AUGUST 29, 2017
9:00 A.M.
Executive Officer
State Budget Update
1.1 4817 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publication. [$0]
1.2 5037 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 30752 – Applicant: Lansing Companies – First Supervisorial District – Cajalco Zoning District – Lake Mathews/Woodcrest Area Plan: Community Development: Public Facilities (CD-PF) and Rural Community: Low Density Residential (RC-LDR) – Location: Northerly of Lake Matthews Drive, southerly of Cajalco Road, and westerly of Wood Road – 117.7 Gross Acres – Zoning: Residential Agricultural – 2 Acre Minimum (R-A-2½) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “B” Subdivision of 117.7 gross acres into 112 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 20,000 sq. ft. and nine (9) open space lots on a total site area of 117.7 gross acres – REQUEST: SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 30752, extending the expiration date to July 30, 2018. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.3 4964 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 30852 – Applicant: Mitzman Land Development Inc., c/o Howard Mitzman – First Supervisorial District – Temescal Zoning Area – Lake Mathews/Woodcrest Area Plan: Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC:VLDR) (1 acre min.) – Location: North of Dawson Canyon Road, south of Arcaro Drive, west of Gavilan Springs Ranch – 414.22 Acres – Zoning: Rural Agricultural (R-A-1) - APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Subdivision of 414.22 gross acres into 249 residential lots with a minimum lot size of one (1) gross acre on 348.5 gross acres, seven (7) Open Space lots with a minimum lot size of .25 acres on 58.54 gross acres, and four (4) detention basins with a minimum lot size of 0.70 acres on 3.89 gross acres. Applicant Fees 100%.
1.4 4700 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 32026 – Applicant: Lake Elsinore Lakeside Estates, LLC – First Supervisorial District – South Elsinore Zoning Area – Elsinore Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD:MDR) (2-5 DU/AC), Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC:VLDR) (1 Acre Minimum), and Rural: Rural Mountainous (R:RM) (10 Acre Minimum) – Location: Southerly of Grand Avenue, westerly of Doolittle Court, and easterly of Mountainous Drive – 89.9 Gross Acres – Zoning: One-Family Dwellings (R-1) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “A” Subdivision of 89.9 gross acres into 141 lots, which includes a total 130 single-family residential lots, a 1.74-acre Reservoir site, a 0.16-acre Water Pump Station site, a 6.02-acre Debris Basin, a 0.89-acre Water Quality Basin, and seven (7) Open Space Lots totaling 31.88 acres, of which 30.95 acres will be preserved within a conservation easement – REQUEST: FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 32026, extending the expiration date to June 23, 2018. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.5 5035 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 32477 – Applicant: Bridgewalk 64, LLC – First Supervisorial District – Woodcrest Zoning District – Lake Mathews/Woodcrest Area Plan: Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC-VLDR) (1 Acre Minimum) – Location: Northerly of Nandina Avenue, Southerly of Rabbit Scramble Trail, and Easterly of Washington Street – 69 Gross Acres – Zoning: Residential Agriculture (RA-1) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “B” Subdivision of 69 acres into 64 residential lots with a minimum lot size of 30,000 sq. ft. and one (1) detention basin – REQUEST: THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 32477, extending the expiration date to June 28, 2018. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.6 5030 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 33926 – Applicant: CJ Consulting – First Supervisorial District – Lakeland Village Zoning District – Elsinore Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD-MDR) (2-5 DU/AC) and Open Space: Conservation (OS-C) – Location: Northerly of Grand Avenue and easterly of Ethlene Drive – 3.15 Gross Acres – Zoning: One-Family Dwellings (R-1) and Watercourse, Watershed and Conservation Areas (W-1) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “A” Subdivision of a 3.15 net acre parcel into five (5) residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet (net) and a 1.42 net acre Open Space Lot – REQUEST: FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 33926, extending the expiration date to June 10, 2018. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.7 5036 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 34713 – Applicant: Albert A. Webb Associates – First Supervisorial District – Mead Valley Zoning District – Lake Mathews/Woodcrest Area Plan: Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC-VLDR) (1 Acre Minimum) – Location: Southerly of Avenue D, easterly of Cole Avenue, and westerly of Alexander Street – 38.25 Gross Acres – Zoning: Light Agriculture – 1 Acre Minimum (A-1-1) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “B” Subdivision of 38.25 gross acres into 33 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of one (1) acre and four (4) open space lots – REQUEST: FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 34713, extending the expiration date to October 4, 2017. ]Applicant Fees 100%].
1.8 5027 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE ASSISTANT TLMA DIRECTOR’S DECISION TO APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 37086 and ADOPT THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION for ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 42890 – Engineer/Representative: G & G Engineering/Andrew Grechuta – First Supervisorial District – Mead Valley Zoning District – Mead Valley Area Plan: Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC:VLDR) (1-Acre minimum) - Zoning: Light Agriculture, 1-Acre minimum (A-1-1) – Location: North of Pinewood Street, south of Oakwood Street, east of Haines Street, and west of Clark Street - REQUEST: Receive and File the Assistant TLMA Director’s approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 37086, which is a schedule “H” subdivision of a 3.5-acre parcel into 3 single-family residential parcels with a minimum lot size of 1 acre – APN: 318-172-003. [Applicant Fees 100%]
1.9 5026 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S DECISION TO APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 37277 AND PLOT PLAN NO. 25719R1 and consideration of an ADDENDUM to Environmental Assessment No. 42759 - Engineer/Representative: Albert A. Webb and Associates – First Supervisorial District – Glen Ivy Zoning District – Temescal Canyon Area Plan: Community Development: Light Industrial (CD:LI) (0.25-0.60 Floor Area Ratio), as reflected in SP No. 176 Land Use Plan - Zoning: Specific Plan (SP No. 176, Planning Area III-3) – Location: north of Pulsar Court, south of Leroy Road, and east of Temescal Canyon Road - REQUEST: Receive and File the Planning Commission’s approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 37277 and Plot Plan No. 25719R1. The tentative parcel map is a schedule “E” subdivision of two parcels comprised of 5.06 acres into five (5) parcels. Parcels 1-4 range in size from 1.03 acres to 1.32 acres and will be for the development of the industrial buildings. Parcel 5 is comprised of 0.29 acres and will be utilized as a water quality basin. The revision to Plot Plan No. 37277 allows the construction of four industrial buildings totaling approximately 86,646 square feet. – APN’s: 283-440-030 and 283-440-032. [Applicant Fees 100%]
1.10 4934 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3722 AND FINDING IT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) - Applicant: Derek Catalino – Engineer/Representative: AA & Associates – Second Supervisorial District – El Cerrito Zoning District – Temescal Canyon Area Plan - Community Development: Commercial Retail- Location: Located to the north along Temescal Canyon Road, south of Arcadia Street, west of El Cerrito Road, and east of Jolora Avenue - 0.26 acres - Zoning: General Commercial (C-1/CP) - REQUEST: Receive and File the Planning Commission's approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 3722, which proposes to permit an automotive dealership that includes an auto sales office within an existing 1,686 square-foot building and 1,620 square feet of outdoor auto display area. APN- 277-110-040. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.11 5041 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 30976 – Applicant: Winchester Hills CSI, LLC – Third Supervisorial District – Winchester Zoning Area – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD-MDR) (2-5 DU/AC) – Location: Northerly of Ano Crest Road, westerly of Leon Road, and southerly of Busby Road – 53.39 Gross Acres – Zoning: Winchester Hills Specific Plan (SP 293, Pas 51, 53) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “A” Subdivision of 53.39 acres into 162 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 sq. ft. and 28 open space lots for drainage/water quality, paseos, and fire access – REQUEST: SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 30976, extending the expiration date to June 16, 2018. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.12 4966 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 30977 – Applicant: Alan Clark & Kathy Warner – Third Supervisorial District – Winchester Zoning Area – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan – Community Development: Low Density Residential (CD:LDR) (1/2 acre min.), Open Space: Conservation (OS:C) – Location: North of Ano Crest Road, south of Busby Road, east of Leon Road, west of Winchester Road – 260.5 Acres – Zoning: Specific Plan (S-P) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Subdivision of 260.5 acres into 414 single family residential lots, one (1) 7.56-acre park, 13 open space lots for paseos and drainage/water quality totaling 18.26 acres, one (1) 107.33 acre natural open space lot, and three remainder lots for future development. Planning Area 47B has 154 lots with a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet, Planning Area 50A has 93 lots with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet, Planning Areas 50B and 50D have 138 lots with a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet, and Planning Area 50C has 122 lots wih a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.13 4572 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FOURTH EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 31314 - Applicant: Advanced Civil Group c/o Steven Austin - Third Supervisorial District – Rancho California Zoning Area - Southwest Area Plan: Rural Community: Estate Density Residential (RC:EDR) - Location: North of Calle De Vinedos, East of Calle Cabernet, West of Anza Road – 52.34 Acres - Zoning: Residential Agricultural – 2 Acre Minimum: (R–A–2) - APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Subdivide 52.34 acres into 19 single family lots with a two (2) acre minimum lot size. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.14 4920 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 31545 – Applicant: United Engineering Group c/o Beau Cooper – Third Supervisorial District – Homeland Zoning Area – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD:MDR) - Location: North of Oak Valley Drive, South of Alicante Drive, East of Leon Road, West of Juniper Flats Road – 17.42 Acres – Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Subdivide 17.42 acres into 55 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet, and two (2) open space lots for a regional trail and water quality basin. [Applicant fees 100%].
1.15 5090 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 31700 – Applicant: EPC Holdings 781, LLC – Third Supervisorial District – Rancho California Zoning Area – Southwest Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD-MDR) (2-5 DU/AC) and Highway 79 Policy Area – Location: Southerly of Keller Road, westerly of Washington Street, and easterly of Coventry Lane – 20.7 Gross Acres – Zoning: One Family Dwellings (R-1) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “A” Subdivision of 20.7 gross acres into 64 residential lots, with a proposed minimum lot size of 7,200 sq. ft. In addition, the project also proposes a 6,990 sq. ft. paseo and a 1-acre park – REQUEST: SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 31700, extending the expiration date to August 29, 2018. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.16 5087 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 31857 – Applicant: City Development, Inc. – Third Supervisorial District – Winchester Zoning Area – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD-MDR) (2-5 DU/AC) – Location: Southerly of Grand Avenue, westerly of Beeler Road and northerly of Simpson Road – 44 Gross Acres – Zoning: One-Family Dwellings (R-1) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “A” Subdivision of 44 acres into 140 single family residential lots, 4 open space lots for a 3.55 acre portion of a 5.57 acre joint park with Tentative Tract Map No. 31858, a paseo connection, and drainage – REQUEST: FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP No. 31857, extending the expiration date to August 28, 2017. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.17 4967 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 32332 – Applicant: Arlington Veterinary Laboratories, Inc., c/o Clifford J. Olsen – Third Supervisorial District – Bautista Zoning Area - San Jacinto Valley Area Plan: Agriculture (AG), Rural Community: Low Density Residential (RC:LDR) (1/2 acre min.) – Location: North of Whittier Avenue, south of Mayberry Avenue, east of Century Court, west of Fairview Avenue – 23.70 Acres - Zoning: Residential Agricultural (R-A) and Open Area Combining Zone - Residential Developments (R-5) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The land division hereby permitted is for a Schedule `B' subdivision of 23.70 gross acres into 34 lots with a minimum lot size of 20,000 sq. ft. Applicant Fees 100%.
1.18 5088 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 32379 – Applicant: Matthew Fagan Consulting Services – Third Supervisorial District – Rancho California Zoning Area – Southwest Area Plan: Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD-CR) (0.20-0.35 FAR) – Location: Southeasterly of Pourroy Road and Auld Road – 21.01 Gross Acres – Zoning: General Commercial (C-1/C-P) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “E” Subdivision of 21.01 acres into 3 commercial lots, and the realignment to Butterfield Stage Road and Auld Road. The proposed parcels range in size from a minimum of 3.72 gross acres to a maximum of 10.97 gross acres – REQUEST: SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 32379, extending the expiration date to June 14, 2018. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.19 5032 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 34842 – Applicant: Joseph E. Bonadiman Associates – Third Supervisorial District – Winchester Zoning Area – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan – Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD-MDR) (2-5 DU/AC) – Location: Northerly of Simpson Road and Easterly of Leon Road – 10.24 Gross Acres – Zoning: One-Family Dwelling (R-1) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “A” Subdivision of 10.24 acres into 32 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet and two (2) open space lots for a water quality basin and a regional trail – REQUEST: FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 34842, extending the expiration date to April 20, 2018. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.20 4837 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE ASSISTANT TLMA DIRECTOR’S DECISION TO APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 36991 and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration - Applicant: Ruth Barnhardt - Representative: Land Engineering Consultants, Inc.-Third Supervisorial District – Rancho California Zoning Area - REMAP Area Plan – Rural: Rural Mountainous (R:RM - 10-acre minimum) and Rural: Rural Residential (R:RR - 10-acre minimum) - Location: Northerly of Stanley Road, easterly of Larkin Lane, and westerly of Teunissen Street - 79.50 acres - Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R). REQUEST: The Tentative Parcel Map proposes a Schedule “H” subdivision to create four (4) residential parcels. The parcels will be a minimum of fifteen (15) gross acres. APNs: 571-400-001. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.21 4997 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE ASSISTANT TLMA DIRECTOR'S DECISION TO APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 36837 / PLOT PLAN NO. 25686 and ADOPT THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION for ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 42732 – Applicant: Omni West Group, Inc. – Engineer/Representative: A&B Consulting Engineers – Fourth Supervisorial District – Bermuda Dunes Zoning District – Western Coachella Valley Area Plan: Community Development: Commercial Office (CO) (0.25 – 1.00 FAR) – Location: Southerly of 41st Avenue, easterly of Washington Street, westerly of Sparkey Way – 4.17 Acres - Zoning: General Residential – 4,000 Square Feet (R-3-4000) - REQUEST: Receive and File the Assistant TLMA Director's approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 36837 and Plot Plan No. 25686. Tentative Parcel Map No. 36837 is a Schedule "H" subdivision of four (4) acres into two (2) parcels of approximately two (2) acres each. Parcel 1 will consist of an existing two-story medical office building. Plot Plan No. 25686 proposes a new two-story medical office building on proposed Parcel 2, with overall site containing approximately 287 existing parking spaces (257 spaces, 30 vanpool credits), with drainage facilities and landscaping. [Applicant Fees 100%]
1.22 5069 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 37228 AND FINDING IT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) -- Applicant: Nachhattar Singh Chandi and Susana Chandi – Engineer/Representative: Coachella Valley Engineers – Fourth Supervisorial District – Mecca Zoning District – Eastern Coachella Valley Area Plan – General Plan: Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD:CR) – Location: Northeast corner of SR86 and 66th Avenue – Acres: 37.17 gross Zoning: Light Agriculture, 5-acre minimum (A-1-5) and Scenic Highway Commercial (C-P-S) – REQUEST: Receive and file the Planning Commission’s approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 37228, which is a Schedule “E” subdivision of 37.16 gross acres into 6 parcels. Parcels 1-5 consist of the existing travel center; Parcel 6 is an undeveloped area totaling 25.17 acres. No physical improvements are proposed with the Tentative Parcel Map. The proposed subdivision of the travel center that would create six parcels will allow the property owner to sell the parcels individually. This subdivision request does not propose any new development. APN: 727-100-020 [Applicant Fees 100%]
1.23 4998 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 37307 / PLOT PLAN NO. 26229 and ADOPT the NEGATIVE DECLARATION for ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 43009 - Applicant: Steve Blair - Fourth Supervisorial District - Bermuda Dunes Zoning Area - Western Coachella Valley - Community Development: Light Industrial - Location: The project is located in the Southeast corner of Leopard Street and Wolf Road north of Interstate 10 and west of Washington Street – 0.62 acres - Zoning: Manufacturing-Service Commercial (M-SC) - REQUEST: Receive and File the Planning Commission’s approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 37307 for a Schedule E subdivision that will create a single parcel (0.62 acres) with seven (7) condominium units for recreational vehicle storage. Units will range in size from 1,560 sq. ft. to 1,700 sq. ft. within a proposed 11,292 sq. ft. building and the subdivision also establishes a 12,250 sq. ft. common parking lot and a 3,465 sq. ft. common landscaped area. Receive and File the Planning Commission’s approval of Plot Plan No. 26229 to construct an 11,292 sq. ft. concrete tilt-up building with a building height of 22-feet with enclosed parking spaces for seven condominium recreational vehicle units. APN's 626-330-024; 626-330-025 [Applicant Fees 100%]
1.24 5031 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 29322 – Applicant: WSI Land Holdings, LLC – Fifth Supervisorial District – Homeland and Winchester Zoning Area – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan: Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD-CR) (0.20-0.35 FAR), Business Park (CD-BP) (0.25-0.60 FAR), Medium High Density Residential (CD-MHDR) (5-8 DU/AC), Medium Density Residential (CD-MDR) (2-5 DU/AC), and Open Space: Recreation (OS-R) – Location: Southerly of Alicante Drive, easterly of Trumble Road, northerly of Grand Avenue, and westerly of Juniper Flats Road – 43.4 Gross Acres – Zoning: Specific Plan (SP No. 260) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule “A” Subdivision of 43.4 acres into 202 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 6,000 sq. ft. and 4 open space lots for water detention/quality purposes, a 14 foot wide regional trail, and expanded exterior parkway landscaping within proposed planning areas 26 and 28 in Specific Plan No. 260 – REQUEST: FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 29322, extending the expiration date to April 3, 2018. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.25 4925 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 31546 – Applicant: United Engineering Group c/o Beau Cooper – Third Supervisorial District – Homeland Zoning Area – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD: MDR) (2-5 du/ac) – Location: North of Oak Valley Drive, south of Alicante Drive, east of Leon Road, west of Juniper Flats Road – 36.28 Acres - Zoning: Specific Plan (S-P) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Subdivide 36.28 acres into 114 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet, one (1) 4.19 acre park, and one (1) open space lot for a regional trail. [Applicant Fees 100%].
1.26 4896 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO APPROVE THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 33884 - Applicant: Maxine Miller - Fifth Supervisorial District – Cabazon Zoning District - The Pass Area Plan: Community Development: Highest Density Residential (CD:HHDR) - Location: North of Carmen Avenue, south of Aloma Drive, east of Orange Street, west of Broadway Street – 9.26 Acres - Zoning: Highest Density Residential (R-7) - APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Schedule A subdivision of 9.26 gross acres into 40 residential lots with a minimum lot size of 5,000 sq. ft. with affordable housing provisions in accordance with R-6 zoning requirements, and three (3) open space lots for a detention basin and expanded parkway landscaping. [Applicant Fees 100%]
1.27 4914 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE THE SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME for TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 35496 - Applicant: Mike Naggar - Fifth Supervisorial District – Nuevo Zoning Area - Lakeview/Nuevo Area Plan: Rural Community: Low Density Residential (RC:LDR) (1/2 acre min.) - Location: South of 12th St., east of Y Ave., north of Apricot Ave., west of North Dr. – 19.54 Acres - Zoning: Residential Agricultural (R-A) – APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Subdivision of 19.54 acres into 25 residential lots with a minimum lot size of ½ acre and one (1) 2.3 acre remainder lot. [Applicant fees 100%].
1.28 4996 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF COMMERCIAL WECS PERMIT NO. 133 AND FINDING IT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) – Applicant: Wintec Energy, LTD – Representative: Jeffery S. Welton – Fifth Supervisorial District – Pass and Desert – Western Coachella Valley Area Plan – General Plan: Rural: Rural Desert (RUR-RD) – Location: North Palm Springs, northerly of Interstate 10 and easterly of State Highway 62; more specifically, northerly of Avenue 18, southerly of Dillon Road, westerly of Diablo Road, and easterly of Lotker Lane – Zoning: Wind Energy (W-E) – General Plan Policy Area: San Gorgonio Pass Wind Energy Policy Area - REQUEST: Receive and File the Planning Commission's approval of COMMERCIAL WECS PERMIT NO. 133 (“WECS No. 133”) for an existing commercial wind energy conversion system (WECS) with a permit life of 15 years, expiring on July 1, 2033. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.1 5208 SUPERVISOR KEVIN JEFFRIES: Appointment of Taylor Keen to the Woodcrest Municipal Advisory Council, First District [$0]
2.2 5209 SUPERVISOR KEVIN JEFFRIES: Appointment of Michael Osmon to the Woodcrest Municipal Advisory Council, First District [$0]
2.3 5085 SUPERVISOR JOHN F. TAVAGLIONE: Appointment of Ike Bootsma to be an alternate on the Riverside Transit Agency Board, Second District [$0]
2.4 5059 SUPERVISOR JOHN F. TAVAGLIONE: Appointment of Kim Jarrell Johnson to the Riverside County Historical Commission, Second District [$0]
2.5 5001 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove, and the positive find of the Golden Spotted Oak Borer (GSOB) in the community of Idyllwild. [$0]
2.6 5058 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Appointment of Corinne Awad to the Historical Commission as a representative of Riverside County District Three. [$0]
2.7 4617 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) / WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND SUPERVISOR PEREZ: Riverside County Workforce Development Board Reappointment of Tina Sewell; District 4; [$0]
2.8 4969 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Jerry Dean Herman to the Fair Board. [$0]
2.9 4977 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Becky Broughton to the Fair Board. [$0] (APPROVED AS RECOMM.)
2.10 4978 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Carol Schaudt to the Behavioral Health Commission. [$0]
2.11 5103 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Sergio Carranza to the Housing Review Committee Advisory Council. [$0]
2.12 5105 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Sergio Duran to the Thermal-Oasis Community Council. [$0]
2.13 5148 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Sergio Meza to the Thermal-Oasis Community Council. [$0]
2.14 5150 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Richard Lee Phipps to the Palo Verde Cemetery District. [$0]
2.15 5152 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Jaime Gonzales to the Mecca-North Shore Community Council. [$0]
2.16 5154 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Bea Cortes to the Riverside County Asset Leasing Corporation Committee. [$0]
2.17 5156 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Russell Joseph to the Indio Hills Community Council. [$0]
2.18 5159 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Robert Melkesian to the Housing Review Committee Advisory Council. [$0]
2.19 5162 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Ronald Feiro to the Indio Hills Community Council. [$0]
2.20 5163 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Marco Celedon to the Thermal-Oasis Community Council. [$0]
2.21 5216 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Appointment of Debra Lynn Beck to the Advisory Council on Aging. [$0]
2.22 5196 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Appointment of John Chizo to the Nuview/Romoland Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.23 5219 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Appointment of Julie Hutchinson to the San Gorgonio Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.24 4981 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Appointment of Katie Keyes to Riverside County Archives Commission, Fifth District. [$0]
2.25 5191 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of James Siva to the West Desert Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.26 5192 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of Maxine Israel to the West Desert Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.27 5193 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of Pennie Ahmed to the Nuview/Romoland Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.28 5200 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of Minnie Birchard to the San Gorgonio Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.29 5189 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of Kerri Mariner to West Desert Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.30 5195 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of Diane Shott to the Nuview/Romoland Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.31 5197 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of John Covington to the San Gorgonio Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.32 5198 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of Stella Parks to the San Gorgonio Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.33 5199 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of Mary Daniel to the San Gorgonio Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.34 5201 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of Marilyn Legerat to the San Gorgonio Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.35 5194 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Reappointment of Robert (Bob) Duke to the Nuview/Romoland Municipal Advisory Council, Fifth District. [$0]
2.36 4948 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Legislative Update: August 29, All Districts. [$0]
2.37 5147 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the spread of Pierce's Disease in the Local Vineyards, 3rd District. [$0
2.38 5076 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Internal Audit Report 2017-013: Riverside County Economic Development Agency, Project Management Office, Countywide Contract Amendments and Competitive Bidding, All Districts. [$0]
2.39 5077 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Internal Audit Report 2017-0043: Riverside County Clerk of the Board, Control Environment, All Districts. [$0]
2.40 5078 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Fraud Hotline 24/7! Program Activity Report for the Period of July1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, All Districts. [$0]
2.41 4959 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Conflict of Interest Code of the Riverside County Transportation Commission [Districts: All] [$0]
2.42 4717 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Resolution No. 2017-140 Summarily Vacating a Portion of Via Pascal in the Wolf Valley area. This Vacation is exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. 3rd District (Clerk to file Notice) [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.43 4973 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Final Tract Map 29598, a Schedule "A" Subdivision in the Highgrove Area. 2nd District; [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.44 4971 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Final Tract Map 29598-1, a Schedule "A" Subdivision in the Highgrove Area. 2nd District; [Applicant fees 100%]
2.45 4972 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Final Tract Map 29598-2, a Schedule "A" Subdivision in the Highgrove Area. 2nd District; [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.46 4684 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and file the Treasurer’s Purchase Detail Report for June 2017.
2.47 4685 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Treasurer’s Monthly Statement of County and School Funds for June 2017.
2.48 4943 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and File the Treasurer’s Monthly Disclosure Report on Investments dated June 2017.
2.49 5038 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Treasurer's Statement of Investment Policy.
2.50 5063 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and File the Treasurer’s Monthly Disclosure Report on Investments dated July 2017.
2.51 5064 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Treasurer’s Monthly Statement of County and School Funds for July 2017.
2.52 5065 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and file the Treasurer’s Purchase Detail Report for July 2017.
2.53 4951 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Inmate Welfare Fund Expenditures Report for FY 15-16 All Districts. [ Inmate Welfare Fund 100%]
3.1 5139 BOS DISTRICT 1: First District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the True Innocents Equine Rescue, Riverside & Lands Conservancy, Fit One Foundation, and Fair Housing Council of Riverside County (on behalf of Civil Rights Institute of Inland So. Cal). [$5,100 – General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.2 5140 BOS DISTRICT 1: First District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the RCCD Foundation, A Salute to Veterans Parade, CA Veterans of Foreign Wars Motorcycle Club, and Women Wonder Writers. [$6,500 – General Fund 100%} (4/5 vote required)
3.3 5141 BOS DISTRICT 1: First District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for theSmiles for Seniors, Assistance League of Temecula Valley, Hospice of the Valleys, and Riverside University Health System Foundation. [$8,000 – General Fund 100%} (4/5 vote required)
3.4 5135 SUPERVISOR KEVIN JEFFRIES: Riverside County Opposition to Renewal of LEAPS Application before FERC [1st District]
3.5 5137 SUPERVISOR KEVIN JEFFRIES: Utilization of Community Facilities Districts to fund infrastructure maintenance for New Residential Development Projects [All Districts] [$0]
3.6 5173 SUPERVISOR KEVIN JEFFRIES: Reform of Indemnification Agreement Procedures in Planning Process. [$0]
3.7 5174 SUPERVISORS JEFFRIES AND SUPERVISOR WASHINGTON: Initiation of Ordinance Amendments and New Ordinance to Establish a Comprehensive Regulatory Framework For Medicinal and Adult-use Cannabis Businesses and Cannabis Activities [All Districts] [$150,000 total cost General Fund 100%]
3.8 4299 SUPERVISOR KEVIN JEFFRIES: Media Access to Public Safety Enterprise Communication (PSEC) System. [$0] (3.1 of 07/11/2017)
3.9 5018 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to Simple Acts of Care & Kindness, Mission Inn Foundation, Patriot High School Girls Soccer, and Fender Museum of the Arts Foundation [$19,000.00 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.10 5080 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to Soroptimist International of Corona, Christian Arts and Theatre, Riverside University Health System Foundation and Inspire Life Skills Training . [$21,500.00 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.11 5082 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to the Foundation on Aging, Rivers and Land Conservancy, Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, and All American Riders. [$18,000.00 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.12 5206 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to the 100 Mile Club, Peppermint Ridge, Smiles for Seniors and Boy Scouts of America. [$17,000.00 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.13 4945 BOS DISTRICT 3: Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for Care-A-Van Transit Systems INC., Temecula Valley Conservatory of the Arts, Hospice of the Valleys, and California Family Life Center . [$12,000 – General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.14 4946 BOS DISTRICT 3: Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for Temecula United Methodist Church MONKS, Foundation on Aging, Riverside University Health System Foundation, and Fair Housing Council of Riverside County [$10,500 – General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.15 5108 BOS DISTRICT 3: Donation of one surplus van unit to the non-profit, Reaching New Heights Foundation, in Riverside, CA [$0] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.16 4979 BOS DISTRICT 4: Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the American Legion District 21, Christopher's Clubhouse, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church, The Cathedral City Senior Center. [$6,530 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.17 5188 BOS DISTRICT 5: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the Boy Scouts of America Five Nations District, March Field Museum Foundation, Inc., and Victory Outreach Moreno Valley. [$17,500 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.18 5221 BOS DISTRICT 5: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for Fifth District Youth Advisory Council Scholarship. [$250 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.19 5133 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Southwest Communities Financing Authority (SCFA) - First Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Animal Shelter Operations Agreement [District 1, 3] [$0]
3.20 5127 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Proclamation of Local Emergency in Riverside County due to the discovery of citrus greening disease, or huanglongbing. [$0]
3.21 5172 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Scheduling a Public Hearing and approving related activities for the petition to form a Citrus Pest Control District in the Hemet area within Riverside County, 3rd District. [$0]. (Clerk to Advertise)
3.22 4867 ANIMAL SERVICES: Ratify Agreement 17-008 between the City of Desert Hot Springs and the County of Riverside Department of Animal Services for animal shelter services to the City. [District 4]; [$72,272 -100% Contract Revenue]
3.23 4877 ANIMAL SERVICES: Ratify Agreement 17-009 between the City of Desert Hot Springs and the County of Riverside Department of Animal Services for animal field services to the City. [District 4]; [$12,019 - 100% Contract Revenue]
3.24 4939 ANIMAL SERVICES: Ratify Agreement 17-002 between the City of Menifee and County of Riverside Department of Animal Services for animal shelter services to the City. [District 5]; [$97,038 - 100% Contract Revenue]
3.25 4980 ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER / RMAP: Approval of Departmental Records Retention Schedules, District All. [$0] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.26 5123 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Adopting Tax Rates and Levy of Taxes for County, School Districts, Cities and Special Districts for the 2017/2018 Secured Tax Roll, All Districts. [$0]
3.27 5177 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of Resolution No. 2017-198 Authorizing The County Counsel To Represent The County In Proceedings Relating To The Protection Of Citrus Trees And Abatement Of Neglected Or Abandoned Plants Or Crops [All Districts- $0]
3.28 5143 COUNTY COUNSEL/TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY: ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 348.4864 FORMALLY CHANGING THE PROPERTY’S ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM MANUFACTURING – SERVICE COMMERCIAL TO SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL - First Supervisorial District – North Perris Zoning Area – Mead Valley Area Plan - Location: Southeast corner of Cajalco Expressway and Harvill Avenue – 11.5 Gross Acres. REQUEST: Adopt Ordinance No. 348.4864 that will finalize the Board of Supervisors’ tentative action on Change of Zone No. 7917 and formally change the property’s zone classification to Scenic Highway Commercial. APNs- 317-110-034 and 317-110-035. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.29 5242 DELETED - See item 17.7
3.30 4944 DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Annual Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification Report (Asset Forfeiture Program) for fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. [All Districts] [$0; Asset Forfeiture Trust Funds 100%]
3.31 4313 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Resolution No. 2017-108 Initiating the Dissolution of County Service Area 60 (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
3.32 4477 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Edward-Dean Museum Proposed Rates and Fees for FY 2017/2018, District 5, [$0]
3.33 4478 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Community Facilities District - (CFD) Rates & Fees, County-wide, [$0]
3.34 4508 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): County Service Areas Proposed Rates and Fees, County-wide, [$0]
3.35 4509 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): United States Bankruptcy Court Renovation Project – Approval of In-Principle and Preliminary Project Budget, District 2. [$1,597,799 – Lease Payments from General Services Administration – 100%]
3.36 4791 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Fifth Amendment to Lease, Sheriff Cal ID Division, 5 Year Lease Extension, District 1, CEQA Exempt, [$748,450], 100% Sheriff Cal ID Budget (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
3.37 4885 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Job Order Contract No. 009 - Approval of Construction Contract with Dalke and Sons Construction, Inc., All Districts. [$4.5 Million - Intra-Internal Charges–49%, lnterfund-Reimbursements for Services–50% and Capital Improvement Program Fund–1%]
3.38 4888 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Adopt Resolution No. 2017-145, Notice of Intention to Convey Fee Simple Interest in Real Property to the City of Jurupa Valley, District 2 [$0] (Clerk to Post Notice of Intention) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.39 4915 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): San Jacinto Mountain Community Center Adoption of NEPA Findings and Adoption of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment, District 3, [$1,200,000], 100% Community Development Block Grant Funds.
3.40 4924 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): County Free Library Proposed Rates and Fees for FY 2017/2018, County-wide, [$0]
3.41 4927 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Resolution No. 2017-150, Authorization to Purchase Real Property located in North Shore, County of Riverside, California; Approve Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Joint Escrow Instructions with the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency for the County of Riverside; District 4 [$8,500];Riverside County Fire Structural Fire Taxes and Prop 172 49%, General Fund 51%; CEQA Exempt (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
3.42 4938 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Adoption of Resolution of Intention to establish proposed maintenance only Community Facilities District to be named Community Facilities District No. 17-4M (Promontory) of the County of Riverside to be administered by the Economic Development Agency Community and Cultural Services Division, Supervisorial District 3 [$104,520 Ongoing Cost]; CFD 17-4M (Promontory) – 100%
3.43 4958 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Riverside County Fair & National Date Festival Proposed Rates and Fees for FY 2017-2018, District 4, [$0]
3.44 4983 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Consent to Assignment of Sublease and Sale of Hangar between Hangar 1, LLC and Sol De La Montanas, LLC at Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport, 4th District [$0], CEQA Exempt
3.45 4433 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND DEPARTMENT OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Department of Behavioral Health Indio Outpatient Clinic Rehabilitation Project - Approval of Notice of Completion for Vincor Construction, Inc., District 4. [$32,675 - Mental Health Services Act - 100%] (Clerk to Record Notice of Completion)
3.46 5074 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND PROBATION: Alan M. Crogan Youth Treatment and Education Center - Adopt Resolution No. 2017-173 and Approve Facility Sublease, District 1, [$0]
3.47 4139 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Riverside County Information Technology Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Maintenance Services Contract – Approval of Notice of Completion for ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc., Districts 1 and 2. [$11,331 - Riverside County Information Technology Funds - 100%] (Clerk to File Notice of Completion)
3.48 4713 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Riverside County Innovation Center Tenant Improvement Parking Lot Expansion Project - Approval of Project Budget Adjustment and Reallocation of Tenant Improvement Project Savings, District 2. [$87,030 - CORAL Bond Funds - 100%]
3.49 4150 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Riverside University Health System Cogeneration Plant Upgrade Project – California Environmental Quality Act Exempt, Approval of Construction Contract with Angeles Contractor Inc. and Preliminary Project Budget, District 5. [$2,549,781 – Line of Credit with Banc of America reimbursed by RUHS Enterprise Fund 40050 - 100%]
3.50 4563 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Riverside University Health System Pharmacy Security Upgrade Project - California Environmental Quality Act Exempt, Approval of In-Principle and Project Budget, District 5. [$185,850 - RUHS Enterprise Fund 40050 - 100%]
3.51 4751 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM: Riverside University Health System - Medical Center Emergency Department Decontamination Showers Upgrade Project - Approval of Change Order No. 1 and Notice of Completion for Vincor Construction, Inc., District 5. [$4,941 - RUHS Enterprise Fund 40050 - 100%] (Clerk to File Notice of Completion)
3.52 4415 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Off-Site Improvements at the John J. Benoit Detention Center-Phase I – California Environmental Quality Act Exempt, Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement for Engineering Design and Construction Management Services for Albert A. Webb Associates, Approval of Plans and Specifications for Storm Drain Improvements, and Approval of Preliminary Project Budget, District 4. [$7,000,000 – Existing JJBDC Bond Proceeds - 100%] (Clerk to Advertise for Bids)
3.53 4560 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility Laundry Expansion Project - California Environmental Quality Act Exempt, Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with DLR Group, Inc., Construction Management Services Agreement with Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc. and Approval of Plans and Specifications, District 5. [$4,200,000 - Existing JJBDC Bond Proceeds - 100%]
3.54 4688 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility Door and Lock Upgrade Project – Approval of Notice of Completion for Cornerstone Detention Products, Inc., District 5. [$21,671 - Assembly Bill 109/118 Funding - 100%] (Clerk to Record Notice of Completion)
3.55 4710 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility Exam Rooms Renovation Project – Approval of Notice of Completion for Vincor Construction Inc., District 5. [$14,544 - Existing JJBDC Bond Proceeds - 100%] (Clerk to Record Notice of Completion)
3.56 4850 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT: Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility Clinic Project – Approval to Reject All Bids for Phase I and Approval of Revised Plans and Specifications, District 5. [$0]
3.57 4661 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND TRANSPORTATION LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY-TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of Temporary Construction Access Agreements for a portion of Assessor’s Parcel Number 319-052-018 and a portion of Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 319-181-010 and 319-181-011 for the Cajalco Road Interim Safety Project in the Mead Valley area, CEQA Exempt, District 1; [Total Cost - $17,800; Gas Tax (ABX8-9 Mar 2010 New Huta)-100% (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.58 4291 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY (TLMA) - TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of Right of Way Acquisition Agreement for a portion of Assessor’s Parcel Number 152-630-029 for the Limonite Avenue/Interstate 15 Interchange Project in the City of Jurupa Valley, CEQA Finding of Northing Further is Required, District 2; [Total Cost - $74,200; Mira Loma Road and Bridge Benefits District-100%] (Clerk to file Notice of Determination)
3.59 4769 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY-TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of Right of Way Acquisition Agreements for a Portion of Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 869-090-051, 869-090-050, and 30-Foot Portion of Existing 3rd Place Right of Way (No Assessor’s Parcel Number Assigned) for the Felix Appleby Elementary School Sidewalk Project in the Blythe Area, CEQA Exempt, District 4; [Total Cost - $18,910; Gas Tax-100] (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.60 4636 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) / WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act partner phase II Memorandum of Understanding, Program Years 2017/20, entered into by the Riverside County Workforce Development Board, County Executive Office and the America’s Job Centers of California Partners, All Districts, [$0]
3.61 5104 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) / WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Adoption of the 5 in 5 Economic Development Strategic Plan for Riverside County for Fiscal Years 2017-2022. [Districts - All] [$0]
3.62 4580 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Approve the Single Source Purchase of LiveProcess Professional Annual Subscription renewal and LiveProcess Regional Coordination License. [All Districts] [$141,735] [100% Federal funding]
3.63 5028 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Ratify the Single Source Agreement #EM-17-114 between the Riverside County Foundation for Medical Care (RCFMC) and the Emergency Management Department (EMD) for Emergency Department Physicians Claims Processing. [All Districts] [not to exceed $325,000 annually] [100% Maddy EMS Fund]
3.64 4515 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Moreno Valley Vector Control Contract Approval of the Multi-Year Agreement for Vector Control Services provided through the Department of Environmental Health; 5 years; 5th District; [$160,000 total]; Moreno Valley City funds 100%
3.65 5062 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Schedule a Public Hearing for Residential Organic Recycling Rates for County Franchise Areas 5 and 7. [Districts 1 and 5] [$0] (Clerk to Advertise)
3.66 4869 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a Purchase Order to ZOLL Medical Corporation (ZOLL) for Forty-Seven (47) ZOLL X Series Defibrillators purchased utilizing ZOLL’s three-year financing option at 0% interest FY 17/18 through FY 19/20 [All Districts] [Total Aggregate Cost $1,178,511] General Fund 23%, Prop 172 and Structural Fire Taxes 33%, Contract Reimbursement 43%
3.67 4937 FIRE DEPARTMENT: The Acceptance of FY 2016 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) and Approval of Budget Adjustment; [All District] [$364,375 total cost] 85% Federal Funds, 8% General Funds, 7% Structural Fire Taxes. (4/5 Vote Required)
3.68 4962 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Agreement between the County of Riverside and Riverside Community College District, on behalf of the Moreno Valley College to Provide one (1) Fire Captain to serve as Fire Technology Operations and Logistics Coordinator for the College’s Basic Firefighter Academy for three (3) years. District: All [$666,237]
3.69 5015 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval of the First Amendment for the Pre-Hospital Provider Agreement between the County of Riverside and The University of California, Riverside – School of Medicine, to provide Supervised Field Service Experience for Emergency Medical Service Program Residents for five years (5) years. District: All [$0]
3.70 5016 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Firefighter Rapid Intervention Crew and Firefighter Safety and Survival Fire Training Structure Agreement between County of Riverside and Moreno Valley College for five (5) years. District: All [$0]
3.71 5017 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Fuel and Propane Use Agreement for the Riverside Community College District on behalf of Moreno Valley College for five (5) years. District: All [$2,400]
3.72 5047 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval of Annual Fire Department Cost Allocation Plan for FY 17/18; All Districts [$28,392,023] 100% Contract Partner Revenue
3.73 5070 FIRE: Authorization to Apply for 2016-2017 State Responsibility Area Fire Prevention Fund (SRAFPF) and Tree Mortality (TM) Grant Program; [District All]; [up to $200,000 available]; 100% State Funds
3.74 4479 HUMAN RESOURCES: Ratify and Approve the Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Post Employment Program Health Savings Plan Agreements for contract extensions with Gallagher Benefits Services, Inc., for Consulting Services, A.W. Rehn and Associates, Inc. for Administrative Services, and Investment Manager and Trustee Services with Washington Trust Bank, All Districts. [Total Cost - $222,420][Source of funds: Plan Assets]
3.75 4545 HUMAN RESOURCES: Establish new recommended classifications; grant parity adjustment for the Chief of Hospital Plant Operations classification; approve the addition of the Chief Data Officer classification to Appendix II; and amend Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9060 submitted herewith, All Districts. [Total Cost- $0] [Source of Funds: N/A].
3.76 4795 HUMAN RESOURCES: Adoption of Resolution No. 2017-148 for Exception to the 180-Day Wait Period for Paul McDonnell per Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21224, All Districts. [Total Cost $75,000] [Source of Funds - Executive Office Budget]
3.77 5091 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve and execute Amendment No. 6 to the Agreement for Pharmacy Benefit Services with Navitus Health Solutions, LLC, through December 31, 2017, All Districts. [Total Cost $4,400,000 - 100% Exclusive Care Members Premiums]
3.78 4935 PROBATION: Approval of the Annual Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement (Asset Forfeiture Program) for fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 - Districts All; [0]
3.79 4949 PROBATION: Authorization of Agreement with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for Juvenile Diagnostic Services
3.80 4953 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approve Amendment #4 to funding Agreement #CAPP-6045 with the California Department of Education for child care services, for one year. [Districts: All]; [Total Cost $122,139 - Source of Funds - State 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.81 5246 DELETED - See item 14.1
3.82 4638 RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (RCIT): Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Fakouri Electrical Engineering, Inc., for Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Maintenance and Repair Service for Four Years. [All Districts]; [Annual Cost $225,000, Total Cost $900,000 - 66% RCIT and 34% PSEC Operating Budgets]
3.83 5097 RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement with Dimension Data (Formerly Nexus IS) for Renewal of Cisco Smartnet Maintenance for One Year. [All Districts]; [Total Cost $ 853,473 - 100% RCIT Operating Budget]
3.84 4821 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS): Approval of a Professional Service Agreement with Vache Chakmakian, M.D., Inc. to provide Physician services without seeking competitive bids for five years and authorization of additional payments under the Agreement for Physician Services for two months in the amount of $15,000 for fees earned in FY2016-2017; All Districts; [$100,000 Annually]; General Fund
3.85 4828 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS): Ratification of the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Zymeda Provider Solutions to provide Clinical Performance Strategy Consulting Services; 2 years; [All Districts]; [$82,000 Annually]; Hospital Enterprise Fund
3.86 5067 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS): Approval of the Professional Services Agreement with Soyring Consulting to provide comprehensive Assessment and Consultative Services for Case Management and Clinical Services without seeking competitive bids; [All Districts]; [$369,830] total; Hospital Enterprise Fund
3.87 5084 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS) - MEDICAL CENTER: Authorization of additional payments under the agreement for billing and collection services with Hospital Billing and Collection Services, Ltd. (HBCS) and one-year contract extension, increasing the total contract from $2,116,971 to $2,613,000; All Districts; [$496,029 from Hospital Enterprise Fund].
3.88 5086 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS): Ratification of the First Amendment to the Professional Service Agreements for Third Party Liability Services for one year; July 1, 2017; All Districts; [$500,000 Total]; Hospital Enterprise Fund
3.89 5066 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS): Approval of the Professional Services Agreement with Strata Decision Technology, LLC to provide a cost accounting and performance measurement software system without seeking competitive bids effective August 29, 2017; 5 years; [All Districts]; [$2,491,960]; Hospital Enterprise Fund
3.90 4606 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify the Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA), Riverside University Health System-Behavioral Health (RUHS-BH) and the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) for the Purchase of State Hospital Beds FY16/17 through FY 18/19. (District: All); [$9,279,054 Annually for 3 Years]; State 100%
3.91 4883 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS) - MEDICAL CENTER: Ratify and execute the Professional Service Agreement with Huron Consulting Services LLC d/b/a Huron Healthcare to provide Project Management Consulting Service without seeking competitive bids effective July 25, 2017 through June 30, 2018; 1 year; All Districts; [$397,475 Total]; Hospital Enterprise Fund
3.92 4900 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS) - MEDICAL CENTER: Ratification of a Professional Service Agreement with Faculty Physicians and Surgeons of LLUSM dba Loma Linda University Faculty Medical Group to provide ophthalmology services without seeking competitive bids effective July 1, 2017; 5 years; All Districts; [$1,981,891 Annually]; Hospital Enterprise Fund
3.93 4901 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS) - MEDICAL CENTER: Ratification of a Professional Service Agreement with Faculty Physicians and Surgeons of LLUSM dba Loma Linda University Faculty Medical Group to provide rheumatology services without seeking competitive bids effective January 1, 2017; 5 years; All Districts; [$459,086 annually]; Hospital Enterprise Fund
3.94 5023 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS) - MEDICAL CENTER: Ratification of the Fifth Amendment with P2P Staffing Corporation dba MedPartners HIM to provide cancer surveillance for regulatory compliance services effective July 1, 2017; 6 months; All Districts; [$75,000]; Hospital Enterprise Funds
3.95 5117 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS) - MEDICAL CENTER: Approval of the Professional Services Agreement with Moss Adams, LLP to provide Revenue Cycle Consulting Services effective September 1, 2017; 1 year; [All Districts]; [$195,000 Total]; Hospital Enterprise Fund
3.96 5130 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS) - MEDICAL CENTER: Approval of Twenty-Fifth Amendment to Agreement between County of Riverside and Cerner Health Services, Inc.; Authorize Increase and Payment of $1,858,968 for maintenance and support costs for Fiscal Year 16/17 and Fiscal Year 17/18 under an Agreement with Cerner, Inc. relating to the amount of $1,858,968 for maintenance and support costs [All Districts; [$1,858,968 Total]; Hospital Enterprise Fund
3.97 5081 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify First 5 Eighth Amendment to the Agreement #13102 BF with Riverside County Children and Families Commission for Fiscal Year 2017-2018. All Districts. [$319,400 – 100% Funded by Riverside County Children and Families Commission]
3.98 5083 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify First 5 Agreement #17124 OP with Riverside County Children and Families Commission for the performance period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020 for Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care program. Districts: All. [$1,325,000 – 100% Funded by Riverside County Children and Families Commission]
3.99 5115 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the Agreement #17-10229 with the State of California Department of Public Health for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020. Districts: All. [$2,497,299 – State 98% and County RUHS-PH 2%]
3.100 4815 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the Five-Year Law (FY17/18 - FY21/22) Enforcement Services Agreement with the Joint Powers Commission of the March Joint Powers Authority, District Five. [$1,134,787 – Contract City Law Enforcement Revenue 100%]
3.101 4819 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the One-Year Law Enforcement Services Agreement with the De Luz Community Services District, District One. [$250,822 – Contract City Law Enforcement Revenue 100%]
3.102 4856 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratification of the FY 2017-18 Memorandum of Understanding with the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools for the Provision of Educational Programs to Adult Inmates, All Districts. [Riverside County Superintendent of Schools – 47% and Inmate Welfare Fund – 53%, Total Program $1,876,379]
3.103 4873 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the Five-Year Law (FY17/18 - FY21/22) Enforcement Services Agreement with the City of Menifee and the Adoption of Resolution No. 440-9065, District Five. [$87,602,428 - Contract City Law Enforcement Revenue]. (4/5 Vote Required)
3.104 4895 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Federal Equitable Sharing (Asset Forfeiture) Program, All Districts. [$0]
3.105 4913 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of State Agreement to Reimburse the County for the Provision of the Law Enforcement Driving Simulator (LEDS) and/or the Force Option Simulator (FOS) at the Ben Clark Training Center. District 1 - [$121,000– State 100%]
3.106 5251 DELETED - See item 2.53
3.107 5024 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Acceptance of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA 16) Grant Award, All Districts. [$1,304,446-100% Federal Grant Revenue] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.108 5049 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Public Comment Opportunity – Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) System, District All.
3.109 4930 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the Five-Year (FY17/18 – FY21/22) Law Enforcement Services Agreement with the City of Coachella, District Four. [$45,853,954 - Contract City Law Enforcement Revenue].
3.110 5247 DELETED - See item 17.8
3.111 4813 TRANSPORTATION LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY- PLANNING: Ratify and Authorize the Professional Services Agreement between the County of Riverside and the City of Menifee for a Term of One Year. 5th DISTRICT [$25,000 est. Total Cost] 100% Reimbursement by the City of Menifee
3.112 4495 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Notice of Completion – North San Jacinto Group 1 Resurfacing Project in the Soboba Hot Springs Area. 3rd District. [$156,555]; Local Funds 100%
3.113 4670 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Cooperative Agreement with the Eastern Municipal Water District, Interstate 215 and Scott Road Interchange Improvements, California Environmental Quality Act Finding of Nothing Further is Required. City of Menifee and City of Murrieta; 3rd District, [$63,125 - Total]; Eastern Municipal Water District (100%)
3.114 4827 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Cooperative Agreement between the County of Riverside, Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and Starfield Sycamore Investors, LLC for Temescal Canyon – Santiago Canyon Road Storm Drain (Tract No. 36317 and 36317-1), Project No. 2-0-00266; 1st District [$0]
3.115 4846 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of a Five Year Agreement with Cascade Software Systems without seeking competitive bids to Provide Project Based Cost Accounting Modules, compatible with PeopleSoft Financials, to meet State of California audit requirements when reconciling the Transportation Road Fund and Approval of Budget Adjustment in the amount of $561,735. All Districts; [$981,012 Total]; Gas Tax 100%. (4/5 Vote Required)
3.116 4872 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Assignment and Assumption of Improvement Credit Agreement between Riverside Mitland 03 LLC, Brookfield Juniper LLC, and County of Riverside associated with Tract No. 32290-1, which includes lots 1 through 82 for Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee and Road and Bridge Benefit District Fee Credits within Clinton Keith Road Community Facilities District No. 07-2. 3rd District; [$0]
3.117 4950 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Professional Services Agreement between the County of Riverside and the City of Jurupa Valley for One Year with a Potential to Extend Up to Two Years Total. 2nd District; [$275,000 estimated total cost -100% Reimbursed by the City of Jurupa Valley]
3.118 4968 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Drainage License Agreement Between the County of Riverside and the Gage Canal Company; District 1; [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.119 5000 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bid for the Polk Street Resurfacing and Sidewalk Improvement Project, in the Community of Thermal, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exempt. 4th District (Clerk to Advertise); [$1,043,805 total]; Local Funds 100%. (Clerk to Advertise)
3.120 5178 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: FY 16/17 Year-end Clean-up Budget Adjustments, All Districts. [$15,848,741 - 95% Various, 5% - General Fund Contingency] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.121 5223 BOS DISTRICT 4: Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the City of Palm Springs, Coachella Valley Rescue Mission, Friends of the Desert Mountains, Inland Empire Coverage and Health Initiative, Regional Access Project Foundation, Red Hot Ballroom Inc. [$30,600 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.122 5220 BOS DISTRICT 4: Naming of County Park to honor our county veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
3.123 5138 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval and Ratification of a Cooperative Agreement to Provide Fire Department Dispatch and Communication Services for the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians for three (3) months. [District 3]; [$37,803 Contract Revenue]
3.124 5276 Findings and Determination that an Item May Be Subsequently Added to the Agenda of the Board of Supervisors.
3.125 5275 SUPERVISOR MARION ASHLEY: Approve Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Riverside Emergency Medical Services Agency and March Air Reserve Base for Medical Control. [District: 5] [$0]
4.1 4956 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Adopt Resolution No. 2017-014, Authorization to Sell Real Property located in the Unincorporated Community of Mecca (North Shore), County of Riverside; Approval of Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Joint Escrow Instructions; District 4 [$12,000]; Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund; CEQA Exempt (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
4.2 4965 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Resolution No. 2017-015, Acceptance of Transfer of Real Property from the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside to the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency for the County of Riverside in Unincorporated Area of Nuevo; District 5 [$6,000]; Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund; CEQA Exempt (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
4.3 5022 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Resolution No. 2017-018, Authorization to Sell Real Property located at 25351 Trumble Rd. Menifee, California; Approval of Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Joint Escrow Instructions; CEQA Exempt; District 5; [$47,500]; Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
4.4 5054 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Adoption of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Amended Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018 (Amended ROPS 17-18B), All Districts ($23,500,847 - 100% Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund)
4.5 5068 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Resolution No. 2017-016, Approving the Transfer of Assessor's Parcel Number 759-060-024 Located in the Unincorporated Community of Thermal, County of Riverside, from the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency for the County of Riverside to the County of Riverside; District 4 [$11,000]; Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund; CEQA Exempt (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
4.6 5131 SUCCESSOR AGENCY : Refunding of Outstanding Housing Redevelopment Bonds, All Districts, [$330,000], Bond Proceeds (Vote on Separately)
9.1 4936 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA): Receive and File the Statement of the Election Official, Adoption of a Resolution Declaring the Results of a Consolidated Special Election, Introduction of Ordinance No. 937 authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax within the CFD 17-3M (Tierra Del Rey), (CEQA Exempt), District 3; [$0]
9.2 3828 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (EDA) AND TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Public Hearing on the Adoption of Resolution No. 2017-021, Authorizing a Resolution of Necessity for the portion of Assessor’s Parcel Number 480-100-015 located within the Clinton Keith Road Extension Project, Western Riverside County, California, District 3, [$316,500]; CFD 07-02 Clinton Keith Road-100% (Clerk to file Notice of Determination) (3.7 of 06/13/2017) (4/5 Vote Required)
9.3 4654 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution No. 2017-131 Approving Amendment No. 9 to the Menifee Valley Road and Bridge Benefit District; District 3; CEQA Exempt; [$0]
10.1 4834 HOUSING AUTHORITY: Resolution No. 2017-008, Approving the Transfer of Assessor's Parcel Number 426-180-020 Located in Unincorporated Community of Nuevo, California from the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside to the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency for the County of Riverside, To Be Disposed Pursuant to Resolution No. 2015-011 of the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency for the County of Riverside Approving and Adopting Revisions to the Amended Long-Range Property Management Plan ; District 5 [$0]; CEQA Exempt (Staff to File Notice of Exemption)
10.2 4735 HOUSING AUTHORITY: Approve Various Shelter Plus Care Agreements and an Amendment to the Shelter Plus Care Agreement between the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside and the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services; All Districts, [$1,465,453], Riverside County Department of Public Social Services Shelter Plus Care Program 100%; Project is CEQA Exempt
11.1 4222 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Funding Agreement for Chandler Street Channel: Hall and Selby Avenue Laterals; Eastvale Master Drainage Plan Line F-1: Hall and Selby Avenue Laterals; Eastvale Master Drainage Plan Line E: 58th Street and Swan Lake Laterals; Eastvale MDP Line E: Hamner Avenue Laterals; and Santa Ana River - Presido Road Storm Drain: Citrus Street Laterals, 2nd District. [Not to exceed $2,000,000 - 100% District Funds]
11.2 4228 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement for Temescal Canyon – Santiago Canyon Road Storm Drain, (Tract Nos. 36317 and 36317-1), Project No. 2-0-00266, 1st District. [$0]
11.3 4517 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Amendment No. 1 Agreement to Form the Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake TMDL Task Force, District 1,3,&5. [$0]
11.4 4851 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of a Cooperative Agreement for Bautista Creek Channel – Recharge Basin Expansion; Project No. 4-0-00030, 3rd District. [$1,510,000 - District Funds 66%]
11.5 4919 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Quarterly Disclosure Report on Investment Portfolio (April thru June 2017), All Districts. [$0]
11.6 4926 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Accept Low Bid and Award the Contract for Heacock Channel (Sunnymead MDP Line B), Stages 3 and 4, Project No. 4-0-00011, District 5. [$13,999,352 - District Funds 60.063%]
11.7 4929 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Annual Report on Financial Status of Area Drainage Plans, District 1,2,3,5. [$0]
11.8 5132 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement for San Jacinto Master Drainage Plan (MDP) Line E-2, Stage 1 and San Jacinto MDP Line E-2A, Stage 1 (MS 152); Project Nos. 4-0-00251 and 4-0-00252, 3rd District. [Total $1,617,100 - District Funds 100%]
C. County
12.1 4918 DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Resolution No. 2017-154, Amending Resolution No. 2013-200 by Extending the Repayment Term on a Temporary Transfer of Department of Waste Resources Enterprise Funds
12.2 5057 DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Approval of Contract Documents for the Construction of Landfill Gas Collection System Components at the Badlands, Lamb Canyon, and Highgrove Landfills and as Needed Perimeter Probe Installation at any Riverside County owned Landfill, Districts 1-5 [$0 – Department of Waste Resources Enterprise Funds], CEQA Finding of Nothing Further Required
12.3 5134 DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Contract Award for Slope Remediation at the Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfill, District 5. [$475,247.50 – Department of Waste Resources Enterprise Funds], CEQA – Nothing Further Required.
D. District
C. County
13.1 5094 PARKS DEPARTMENT: Resolution No. 2017-189, Dissolution of the Riverside County Trails Committee; All Districts; [$0]
D. District
13.2 4857 REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT: First Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions by and between Mt. San Jacinto Community College District and the Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District; District 3; [$0]
13.3 5092 REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Betterment Agreement with Orange County Flood Control District concerning funding of certain improvements to the Auxiliary Embankment of Prado Dam associated with future development of the Santa Ana River Trail; CEQA EXEMPT (Clerk to File Notice); District 2; [$350,000]
13.4 5093 REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Resolution No. 2017-9, Creation of the District Trails Committee and Establishment of Rules and Procedures for Management and Operation of the District Trails Committee; All Districts; [$0]
13.5 5136 REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Adoption of Resolution Numbers 2017-07 and 2017-08 Authorizing Submittal of the Applications for the Outdoor Environmental Education Facilities Grant Program and Habitat Conservation Fund Grant Program; 1st and 2nd District; [$0]
13.6 5046 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Robert H. Grady to the Riverside County Regional Park & Open-Space District. [$0]
13.7 5149 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Reappointment of Ryan Stendell to the Riverside County Regional Park & Open-Space District Advisory Council. [$0]
14.1 4453 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOUSING CORP: Approve and Accept the Lowest Cost Bid and Approve the Contract with Cal Dreamscape Landscape Company for Landscape Maintenance Service at Six Properties Identified with Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 608-230-032, 673-140-007, 727-130-017, 644-230-005, 757-061-032, 757-061-031, and 757-061-033 - Award of Service Contract; Five Years; District 4, [$384,000], Rental Subsidy and Dwelling Rent Income 100%; CEQA Exempt
17.1 4740 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing On Petition for Review of Surface Mining Administrative Penalty Order – Petitioner: Corona Clay Company - First Supervisorial District – Glen Ivy Zoning Area – Temescal Canyon Area Plan – APNs: 283-190-021, 283-190-022, & 283 -190-040. [$0] (3.23 of 03/21/2017) (17.1 of 07/11/2017)
17.2 4862 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: PUBLIC HEARING ON CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7907, ORDINANCE NO. 348.4863–Intent to adopt a Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 42891 – Applicant: Valerie Gersch – Engineer/Representative: Oz Bratene - First Supervisorial District - Meadowbrook Zoning Area - Elsinore Area Plan: Community Development: Very Low Density Residential (CD:VLDR) - Location: North of Eugene Street, south of Ethanac Road, and east of Highway 74 – 11.61 Acres - Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R) - REQUEST: The Change of Zone proposes to amend the existing zoning classification of Rural Residential (R-R) to General Commercial (C-1 Zone/C-P Zone) - APN: 345-150-013, 014 and 345-150-041. [Applicant Fees 100%].
17.3 5034 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: A PUBLIC HEARING ON GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1216 (Entitlement/Policy) – Intent to Consider an Addendum to Certified Environmental Impact Report No. 524 (EIR No. 524) – APPLICANT: County of Riverside Third Supervisorial District – Consultant: Michael Baker International – AREA PLAN: Southwest Area Plan – Temecula Valley Wine Country Policy Area – Rancho California Zoning Area – ZONE: Various Zoning Classification – Location: In the southwesterly portion of unincorporated Riverside County, approximately three (3) miles north of the San Diego County border – PROJECT SIZE: Approximately 17,832 gross acres (proposed trails network within the entire policy area) – REQUEST: General Plan Amendment No. 1216 (GPA No. 1216) proposes to revise the conceptual trails network within the Temecula Valley Wine Country Policy Area of the Southwest Area Plan (SWAP). The proposed revision will guide future development of an integrated trails network to serve all members of the Community. GPA No. 1216 includes revisions to the Area Plan Policy SWAP 1.7 and Figure 8 Trails and Bikeway System Map. GPA No. 1216 also proposes to modify the Circulation Element Figure C-6 Riverside County Trails and Bikeway System for consistency purposes. [$62,232 Total Cost - 100% NCC]
17.4 4922 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: PUBLIC HEARING ON CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7911, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3733 FAST TRACK NO. 2016-07 – Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration – Applicant: K-1 Speed, Inc. – Engineer/Representative: MDMG - Third Supervisorial District – Winchester Zoning Area – Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan- Rural: Rural Mountainous (R - RM) and Community Development: Light Industrial (CD - LI) - Location: North of Grand Avenue and east of Highway 79 - Zoning: Rural Residential (RR) - 49.63 Gross Acres - REQUEST: Change of Zone No. 7911 proposes to change the zoning classification on a portion of the project site from Rural Residential (R-R) to Manufacturing-Service Commercial (M-SC). Conditional Use Permit No. 3733 proposes an outdoor go-kart course with two designated tracks, an onsite garage, and an administration building on 49.63 gross acres. The administration building will consist of 14,023 square feet and two (2) stories in height. The first floor will consist of a reception desk, pro-shop, kart shop/maintenance area, restroom, storage areas, an office, a medical office, and the kart garage facility. The second floor will have an observation patio, observation deck, outdoor patio, café, preparation room, steward office, restroom and a lounge, observation tower, and a private gathering area. The facility will also have an outdoor grandstand area for the observation of kart races. Furthermore, the project site is also anticipating special quarterly events for larger events. APNs 461-110-003, 461-110-004, 461-110-005, and 461-110-006
17.5 4992 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing Item – CUP03684, PUP00916, DA00086, EIR00532 - Intent to Certify an Environmental Impact Report – Applicant: Renewable Resources Group – Representative: Power Engineers – Fourth Supervisorial District – Chuckwalla Zoning District – Palo Verde Area Plan – Agriculture (AG), Open Space: Rural (OS:RUR) – Location: northerly of Interstate 10, west of Neighbors Boulevard – Zoning: Controlled Development Areas – 10 Acre Minimum (W-2-10), Light Agriculture – 10 Acre Minimum (A-1-10) – REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 3684 proposes to permit a 463.5 megawatt (MW) photovoltaic (PV) solar power plant on approximately 50 parcels totaling approximately 3,250 gross acres. Public Use Permit (PUP) No. 916 proposes to permit the approximately 11.8 miles of transmission lines beyond the Project area that will connect the power generation to the Colorado River Substation which crosses certain County public right-of-ways. Development Agreement (DA) No. 86 proposes a development agreement with the applicant and County consistent with the County’s solar plant program and grants vesting rights to develop the project in accordance with the terms of the agreement which requires certain calculation of development impact fees. [Applicant Fees 100%]
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
17.6 4445 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing of CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7804, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 36635, and TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 36895 – Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration– Applicant: Nuevo Meadows Land Co., LLC – Engineer: United Engineering Group - Fifth/Fifth Supervisorial District – Nuevo Zoning Area – Lakeview/Nuevo Area Plan – Community Development: Medium Density Residential (2–5 dwelling units) and Community Development: Public Facilities - Location: Northwest corner of San Jacinto Avenue and Pico Avenue – 80.1 Gross Acres – Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R) – REQUEST: The Change of Zone proposes to change the zoning classification from Rural Residential (R-R) to Planned Development (R-4). The Tentative Tract Map proposes a Schedule A subdivision of 78.8 acres into 283 residential lots with a minimum lot size of 4,000 square feet. The tentative tract map will also include four (4) lots for water quality basins, two (2) open space lots, and eight (8) lots intended for landscaped features. In addition, the Tentative Parcel Map proposed a schedule “H” subdivision of 78.8 acres into three (3) parcels ranging from 20.03 acres to 29.01 acres – APNs: 309-020-005, 309-020-036, 309-020-037, 309-020-038, 309-020-039. [Applicant Fees 100%]
17.7 5146 COUNTY COUNSEL AND TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on Ordinance Nos. 348.4862, 866.1, 925.1, and 928.1 Clarifying the County’s Existing Cannabis Prohibitions [All Districts - $0] –CEQA EXEMPT
17.8 4760 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 348.4857, an amendment to Riverside County’s Land Use Ordinance that adds Article XIXk “Unattended Donation Bins” to Ordinance No. 348 [All Districts - $15,000 - 100% Net County Cost] – CEQA Exempt.
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9:
Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation (Subdivision (d)(1) of Government Code Section 54946.9)
5228 A.1 City of Jurupa Valley v. County Of Riverside, Case No. RIC1507690
5229 A.2 Cardenas Markets, Inc. v. Successor Agency and Riverside County, Case No. RIC1603351
5230 A.3 County of Riverside v. Desert Jet Center, LLC, Case No. PSC1703272
5231 A.4 Norman Buchanan v. Joshua Cadenhead, an Individual; City of San Jacinto, a public entity; County of Riverside, a public entity; and Does 1 to 50, Inclusive Case No. RIC 1512267
5232 A.5 A.F., by and through her guardian ad litem Erica Brand, individually and as a successor in interest to Aaron Forgash, deceased; J.A. by and through his guardian ad litem Jamie Austin, individually and as a successor in interest to Aaron Forgash, deceased; and Teri Jecmen, individually v. County of Riverside; and DOES 1-10, inclusive US District Court, Case No 5:15-CV-01603-JGB-(DTBx)
5233 A. 6 Jasmine Esmeralda Pineda, a minor, Jessica Lorraine Pineda, a minor, Elizabeth Rose Pineda, a minor, by and through their guardian ad litem, Elizabeth Edney; and Daniel Cortez, a minor, by and through his guardian ad litem, Rosa Pineda v. County of Riverside; and DOES 1-10, Case No. RIC 1507590(MF); RIC 1600228
5234 A.7 Danielle Hines v. Riverside County; and DOES 1-50, Inclusive, Case No. RIC 1702980
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation (d)(2) of Government Code Section 54956.9
5235 B.1 One potential case.
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation (d)(4) of Government Code Section 54956.9
5236 C.1 One potential case.
5237 C.2 One potential case.
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6:
5238 D.1 Conference with labor negotiator: Agency Negotiator – Michael T. Stock Employee organizations – Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, RCDDAA, RSA, SEIU, LIUNA, UDW and LEMU
Chuck Washington, Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
ATTEST: Kecia Harper-Ihem, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors