1) calendar year from the issuance of the Notice of Proceed (“NTP”) by the Riverside Sheriff’s, Project Management Office (“PMO”) to the awarded Vendor and will focus only on 'Needs Assessment" services with various stakeholders. All Districts: Total Cost - $2,013,590; Including up to $201,359 in Additional Compensation] 100% General Fund.
3.53 23721 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and Approve the Professional Services Agreement with Dr. Paul Gliniecki, M.D. for Forensic Pathologist Services Without Seeking Competitive Bids for the Riverside County Sheriff Coroner’s Bureau for 5 (Five) Years and Authorize the Chair of the Board to Sign the Agreement on behalf of the County; All Districts; [Total Five-Year Aggregate Cost $1,300,000; up to $130,000 in additional compensation; 100% Sheriff’s Budget]
3.54 23797 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and Approve the Professional Services Agreement with Dr. Jeremy Thomas Stuelpnagel, M.D. and Dr. Jack Guccione, M.D. for Forensic Pathologist Services Without Seeking Competitive Bids for the Sheriff Coroner’s Department for Five (5) Years and Authorize the Chair of the Board to Execute the Agreements on Behalf of the County. All Districts; [Total Five-Year Aggregate Cost $2,600,000; up to $260,000 in Additional Compensation; 100% Sheriff’s Budget]
3.55 23869 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Accept the FY23-24 California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control sponsored by the Office of Traffic Safety Grant Program through the National Highway Traffic Safety ABC-OTS Grant Program Funding in the Amount of $40,000; Adopt Resolution No. 2024-016, Authorizing the Riverside County Sheriff and Other Authorized Agents to Accept Funding for the ABC-OTS Grant Program from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, to Execute the ABC-OTS Grant Documents and Administer the ABC-OTS Grant, for the communities in the Southwest Corridor of the County; Districts 1, 2, & 3. [Total Cost $40,000 – 100% State Funds] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.56 22810 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Consulting Services Agreement between the County of Riverside and T.Y. Lin International for the Cajalco Road Widening Project-Segment 1 from Wood Road to Seaton Avenue. District 1. [$10,399,008 Total Cost - Local Funds 100%]
3.57 23509 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Notice of Completion – Slurry Seal and Curb Ramp Accessibility Project, for Fiscal Year 22/23 at Various Locations. Districts 3 and 5. [$0]
3.58 23535 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Resolution No. 2024-002, Notice of Intention to Vacate the right to accept a portion of an un-named road and public utility easement, in the Pinyon Pines area, District 4. [Applicant Fees 100%] (Clerk to Set for Public Hearing)
3.59 23547 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval and execution of the Newport Road Community Facilities District No. 03-1 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program Improvement Credit Agreement between FPG Tricon Woods Property LLC, and the County of Riverside associated with Tract Nos. 32816, 32817, 32818, and 33743. Not a project under CEQA pursuant to Section 15378 (b)(5) of the State CEQA Guidelines. District 3. [$0]
3.60 23622 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Cooperative Agreement Between the County of Riverside and the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District for the Good Hope - Olive Avenue Storm Drain, Project No. 4-0-00425, CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), District 1. [$0] (Companion Item to MT Item No. 23538)
3.61 23565 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approve Addendum to Plans and Specifications, Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of the Long Canyon Road Resurfacing Project, in the Community of Southeast Desert Hot Springs; District 4. [$1,808,428 Total Cost - Local Funds 100%]
3.62 23625 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bid for the Construction of Avenue 48 Widening Project, Van Buren Street to Dillon Road, in the Community of Carver Tract, City of Coachella, and City of Indio, District 4. [$2,580,980 Total Cost - Local Funds 100%] (Clerk to Advertise)
3.63 23708 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Internet Tax Sale of Tax-Defaulted Real Property, Sale No. TC-220, scheduled for April 25, 2024 through April 30, 2024, with Real Auction, LLC., All Districts. [$359,543 - 100% Fund 11060 Tax Loss Reserve Fund]
4 Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting
5A Public Financing Authority Meeting
6 Industrial Development Authority Meeting
7 In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Meeting
8 Community Facilities District Legislative Body Meeting
9 Riverside County Library System Foundation Meeting
10 Housing Authority Meeting
10.1 23476 HOUSING AUTHORITY (HA): Adopt Resolution No. 2024-001, Approving Funding Allocation and Support for Application for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee and Support for Application for Award of Private Activity Bonds to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee for the Villa Verde Housing Project Located in the City of Coachella, and Approval of Up to $219,892 from former Coachella RDA using Taxable Housing Bonds (ROPS lines 26, 31, 32, and 34) to Abode Communities for the Villa Verde Housing Project; District 4. [$219,892 - 100% Coachella RDA taxable Housing Bonds]
10.2 23557 HOUSING AUTHORITY: Receive and File Annual Housing Successor Report for Fiscal Year 2022-2023; All Districts. [$0]
11 Flood Control and Water Conservation District Meeting
11.1 23538 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of the Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the County of Riverside, on Behalf of its Transportation Department, for Good Hope - Olive Avenue Storm Drain, Project No. 4-0-00425, CEQA Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), District 1. [$0] (Companion Item to MT Item No. 23622)
11.2 23809 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Review and Determine There is a Need to Continue the Tropical Storm Hilary Emergency Actions; Receive and File the Report of the Tropical Storm Hilary Emergency Actions; Receive and File the Emergency Work Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Contera Construction Corporation for Emergency Contract Work for Potrero Creek Debris Basin Emergency Sediment Removal (Project No. 4-0-00025), CEQA Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15269, All Districts. [$1,014,395 Total Cost - District Funds 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
11.3 23820 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Public Hearing - Adopt Resolution No. F2024-03 Complying with Section 18 of the District Act; Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Perris Valley Channel Lateral B, Stage 4 Project, Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and Approve the Perris Valley Channel Lateral B, Stage 4 Project, Project No. 4-8-00009-04, District 1. [$0] (Clerk to File CEQA Notice of Determination)
12 County Board and Waste Resources Management District Meeting
12.1 23567 DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with American Eagle Sweeping Inc. for Street Sweeping Services at the Badlands and Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfills; District 5. [$239,088 Total Annual Amendment Cost – Department of Waste Resources Enterprise Funds 100%]
D. District
13 County Board and Regional Park and Open Space District Meeting
13.2 23411 REGIONAL PARK & OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-01, Declaration of Surplus Land Commonly Known as the 7 Mile Trail in Unincorporated Western County of Riverside; District 2; [$0]
13.3 23511 PARKS & OPEN SPACE DISTRICT: Annual Required Financial Reporting and Actions of the Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District related to Resolution for Appropriations Limit, Filing of Annual Audit Report, and lncrease of Delegated Authority; All Districts. [$0]
14 Riverside Community Housing Corp. Meeting
15 Riverside University Health System Medical Center Governing Board Meeting
15.2 23867 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – MEDICAL CENTER: Approval of the Product Agreement with bioMerieux, Inc., for SpotFire Instruments, Reagents, Standard Warranty and Extended Warranty, for four years through January 8, 2028, All Districts [Total Aggregate Cost $5,236,782; up to $523,678 in Additional Compensation] 40% Hospital Enterprise Fund, 60% Federal Funds.
15.3 23872 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - MEDICAL CENTER: Approve the Equipment Purchase, License, and Services Agreement with Avasure, LLC for Avasure Telesitter Solution for five years, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, All Districts. [Total Cost: $9,420,485; Total Annual Cost $1,345,784; Up to $134,578 in Additional Annual Compensation, 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund – 40050]
16.1 Eddie Apodaca spoke regarding misconduct at the Idyllwild Fire department.
16.2 Jan Wingo spoke regarding an issue with coyotes and communication issues with Animal Control and Fish and Game
16.3 Elaine Van Beek and Lisa Kauffman spoke regarding Best Friends Animal Society “We are 90 Campaign.”
16.4 Daryl Terrell spoke regarding immigration issues.
16.5 Andrea Silva spoke regarding the objection to approval of environmental justice element GP-23-02 without environmental review.
16.6 Erica Smith spoke regarding an issue with her rental voucher.
16.7 Roy Bleckert spoke regarding the negative impact of government decisions.
16.8 Shelby Bunch spoke regarding election integrity and invited everyone to attend a Demo of the proper way an election should be handled.
2.6, 3.23, 3.27, 3.31, 3.48, 3.52, 3.53, 3.54, 3.56
19.1 22612 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 212, Item 169. Last assessed to: The Dore Family Trust, dated Apr 22, 1991 Edward C. Dore and Jeanne M. Dore, Trustor/Trustees; Thomas A. Pieper, Trustee of the Thomas A. Pieper Living Trust, dated August 6, 2002; Helene A. Jacobson, an unmarried woman; Gregory E. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property; Scott T. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property and Todd A. Pieper, a single man, as tenants in common; and Thomas Philip Crandall. District 1. [$6,167-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.2 22615 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 212, Item 171. Last assessed to: The Dore Family Trust, dated Apr 22, 1991 Edward C. Dore and Jeanne M. Dore, Trustor/Trustees; Thomas A. Pieper, Trustee of the Thomas A. Pieper Living Trust, dated August 6, 2002; Helene A. Jacobson, an unmarried woman; Gregory E. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property; Scott T. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property and Todd A. Pieper, a single man, as tenants in common; and Thomas Philip Crandall. District 1. [$6,169-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.3 22621 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 212, Item 159. Last assessed to: Edward C. Dore and Jeanne M. Dore, husband and wife; Thomas A. Pieper, Trustee of the Thomas A. Pieper Living Trust, dated August 6, 2002; Gregory E. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property; Scott T. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property and Todd A. Pieper, a single man, as tenants in common; Thomas Philip Crandall; and Helene A. Jacobson, an unmarried woman. District 3. [$8,283-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.4 22623 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 212, Item 160. Last assessed to: Edward C. Dore and Jeanne M. Dore, husband and wife; Thomas A. Pieper, Trustee of the Thomas A. Pieper Living Trust, dated August 6, 2002; Gregory E. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property; Scott T. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property and Todd A. Pieper, a single man, as tenants in common; Thomas Philip Crandall; and Helene A. Jacobson, an unmarried woman. District 3. [$8,273-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.5 22638 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 212, Items 164 & 170. Last assessed to: The Dore Family Trust, dated Apr 22, 1991 Edward C. Dore and Jeanne M. Dore, Trustors/Trustees; Thomas A. Pieper and Linda L. Pieper, husband and wife, as joint tenants; Bertha Pieper, an unmarried woman; Thomas A. Pieper and Bertha Pieper, Trustees for the Louis A. Pieper Trust; Walter E. Crandall and Ellen D. Crandall, husband and wife, as joint tenants; and Helene A. Jacobson, an unmarried woman. District 1. [$15,996-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.6 22640 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 212, Item 165. Last assessed to: The Dore Family Trust, dated Apr 22, 1991 Edward C. Dore and Jeanne M. Dore, Trustor/Trustees; Thomas A. Pieper, Trustee of the Thomas A. Pieper Living Trust, dated August 6, 2002; Gregory E. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property; Scott T. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property and Todd A. Pieper, a single man, as tenants in common; Thomas Philip Crandall; and Helene A. Joacobson. District 1. [$6,191-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.7 22642 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 212, Item 166. Last assessed to: The Dore Family Trust, dated Apr 22, 1991 Edward C. Dore and Jeanne M. Dore, Trustor/Trustees; Thomas A. Pieper, Trustee of the Thomas A. Pieper Living Trust, dated August 6, 2002; Gregory E. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property; Scott T. Pieper, a married man as his sole and separate property and Todd A. Pieper, a single man, as tenants in common; Thomas Philip Crandall; and Helene A. Jacobson. District 1. [$6,152-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.8 22649 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 212, Item 167. Last assessed to: The Dore Family Trust, dated Apr 22 1991 Edward C. Dore and Jeanne M. Dore, Trustor/Trustees. District 1. [$3,087-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.9 22681 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 214, Item 192. Last assessed to: Gary Cornell Warren, 1/27; Kevin Daniel Warren, 1/27; Renee D. Giliespie, 1/27; Naomi Gayden, 1/27; Vaughnn Butler, 1/27; Elton L. Daughterty, 1/27; Eric L. Jones, 1/9; Alein Powell Pickford, 1/9; Barry Carl Warren, 1/9; W O McGuthrie, 1/9; Evelyn Clara Harris, 1/9 (minus 15% assigned to Brandenburger & Davis); Isaac Edward Dixon, 1/9; and Estate of Robert Dixon, 1/9. District 2. [$0]
19.10 22779 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 214, Item 249. Last assessed to: Investment Property Trust Dated May 9, 2011. District 2. [$1,155-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.11 22780 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 214, Item 485. Last assessed to: Alfred L. Holt and Judith S. Holt, husband and wife as joint tenants. District 4. [$5,189-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.12 22870 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 214, Item 666. Last assessed to: Joey Longenecker, an unmarried man. District 4. [$3,011-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.13 23236 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4083. Last assessed to: Angelic Pierce, Ushindi Nagee Gadlin-Pierce, Angelia Gadlin-Pierce, and Viris Brown III. District 1. [$69,288-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.14 23251 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 214, Item 655. Last assessed to: Randal B. Gersten, 100% in fee simple. District 4. [$0]
20 10:00 A.M. County General Plan Amendment Initiation Proceedings Meeting
21 10:00 A.M. County Land Use Public Hearings Meeting
21.1 23456 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: PUBLIC HEARING ON CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 2300019 and ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 348.5007– NO NEW ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED, per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 (Previous EIR524) - Applicant: Sri Yantra LLC – Representative 4M Engineering and Development - Third Supervisorial District - Rancho California Zoning Area - Southwest Area Plan - Agriculture: (AG) - Location: Southeasterly of Rancho California Road, Southwesterly of Anza Road and North of Cilurzo Road – 11.01 Acres - Zoning: Citrus Vineyard ten acre minimum (C/V-10) - REQUEST: Change of Zone No. 2300019 is a proposal to change the zoning classification of the subject site from Citrus Vineyard ten acre minimum (CV-10) to Wine Country - Winery Existing (WC-WE). The applicant is requesting a Change of Zone to bring the subject site into compliance with the standards of the Temecula Valley Wine Country Policy Area - Winery District that it is within - APN: 941-140-059 - District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
21.2 23554 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: PUBLIC HEARING ON CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 2300016 (CZ2300016) and ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE No. 348.5008 – No New Environmental Documentation Required, per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15162 (Previous EIR380) – Applicant: Richland Ventures Inc: Derek Barbour – Owner: RHV Valley Glen: John Troutman – Third Supervisorial District – Winchester Zoning Area – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan – Conservation (OS:C), Open Space Recreation (OS:R), Medium Density Residential (CD:MDR), Medium High Density Residential (CD:MHDR), High Density Residential (CD:HDR), Public Facilities (CD:PF), Commercial Retail (CD:CR) – Location: south of Busby Road, west of Highway 79, north of Ano Crest Road, and, east of Briggs Road. – 232.46 Acres – Zoning: Specific Plan No. 293 Winchester Hills – REQUEST: Change of Zone No. 2300016 is a proposal to establish zoning boundaries within Specific Plan No. 293 for the following planning areas; 47B, 49A, 49B, 50A, 50B, 50C, 50D, 51, portion of 52, portion of 54A, portion of 54B, portion of 56, 62A, and 62B. The applicant is requesting a Change of Zone to establish zoning boundaries within Specific Plan No. 293. The allowable uses and development standards will not be changing as a part of this Change of Zone – APN: 466-340-006, 466-340-009, 466-340-010, 466-340-011, 466-340-012, 466-340-013, 466-340-014, 466-340-016, 466-340-017, 466-340-023, 466-340-024, 466-340-025, 466-340-027, 466-340-028 – District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
Supervisor Perez;
· Riverside County celebrates Inaugural of Riverside County Arts and Culture in March
· 35th Annual Palm Springs Film Festival
· Thanked Supervisor Jeffries for serving as the chair in 2023
· The need for Housing Authority conversations to improve services in the community
Supervisor Spiegel:
· SCAG-Housing Reform, Zero Emissions Truck project study, Future of California update by Lucy Dunn Business Representative
· Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 15
· Thanked Supervisor Jeffries for serving as the chair in 2023
Supervisor Washington:
· Anza Health and Safety Holiday Luncheon
· Menifee Santa’s Workshop
· Project Touch Fundraiser Dinner
· Blue Light Ceremony
· Temecula Holiday Gift Card Giveaway
· VFW Post 4379 Visit
· Thanked Supervisor Jeffries for serving as the chair in 2023
Supervisor Gutierrez:
· Thanked Supervisor Jeffries for serving as the chair in 2023
· Thanked Undersheriff Don Sharp for working with District 5 in providing resources to inmates released in Riverside County
· Touched on the importance to continue the Integrated Care Model
· Shop with a Cop event in Moreno Valley and San Jacinto
· District 5 Cookie Social
· Blue Light Ceremony
· Nonprofit Workshop, January 18 at 9:30 a.m. at the Edward Dean facility
· Boards Committees and Commissions (BCC) Orientation Workshop January 24 in the Board Chambers
Supervisor Jeffries:
· Report from Executive Office on changes and impacts since the opening of the new Lake Mathews Sheriff’s station.
Board Committee Report / Update
(No Board Committee Reports / Updates)
Executive Officer / State Budget Update
Jeff Van Wagenen:
· National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
· Noted Deputy Mike Beal’s last day at the CAC
· Congratulated Stephanie Persi’s son Jeffrey Persi with Michigan Wolverines
· Ofelia Valdez-Yeager
Supervisor Spiegel:
· Larry Baltierra
Supervisor Perez:
· Nick Nigosian
County Counsel Report On Closed Sessions
Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation:
(Subdivision (d)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9)
23950 A.1 Kelly Martinez v. Carlos Chavez, et al. (San Bernardino Superior Court Case No.: CIVDS1930528)
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation:
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(2) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation:
Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(4) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
23951 D.1 Conference with labor negotiator:
Agency Negotiator – County Executive Officer
Employee organizations – Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, RCDDAA,
23952 E.1 Public Employee Appointment
Title: Department of Child Support Services Director
The Chair declared the meeting adjourned.
Chuck Washington, Chair of the Board of Supervisors
ATTEST: Kimberly A. Rector, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors