JULY 30, 2024
9:30 A.M.
1.1 23594 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publication. [$0]
2.1 23615 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove, and the positive find of the Golden Spotted Oak Borer (GSOB) in the community of Idyllwild. [$0]
2.2 24511 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Receive and File the Legislative Report for July 2024, [All Districts] [$0]
2.3 25604 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of Local Emergency in Riverside County Due to the Discovery of Citrus Greening Disease, or Huanglongbing, All Districts. [$0]
2.4 25605 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County Due to the Spread of Pierce's Disease in the Local Vineyards, District 3. [$0]
2.5 25384 ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER: Itemized listing identifying each Timeshare Project subject to Ordinance 735, All Districts. [$0]
2.6 25386 ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER: Report of 2024-2025 Assessment Roll, All Districts. [$0]
2.7 25502 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Internal Audit Report 2024-103: Verification of Statement of Assets held by the County Treasury as of March 31, 2024 [District: All]; [$0]
2.8 25552 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Internal Audit Report 2024-015: Riverside County Housing and Workforce Solutions, Community Action Partnership Audit [District: All]; [$0]
2.9 25310 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS, WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (HWS/WDD) AND SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Riverside County Workforce Development Board Reappointment of Carolyn Reyna; All Districts. [$0]
2.10 25335 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS, WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (HWS/WDD) AND SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Riverside County Workforce Development Board Appointment of J. Adalberto Quijada; All Districts. [$0]
2.11 25568 OFFICE ON AGING: Appointments of David L. Kelly and Candice S. Nichols to the Riverside County Advisory Council on Aging for a three-year term commencing July 1, 2024, and ending on June 30, 2027; All Districts. [$0]
2.12 25587 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Final Tract Map 37358-1 a Schedule "A" Subdivision in the Homeland area. District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.13 25141 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Final Tract Map 36902 a Schedule "B" Subdivision in the La Quinta area. District 4. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.14 25532 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and file the Treasurers Purchase Detail Report for June 2024, All Districts. [$0]
2.15 25533 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Treasurers Monthly Statement of County and School Funds for June 2024, All Districts. [$0]
2.16 25546 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Receive and File the Treasurer's Monthly Disclosure Report on Investments dated June, 2024, All Districts. [$0]
2.17 25614 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Final Tract Map 37078 a Schedule "A" Subdivision in the French Valley area. District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.18 25664 YOUTH COMMISSION: Riverside County Youth Commission Annual Report.
3.1 25681 BOS DISTRICT 1: First District use of Community Improvement Designation Funds (CID) to be allocated to Riverside Educational Enrichment Foundation; Riverside Arts Council; SAFE Family Justice Centers; Passion to Love and Care Ministry; Taking It To The Streets with Lori and Shira; Riverside Medical Charitable Foundation; Rivers and Lands Conservancy; Riverside County Deputy Sheriff Relief Foundation; and In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority. [$17,000 General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.2 25648 BOS DISTRICT 3: Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for Community Access Center; Murrieta /Wildomar Chamber of Commerce; Animal Friends of the Valleys; Friends of the Anza Valley Community Library; VNW Circle of Care, Inc.; Riverside Medical Clinic Charitable Foundation; Western Center Community Foundation Dba Western Science Center; Riverside County Sheriffs Department; Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce; Trauma Intervention Program of Riverside County; Shuttle 4 Soldiers, Rotary Club of Temecula Sunrise; County of Riverside IHSS Public Authority; Professional Women's Roundtable [$79,530 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.3 25630 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: State of the County.
3.4 25661 BOS DISTRICT 4: Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for CVHS Cheer. [$1,500 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.5 25657 SUPERVISOR V. MANUEL PEREZ AND SUPERVISOR YXSTIAN GUTIERREZ: Creation of an Ad Hoc Committee for the Continuous Improvement of Animal Services in Riverside County. [$0]
3.6 25622 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Ratify and Approve Payment of Costs Associated with Court Ordered Monitoring Pursuant to the Settlement of Quinton Gray, et al v. County of Riverside to increase the annual maximum amount by $100,000 from $150,000 to $250,000 effective FY 2023/2024 through FY 2024/2025 with option to renew for one additional year, All Districts. [Total Increase: $200,000 for 2 years, 100% General Fund Contingency] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.7 25220 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Initiation of Amendment to Ordinance 659.13, Establishing a Development Impact Fee; All Districts. [$0]
3.8 25557 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Ratify and Approve the On-Call Services Agreements for Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District Fiscal Analysis and Support with David Taussig and Associates, Inc., dba DTA and Kosmont & Associates, Inc. All Districts. [$2,000,000 Total Aggregate Cost with up to $200,000 in additional compensation - 100% EIFD Funds]
3.10 25627 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Authorization to facilitate selection process of 2024-2025 Local Planning Council (LPC) for Riverside County and Receive and File Letter from Riverside County Office of Education dated July 15, 2024, in response to letter from Consortium for Early Learning Services; All Districts. [$0]
3.11 25515 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Cooperative Agreement No. 24-0036-000-SA with California Department of Food and Agriculture for the Certified Farmers Market Inspection Program effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, All Districts. [$14,460 Total Cost - State Funds 100%]
3.12 25517 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Cooperative Agreement No. 24--0253-000-SA with California Department of Food and Agriculture for the Egg Quality Control Program effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, All Districts. [$128,274 Total Cost - State Funds 100%]
3.13 25518 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Cooperative Agreement No. 24-0068-000-SA with California Department of Food and Agriculture for the Fruit and Vegetable Standardization Inspection Program effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, All Districts. [$71,657 Total Cost - State Funds 100%]
3.14 25519 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Cooperative Agreement No. 24-0107-000-SA with California Department of Food and Agriculture for the Organic Inspections Program effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, All Districts. [$3,985 Total Cost State Funds 100%]
3.15 25520 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Cooperative Agreement No. 24-0244-000-SA with California Department of Food and Agriculture for the Retail Egg Inspection Program effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. All Districts. [$32,822 Total Cost - State Funds 100%]
3.16 25529 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Cooperative Agreement No. 24-0289-000-SA with California Department of Food and Agriculture for the Nursery Inspection Program, effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, All Districts. [$134,163 Total Cost - State Funds 100%]
3.17 25531 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Revenue and Appropriations Increase; All Districts. [$200,981 Total Cost - State Funds 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.18 25565 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Authorization to Reissue County Stale Dated Warrants #2025-1, All Districts. [$254,263 - 100% Stale Dated Warrants Fund 69008 and 69011]
3.19 25102 DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES: Approve the Standard Plan of Cooperation Between the Riverside County Department of Child Support Services and the State of California Department of Child Support Services for Federal Fiscal Year 2025; All Districts. [$0]
3.20 25329 DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Request the Purchase and Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue Purchase Orders for the purchase of four (4) vehicles for the District Attorney's Office and Approval of Budget Adjustment to accommodate the addition of the vehicles to the District Attorney's Office for FY 24/25, All Districts. [$265,261 Total Cost - District Attorney FY24/25 Departmental Sub-Funds 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.21 25504 DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Approval of the Acceptance of the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation Grant Award and Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a Purchase Order for the Purchase of two (2) UTVs with lights and sirens, and a trailer for the District Attorneys Office; All Districts [$88,459; Non-Profit Foundation 90%; Departmental Sub-Funds 10%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.22 25155 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Professional Services Agreement with MSW Consultants Inc. for solid waste consulting and agreement administration services without seeking competitive bids for four (4) years; All Districts [Aggregate cost up to $489,500 - Department Funds 100%]
3.23 24550 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REAL ESTATE (FM-RE): Ratification and Approval of Sublease Amendment No. 1 with State of California Department of General Services; California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 and 15061(b)(3); District 1. [$0] (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.24 24647 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT-REAL ESTATE (FM-RE): Approval of the Temporary Right of Entry Agreement with the Judicial Council of California, Southwest Justice Center; California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exempt Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15061(b)(3); District 3. [Total Cost: $5,739 - 100% Probation Department General Fund 10000] (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.25 24766 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REAL ESTATE (FM-RE): Ratify and Approve Notice to Terminate Lease with the City of Calimesa for the Calimesa Library located at 974 Calimesa Blvd., Calimesa, CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines sections 15301 and 15061(b)(3); District 5. [$0] (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
3.26 24899 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM): Ratification and Approval of the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Agreement Engie Services U.S. Inc. to Provide Services for Solar Generating Facilities for the Total Aggregate of $2,086,278 from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2028; Without Seeking Competitive Bids. California Environmental Quality Act Exempt (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 and Section 15061(b)(3); All Districts. [Total Aggregate of $2,086,278 100% Facilities Management (FM) Energy Division Budget]
3.27 25121 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REAL ESTATE (FM-RE): Approval of the First Amendment to License with Michael Collis, as Trustee of the Michael Collis Family Trust located at 21678 Jobs Peak Road, Cedarpines Park, San Bernardino, California. Three Year License Extension, California Environmental Quality Act Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15061(b)(3); San Bernardino County District 3. [Total Cost: $10,301 - 100% County EMD General Fund 10000] (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.28 25435 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REAL ESTATE (FM-RE); Approval of the First Amendment to Lease with the Judicial Council of California, 3255 E. Tahquitz Way, Palm Springs; California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 and 15061(b)(3); District 4. [$0] (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.29 25449 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REAL ESTATE (FM-RE); Approval of the First Amendment to Lease with the Judicial Council of California, 3255 E. Tahquitz Way, Palm Springs; California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 and 15061(b)(3); District 4. [$0] (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.30 24348 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND ANIMAL SERVICES: Western Riverside County Animal Shelter Emergency Chiller Project - California Environmental Quality Act Exempt Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301, Class 1 Existing Facilities and 15061 (b)(3) Common Sense Exemption. Approval of In-Principle and Preliminary Project Budget, District 2. [$166,559 - 100% Animal Services General Fund 10000]
3.31 24893 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REAL ESTATE (FM-RE) AND DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (DEH): Approval of the Second Amendment to Lease with Sanderson Building, LLC - DEH, Hemet, 2-Year Lease Extension, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15061(b)(3); District 5. [Total Cost: $746,871 (Permit Fees 100%)] (Clerk of the Board to file Notice of Exemption)
3.32 23842 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT, REAL ESTATE (FM-RE) and DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES (DPSS): Ratification and Approval of the New Lease with Alas Company, LLC - DPSS, Temecula, California Environmental Quality Act Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15061(b)(3); District 3. [Total Cost: $970,639 - Federal 65.24%; State 29.50%; County 5.13%; Realignment 0.13% ] (Clerk of the Board to file Notice of Exemption)
3.33 25539 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval and Ratification of the Cooperative Agreement to Provide Fire Department Dispatch and Communication Services for the City of Canyon Lake for three (3) years; District 2; [$358,608 Revenue]
3.34 25540 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval and Ratification of the Cooperative Agreement to Provide Fire Protection, Fire Prevention, Rescue and Medical Emergency Services for the City of La Quinta for five (5) years. District 4 [$50,360,620 - 100% Contract Revenue]
3.35 22904 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Approve the Form of the Loan Agreement for the Use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds for Riley Senior Apartments by and between the County of Riverside and the City of Lake Elsinore, and All Attachments Thereto, and Authorize the Director of HWS to Execute a Form of the ARPA Loan Agreement, and Covenant Agreement; District 2. [$5,000,000 100% Federal ARPA Funds] [Making Findings as the Responsible Agency Pursuant to CEQA and/or Exempt from CEQA Pursuant to Section 15332] (Clerk of the Board to File the Notice of Exemption) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.36 24283 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Adoption of Environmental Assessment Report and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Cottages at Wildomar Multifamily Housing Project Located in the City of Wildomar Pursuant to the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) and Approval of Request for Release of Funds to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); District 1. [100% Housing Choice Voucher Program Project Based Vouchers - $0]
3.37 25459 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Approving Funding Allocation and Support for Application for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee and Support for Application for Award of Private Activity Bonds to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee for the Palm Villas at State Apartment Project Located in the City of Hemet and Approval of Up to $5,500,000 from Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Funds to Palm Communities for the Palm Villas at State Apartment Project; District 5. [$5,500,000 - 100% PLHA Funds]
3.38 25536 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-181, Approving HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Act (HOME-ARP) Funding Allocation of $2,000,000, Support for Application for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee, and Support for Application for Award of Private Activity Bonds to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee for the Mulberry Gardens Family Apartments Housing Project in the City of Riverside; District 1. [$2,000,000 - 100% HOME-ARP funds]
3.39 25572 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Allocate $1,000,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding for the County of Riversides First Time Home Buyer Down Payment Assistance (ARPA FTHB) Program for the Fourth District; District 4. [$1,000,000 - 100% ARPA Funds](CEQA Exempt)
3.40 24250 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Accept 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition Awards from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Authorize the Director of HWS to execute HUD Grant Agreements and 2023 HUD CoC Subrecipient Agreements, and Approve the 2023 CoC Subrecipient Agreement Template; All Districts. [Total Cost $11,259,718; 100% Federal Funding]
3.41 24910 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Approve the Subrecipient Agreement for the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds in the Amount of $291,140 for the Riverside Community Housing Corp. to use for a Pipe Relining Project at the Rubidoux Village Apartments in Jurupa Valley; and Authorize the Director of HWS to Execute the Subrecipient Agreement; District 2. [$291,140 100% Federal ARPA Funds] (Companion Item MT# 24854)
3.42 25077 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Adopt Resolution No. 2024-129, Approving Funding Allocation of Up to $5,000,000 from Permanent Local Housing Allocation Funds to Abode Communities and Support for Application for Award for Private Activity Bonds to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee for the Villa Verde Housing Project, Located in the City of Coachella; and, Rescission of Resolution No. 2023-289; District 4. [$5,000,000 - 100% Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Funds]
3.43 25569 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-183, Approving Funding Allocation Up to $7,000,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds to National Community Renaissance of California, or its Affiliate, and Support for Application for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee for the Oak View Ranch Senior Apartments (formerly known as Murrieta Apartments Phase II) Multifamily Housing Project, Located in the City of Murrieta, and Rescission of Resolution No. 2024-136; District 3. [$7,000,000 100% Federal ARPA Funds]
3.44 25560 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS/WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (HWS/WDD): Ratify and Approve Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Subgrant Agreement No. AA511025 with the State of California, Employment Development Department, to accept Program Year 2024-25 WIOA Title I subgrant and WIOA Youth formula funding for the term of April 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026; and Authorize the Director of HWS to sign necessary documents and amendments to accept the allocation of Adult and Dislocated Worker funds; All Districts. [$20,215,789 - 100% Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds] (CEQA Exempt) (Clerk of the Board to file the Notice of Exemption)
3.45 25300 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve the Order Form to the Termed Master License Agreement with Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. for additional professional service hours for $81,885 annually renewable for four (4) years through June 30, 2028, All Districts. [Total Cost $327,540; 100% Department Funded]
3.46 25462 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve First Amendment to the Restated Services Agreement with Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. and the County of Riverside for the Fixed Annuity Contract Issued for the Benefit of the County of Riverside VEBA Post-Employment Program Health Savings Plan, All Districts. [$0]
3.47 25500 HUMAN RESOURCES AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Classification and Compensation recommendation to adjust the salary of the Emergency Management Program Supervisor job classification; and amend Ordinance No. 440 Pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9441, All Districts. [Current Year Cost $0, Ongoing Cost - $0 100% Departmental Budgets]
3.48 25357 HUMAN RESOURCES, PURCHASING AND FLEET, TRANSPORTATION, AND WASTE: Classification and Compensation recommendation to adjust the salaries of the Automotive Service Supervisor and Equipment Service Supervisor job classification; and amend Ordinance No. 440 Pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9436, All Districts. [Current Year Cost $4,320, Ongoing Cost - $0 100% Departmental Budgets]
3.49 25574 HUMAN RESOURCES and WASTE: Classification & Compensation recommendation to adjust the salary of the Waste Management Projects Supervisor; and amend Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9440 submitted herewith, All Districts. [Total Cost $0 with an ongoing cost of $0, 100% Department Funded]
3.50 25432 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Woodcrest Community Park Improvement Project, Phase 1 Approval of Construction Contract with Vincor Construction, Inc. District 2. [$698,820 100%-County Service Area 152 Cajalco Corridor Quimby Fund 32740 (Previously approved budget)]
3.51 25514 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Receive and File the Statement of the Election Official, Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-115 Declaring the Results of a Consolidated Special Election, Introduction of Ordinance No. 991, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax within Community Facilities District No. 24-1M (Sunstone) Tract Map No. 37078 of the County of Riverside. District 3. [$0] (Clerk of the Board to Record Notice of Special Tax)
3.52 24570 PROBATION: Approve the Service Agreement with Orion Communications, LLC, for Workforce Management PLUS SaaS software without seeking competitive bids for five years in the aggregate amount of $397,763 with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods. All Districts: [Total cost: $647,299; 100% Probation Department Budget]
3.53 25642 PUBLIC DEFENDER: Fiscal Year 2023/24 Budget Adjustments; All Districts. [$1,637,956 Total Costs - 100% General Fund Contingency] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.54 25475 PURCHASING AND FLEET SERVICES: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Amended and Restated Service Agreement with D.C. Electronics Two, Inc. dba IE Alarm Systems for Security Alarm Monitoring Services without seeking competitive bids, to increase the annual Agreement amount by $40,000, from $160,000 to $200,000, extend the contract term for one additional year through June 30, 2025, effective upon signature of the Amendment with the option to renew for up to one (1) additional year through June 30, 2026. All Districts. [Total Cost: $400,000; up to $20,000 in additional compensation per fiscal year 100% Departments Budgets]
3.55 25382 RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (RUHS), ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER (ACR), AND THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approve the Reseller Agreement with Sidepath Inc., a California Corporation, for the renewal of VMware Licensing, Maintenance and Support Services from July 30, 2024, through July 29, 2027, for the total amount of $2,897,892, All Districts. [Total Aggregate Cost not to exceed $2,897,892, up to $690,000 additional compensation for future requirements for the term of the Agreement; RCIT Budget- 38.98%, RUHS Budget-43.45%, ACR Budget-11.47%, Fire Department Budget-6.10%]
3.56 24999 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve an Increase to the Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Mamαs y Bebιs/Mothers and Babies (MYB) Contract Aggregate for FY 2023/2024 through FY 2025/2026 and Approve the Behavioral Health Agreement with Reach Out for FY 2023/2024, All Districts. [$175,972 in Additional Cost for FY 2023/2024, $742,078 Annually FY 2024/2025 through FY 2025/2026, Up to $74,208 in Additional Compensation Per Fiscal Year, Total Cost for Three Years $1,660,128, 100% State]
3.57 25339 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve an Increase to the Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Contract Aggregate, by $6,250,000, from $12,000,000 to $18,250,000 for FY 2023/2024, and Approve the Annual Aggregate Amount of $17,000,000 for FY 2024/2025 through FY 2027/2028, All Districts. [$6,250,000 Additional Cost for FY 2023/2024, Up to $1,825,000 in Additional Compensation for FY 2023/2024; $17,000,000 Annually for FY 2024/2025 through FY 2027/2028, Up to $1,700,000 in Additional Compensation Per Fiscal Year for FY 2024/2025 through FY 2027/2028, 100% State Funding]
3.58 25472 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve an Increase to the Contracted Psychiatry Services Aggregate for FY 23/24 through 27/28 in the amount of $2,000,000 Annually for Psychiatrist Services, All Districts. [$10,000,000 in Additional Cost through FY 27/28, Up to $200,000 in Additional Compensation Per Fiscal Year, 40% Federal, 60% State]
3.59 25476 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Master Agreement between Riverside University Health System - Behavioral Health (RUHS-BH) and Netsmart Technologies, Inc. (Netsmart) To Provide Maintenance and Support Services for the Behavioral Health Information System Without Seeking Competitive Bids for fiscal year 2024/2025 to 2028/2029, All Districts. [$21,419,606 Total for 5 Years, Up to $2,141,961 in Additional Compensation, 40% Federal Funds, 60% State Funds]
3.60 25482 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Behavioral Health Agreement Renewal with Telecare Corporation for Mental Health Rehabilitation Center (MHRC) Services, Without Seeking Competitive Bids, for FY 2024/2025, All Districts. [Total Cost $11,168,700, Up to $1,116,870 in Additional Compensation, 100% State Funding].
3.61 25484 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Approve the Behavioral Health Agreement Renewal with MFI Recovery Center, Inc. to Provide Augmented Adult Residential Care at Desert Sage, Without Seeking Competitive Bids, for FY 2024/2025, District 4. [Total Cost for One Year: $1,742,187, Up to $174,219 in Additional Compensation, 100% State Funding]
3.62 25485 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve FY 2023/2024 Amendment #1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Civilian, Inc. for Media Campaign Services with the Option to Renew for One Additional Year, All Districts. [$155,640 In Additional Cost for FY 2023/2024, $2,002,240 for FY 2024/2025, Up to 10% Annually in Additional Compensation, Total for Two Years $2,157,880, 88% State Funding, 12% General Fund.
HEALTH: Ratify
and Approve the Contract Aggregate for FY 2024/2025 through FY 2028/2029 and
the Behavioral Health Agreements for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment
Services for FY 2024/2025 With the Option to Renew for Four (4) Additional
One-Year Periods, All Districts. [$100,000,000 Annually, Up to $10,000,000 in
Additional Compensation Per Fiscal Year, Total Cost $500,000,000 for Five
Years, 89% Federal Funding, 11% State Funding]
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
3.64 25586 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Contract Aggregate for FY 2024/2025 through FY 2028/2029 and the Behavioral Health Agreements for Recovery Residence Services for FY 2024/2025 With the Option to Renew for Four (4) Additional One-Year Periods, All Districts. [$5,000,000 Annually, Up to $500,000 in Additional Compensation Per Fiscal Year, Total Cost $25,000,000 for Five Years, 30% Federal, 70% State]
3.65 25591 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve Amendment 1 to the Standard Agreement Number #22-20124 for Mental Health Services with the Department of Health Care Services and Adopt Resolution #2024-180, All Districts. [$0]
3.66 25483 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Behavioral Health Agreement between Riverside University Health System Behavioral Health (RUHS-BH) and The Carolyn E. Wylie Center for Triple P: Positive Parenting Program, With the Option to Renew for Four (4) Additional One-Year Periods, All Districts. [$618,480 Annually FY 2024/2025 through FY 2028/2029, Up to $61,848 in Additional Compensation Per Fiscal Year, Total for Five Years $3,092,400, 100% State Funding]
3.67 24094 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-PUBLIC HEALTH: Approve the Professional Service Agreement with Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) for the Riverside Overdose Data to Action (RODA) Program Services Without Seeking Competitive Bids, Effective Upon Signature Through August 31, 2028, with the Option to Renew for up to Three (3) Additional Years Through August 31, 2031. All Districts. [Total aggregate amount $468,750; up to $46,875 in additional compensation 100% Federal]
3.68 25248 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Authorize the Purchasing Agent to Issue Purchase Orders to Lodestar Consulting to Provide Trauma Responsive Leadership & Facilitator Training Without Seeking Competitive Bids through June 30, 2028. All Districts. [Total aggregate amount of $500,000 - 100% State].
3.69 24768 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Professional Service Agreement with Health Management Associates, Inc. for Consultation and Technical Assistance Services for the Period of Performance of June 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, with the Option to Renew for up to One Year through June 30, 2026. All Districts. [Total Aggregate Cost: $141,345; up to $14,135 in additional compensation - 100% State]
3.70 25286 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Accept and Approve the 2023 Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) Grant Award in the Amount of $2,900,000; Ratify and Approve Grant Agreement #2023-0042 Administered by the California Governors Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Funded by the Fiscal Year 2023 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) for FY 24/25 FY 26/27; All Districts; [Total Project Cost - $2,900,000 100% Federal Grant Revenue]
3.71 25302 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and Approve Agreement for the Fiscal Year 2022 Operation Stonegarden Grant Program with the County of Imperial and Other Parties for Acceptance of FY2022 Operation Stonegarden Grant Program (OPSG), funded by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), passed through the California Governors Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and Administered by the County of Imperial, All Districts [$58,779 - Federal Funding 100%]
3.72 25456 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and Approve the Five-Year Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the City of Perris and the County of Riverside (FY24/25-28/29); Amend Salary Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9438 submitted herewith; District 1 [$138,652,000 100% Contract City Law Enforcement Revenue] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.73 25561 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and Approve the Three Year Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the City of Wildomar and the County of Riverside (FY24/25-26/27); District 3; [$21,891,000 Contract City Law Enforcement Revenue 100%]
3.74 25564 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Adopt Resolution No. 2024-112, Resolution to Designate the Sheriff as the Authorized Agent, and Designating the Undersheriff, Assistant Sheriff, Chief Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Director, Sheriffs Administrative Services, Captain, and Administrative Services Manager as Alternate Authorized Agents to Apply for and Administer Federal Financial Assistance Under Fiscal Year 2023 State Homeland Security Program Grant (FY23 SHSP) Administered by the California Governors Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), All Districts. [$322,516 Federal Funding 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.75 25512 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and Approve the Three Year Law Enforcement Services Agreement between the County of Riverside and the Riverside Community College District for the Provision of Sheriffs 911 Communication Officers; Districts One, Two & Five [$885,000 100% School Services Law Enforcement Revenue]
3.76 25535 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY AVIATION (TLMA): Approval and Consent to Purchase and Sale Agreement of Aviation Hangar 2A between Murrieta Executive Air Park MEA, LLC, a California limited liability company, and BSR Management, LLC, a California limited liability company, and Approval and Consent to Sublease between Murrieta Executive Air Park MEA, LLC and BSR Management, LLC, French Valley Airport, CEQA Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 and Section 15061(b)(3), District 3. [$1,250 Total Cost - TLMA Aviation Fund 100%]
3.77 25538 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY AVIATION (TLMA): Approve the 30-Day Notice to Terminate Tenancy as to form, pertaining to the Lease (Hemet-Ryan Airport) between the County of Riverside, as Lessor, and Cabo Trailers, Corp., as Lessee Hemet-Ryan Airport, CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 and 15061(b)(3), District 5. [$1,050 Total Cost - TLMA Aviation Fund 100%] (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.78 25542 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY AVIATION (TLMA): Approve the 60-Day Notice to Terminate Tenancy as to form, pertaining to the Lease (Hemet-Ryan Airport) between the County of Riverside, as Lessor, and Fiber Composites, Inc., as Lessee Hemet-Ryan Airport, CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15061(b)(3), District 5. [$1,050 Total Cost - TLMA Aviation Fund 100%] (Clerk to file Notice of Exemption)
3.79 25490 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 2100127 & ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 348.5018, amending Ordinance No. 348 for Rancho Community Event Facilities Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (Common Sense Exemption) Applicant: County of Riverside Location: Western and Eastern Coachella Valley Area Plans REQUEST: Adopt Ordinance No. 348.5018 (Change of Zone No. 2100127) which was introduced on June 25, 2024. Ordinance No. 348.5018 is an amendment to Riverside Countys Ordinance No. 348 (Land Use), to include Rancho Community Event Facilities as an allowed use in A-1, A-2, M-SC, M-M, M-H, R-A, or W-2 zoning classifications with a plot plan or a conditional use permit for private events held primarily outdoors. The ordinance amendment creates a permitting process and operating parameters and also includes requirements for minimum lot size, minimum agricultural use and date palm planting, maximum number of attendees, and development standards. A Rancho Community Event Facility is limited to being located only within the Western and Eastern Coachella Valley Area Plan boundaries. District 4. [$25,000 Total Cost - Department Budget 100%]
3.80 21933 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-020, Accepting portions of Winters Lane (formerly Oleander Avenue), in the Woodcrest Area, Not a project under CEQA or Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c) and 15061(b)(3), District 2. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.81 22838 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-028, Summarily Vacating a portion of Briggs Road in the Menifee area, Not a Project under CEQA or Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c) and 15061(b)(3), District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.82 25085 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval and execution of the Road and Bridge Benefit District Project Agreement between KB Home Coastal Inc. and the County of Riverside associated with Tract No. 30266-1. Not a project under CEQA pursuant to Section 15378 (b)(5) of the State CEQA Guidelines. District 3. [$802,380 Total Cost Road and Bridge Benefit District 100%]
3.83 25144 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval and execution of the Road and Bridge Benefit District Project Agreement between KB Home Coastal Inc. and the County of Riverside associated with Tract Nos. 36417-1, 36417-2, and 36417-3. Not a project under CEQA pursuant to Section 15378 (b)(5) of the State CEQA Guidelines. District 3. [$1,746,475 Total Cost Road and Bridge Benefit District 100%]
3.84 25267 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Ordinance No. 452 - Initiation of Amendments to Ordinance No. 452 to Establish Speed Zones Enforceable by Radar Speed Detection Equipment in Various Areas of the County for FY 24/25. All Districts. [$3,500 Total Cost Per Amendment - Gas Tax 100%]
3.85 25288 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Resolution No. 2024-087 Summarily Vacating a Portion of Restricted Abutters Rights of Access along Rancho California Road in the Tenaja area, Not a project under CEQA or exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c) and 15061(b)(3), District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.86 25416 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-167, Accepting portions of Richard Street in the Lakeland Village Area, Not a project under CEQA or Exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c) and 15061(b)(3), District 2. [$0]
3.87 25452 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Service Agreement by and between the County of Riverside and the City of Banning for the Highland Springs Avenue Slurry Seal Improvements for Fiscal Year 2024/25. District 5. [$10,000 Total Cost Local Funds 100%] (Companion Item to MT Item 25506) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.88 25453 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Service Agreement by and between the County of Riverside and the City of Beaumont for the Brookside Avenue Slurry Seal Improvements for Fiscal Year 2024/25. District 5. [$61,220 Total Cost Local Funds 100%] (Companion Item to MT Item 25506) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.89 25455 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bid for the Construction of Grand Avenue Sidewalk Improvements Project in the Community of Lakeland Village. CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301. District 2. [$1,911,775 Total Cost - ARPA 90.4%, UCI 8.4%, Frontier Communications 1.2%] (Clerk to Advertise)
3.90 25461 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approve Addendum to the Plans and Specifications, Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of the Temecula Valley Wine Country Archway Project, in the Temecula Valley area; District 3. [$744,100 Total Cost - Combined Improvement Fund 63.2%, UCI 36.8%]
3.91 25464 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approve Addenda to the Plans and Specifications, Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of the Slurry Seal and Curb Ramp Accessibility Project for Fiscal Year 2024/25 at various locations; Districts 1, 2, and 3. [$5,596,310 Total Cost - Local Funds 100%] (Companion Item to MT Item 25487) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.92 25473 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-058, Declaration of Exempt Surplus Land and Summarily Vacating portions of Horsethief Canyon Road and De Palma Road and Notice of Intention to Convey Fee Simple Interest in Real Property in the Horsethief Canyon area, Not a project under CEQA or exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c) and 15061(b)(3), District 2. [$0]
3.93 25487 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Service Agreement by and between the County of Riverside and the City of Riverside for the Cleveland Avenue, Spring Street, and Villa Street Slurry Seal Improvements for Fiscal Year 2024/25. District 1. [$42,010 Total Cost Local Funds 100%] (Companion Item to MT Item 25464) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.94 25494 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bid for the Construction of A Street and Nuevo Road Reconstruction Project, in the Community of Mead Valley; CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, District 1. [$2,144,710 Total Cost - Gas Tax/SB-1 98.4%, EMWD 1.6%] (Clerk to Advertise)
3.95 25506 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approve Addenda to the Plans and Specifications, Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of the Slurry Seal and Curb Ramp Accessibility Project for Fiscal Year 2024/25 at various locations, and Lake Cahuilla Park Slurry Seal Project; Districts 4 and 5. [$5,453,973 Total Cost - Local Funds 100%] (Companion Item to MT Items 25452 and 25453) (4/5 Vote Required)
3.96 25521 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for the Grand Avenue and Sangston Drive Traffic Signal Project in the Community of Lakeland Village. CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines 15301. District 2. [$604,858 Total Cost - ARPA 100% / $5,500 Ongoing Cost - Gas Tax 100%] (Clerk to Advertise)
3.97 25589 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution Number 2024-009 ordering the Annexation of Zone 242 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District Number 89-1-Consolidated, Bermuda Dunes, District 4. [$14,614 Ongoing Cost - L&LMD Number 89-1-C 100%]
3.98 25592 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Adopt Resolution Number 2024-012 ordering the Annexation of Zone 245 to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District Number 89-1-Consolidated, Lake Elsinore, District 2. [$30,510 Ongoing Cost - L&LMD Number 89-1-C 100%]
3.99 25670 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Unincorporated Communities Initiative (UCI) Funding to the Department of Animal Services; District 2. [$30,000 Total Cost - 100% District 2 Unincorporated Communities Fund] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.100 25684 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for Riverside County Medical Clinic Foundation, Rotary Club of Greater Eastvale, Destroy Duchenne, Bicycles for Children, Rivers and Lands Conservancy, Riverside County Deputy Sheriff Relief Foundation, SAFE Family Justice Centers, the Jurupa Valley Chamber of Commerce, Corona-Norco Council of PTA's, Tom Wathen Center and Region 13 Key Clubs [$40,500.00- General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.101 25665 BOS DISTRICT 5: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the Moreno Valley Pony Baseball and Softball, and Thrive Church, Riverside County Office of Economic Development. [$26,750 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 vote required)
3.102 25573 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of the Response to the 2023-2024 Site B-Sheriff's Inmate Training & Education Bureau (Site-B) A Win-Win for Riverside County and Directive for the Response to be Sent to the Grand Jury, Presiding Judge, and County Clerk-Recorder.; All Districts. [$0]
8.1 25602 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Enrollment of FY 2024-25 Special Tax Levies for County Community Facilities Districts (CFDs) and Assessment District (AD), All Districts [$0].
10.1 24935 HOUSING AUTHORITY (HACR): Approve the Amended and Restated Mobile Home Tenant Assistance Loan (MHTL) Program Guidelines and Authorize the Executive Director of the Housing Authority, or Designee, to Make Revisions and Amendments to the MHTL Program Guidelines; All Districts. [$0] (CEQA Exempt) (Clerk of the Board to File Notice of Exemption)
10.2 25236 HOUSING AUTHORITY (HACR): Adopt Resolution No. 2024-005, Approving the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside's Annual Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Certification as Required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Authorizing the Chair of the Board of Commissioners and the Executive Director of Housing Authority of County of Riverside to Sign Such Certification; All Districts. [$0] (CEQA Exempt) (Clerk of the Board to File Notice of Exemption)
11.1 25526 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of the First Amendment to Funding Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the City of Norco for the Norco Lateral N-1G, Project No. 2-0-10034, CEQA Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), District 2. [$116,757 Not-to-Exceed Cost District Zone 2 Funding 100%]
11.2 25575 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of the Funding Agreements Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the City of Norco for the Norco North Drive and Grulla Storm Drain and Norco Town and Country Drive Storm Drain, Project Numbers 2-0-10038 and 2-0-10043, CEQA Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), District 2. [$2,843,340 Not-to-Exceed Total Cost District Zone 2 Funds 100%]
11.3 25606 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Request for Delegation of Authority to General Manager-Chief Engineer of the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to Authorize Utility Relocations, Adjustments or Protection for Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental Restoration and Recreation Project, Project No. 7-0-00021, CEQA Exempt, District 3. [$3,500,000 Not-to-Exceed Cost District Zone 7 Funds 100%]
12.1 25450 DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Approval of Contract Documents, including Plans and Specifications, and Bid Advertisement for the Construction of the On-Call Site Improvements Project at Riverside County Sanitary Landfills, District 5. [$0 Department of Waste Resources Enterprise Funds] (CEQA Exempt per State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301, 15302, 15303, 15304, and 15061(b)(3))
12.2 25513 DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Notice of Completion for the Construction of On-Call Site Improvements at Riverside County Sanitary Landfills, District 5. [$0 Waste Resources Enterprise Fund]
13.1 25396 REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT Approve Amended Task Order #2 with RHA Landscape Architects-Planners, Inc. for the Lake Cahuilla Veterans Regional Park Amenity Updates; District 4 [$589,370 100% American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund 21735].
13.2 25463 REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Receive and File Historical Commission 2023-24 Annual Report for the Riverside County Historical Commission; All Districts. [$0]
14.1 24854 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOUSING CORP (RCHC): Approve and Accept the Sole Bid for the Pipe Relining Project at the Rubidoux Village Apartments Located at 5581 34th Street in Jurupa Valley, CA; Submitted by Pipe Restoration, Inc., and Approve the Construction Contract Between RCHC and Pipe Restoration, Inc.; Accept a Grant in the Amount of $291,140 Derived from County's ARPA Allocation, Approve the Form of Subrecipient Agreement for the Use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds and Authorize the CEO of RCHC to Execute the ARPA Subrecipient Agreement with the County; District 2. [$320,254; 90% Federal ARPA Funds and 10% Riverside Community Housing Corp Funds] (CEQA and NEPA Exempt) (Companion Item MT# 24910)
15.1 25582 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Approval of the Product Agreement with GE Precision Healthcare LLC, for Advanced Imaging Equipment, effective through September 30, 2026, All Districts. [Total Cost $1,018,254, up to $101,825 in Additional Compensation, 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund 40050]
15.2 25608 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Approve the Secondary Vendor Agreement with Cardinal Health 110 and 112, LLC., to establish a secondary wholesale pharmaceutical supplier, effective August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2026, All Districts. [Annual Cost $3,000,000, up to $300,000 in additional compensation 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund 40050]
15.3 25611 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Approve the Professional Service Agreement with Siemens Industry, Inc. for Building Automation Systems, effective upon signature through April 22, 2025, All Districts. [Total Cost $980,300, up to $98,030 in additional compensation, 100% Hospital Enterprise Funds 40050]
17.1 Marshall Locke spoke regarding his resignation and issues with the Nuevo MAC.
17.2 Gregg Morris spoke regarding Nuevo MAC meetings, developments, Richland Project and full disclosure of records.
17.3 Jeanne Kataoka, Kim Wilson and Bonnie E. Croker, spoke regarding the high kill rate at animal shelters in Riverside County.
17.4 John Makarounas spoke regarding an incident with a waste hauler truck near Indiana and Adams in the City of Riverside.
17.5 Lisa Kouffman spoke regarding We are 90 and thanked the Board for the grant.
17.6 Christina Wu Cardinallo spoke regarding a dog that was euthanized while she was in the process of adopting it at the San Jacinto Shelter.
17.7 Daryl Terrell spoke regarding law enforcement, public safety and making criminals accountable for their actions.
17.8 Eddie Apodaca spoke regarding a trip to Hawaii and issues with Idyllwild Fire Department.
17.9 Jim Niederecker spoke regarding provisions of the Constitution for citizens to vote and Riverside Registrar of Voters.
17.10 Greg Langworthy spoke regarding concerns with Registrar of Voters destroying records for prior years and the process on records with the Registrar of Voters.
17.11 Javier Enriquez spoke regarding Southcoast Air Quality Conference and invited the Board to the event.
17.12 Roy Bleckert spoke regarding law enforcement, public safety, letting criminals out of jail and unfinished projects.
17.13 Brad Anderson spoke regarding audit on special districts.
17.14 Juels Fisher spoke regarding in support of We are 90 campaign and concerns on the adoption process with Riverside County animal shelters.
(Department of Child Support Services) Child Support Awareness Month
2.1, 2.18, 3.7, 3.39, 3.50, 3.70, 3.99
19.1 25009 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-120: Ordering the Confirmation of Special Assessments and Liens Against Parcels of Land Located in the County of Riverside for Costs of the Abatement and Removal of Hazardous Weeds for Calendar Year 2023, Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 14912 and County Ordinance No. 695 Requiring the Abatement of Hazardous Vegetation; All Districts [$359,287 Total Cost]; 100% Property Owner Special Assessment to Reimburse the General Fund.
25291 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Public Hearing for the 2024-2029 Five Year
Consolidated Plan, 2024-2025 One Year Action Plan, the Citizen Participation
Plan, and the Riverside County Assessment of Fair Housing Report (AFH), and
Accept FY 24/25 HUD Community Planning and Development (CPD) Funding
Allocations; All Districts. [$10,130,771; 100% HUD CPD Funds] (CEQA and NEPA
19.3 25457 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Adopt Resolution No. 2024-172, Approving the Issuance by the California Enterprise Development Authority of one or more series of Taxable and/or Tax-Exempt Revenue Obligations for the Benefit of Neighborhood Healthcare and/or a Related or Successor Entity. Districts 1 and 3. [$0]
19.4 23911 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 215, Item 1829. Last assessed to: Estanislao O. Jimenez. District 4. [$20,687-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.5 24017 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 215, Item 1823. Last assessed to: Carmelita Bronson Smith, an unmarried woman, and Cecelia R. Bronson, an unmarried woman. District 4. [$200,991-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.6 24021 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 215, Item 1707. Last assessed to: Stephen H. James and Ruth N. James, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 1/3 interest; Loren M. Coleman and Sandra Ann Coleman, Cotrustees under the First Amendment to that certain revocable Declaration of Trust dated 4/21/89 and also known as the Loren Marion Coleman Separate Property Trust, Amendment dated 1/26/1990, as to an undivided 1/3 interest; Ronald J. Krstyen, 1/2 of the 1/3 undivided interest held by Grantor (1/6 of the entire property); Scott Wiegers 1/10 of the 1/3 undivided interest held by Grantor (1/30 of the entire property); Jayme Lynn Wiegers 1/10 of the 1/3 undivided interest held by Grantor (1/30 of the entire property); Joseph Wiegers 1/10 of the 1/3 undivided interest held by Grantor (1/30 of the entire property); Melissa Krstyen Martinez 1/10 of the 1/3 undivided interest held by Grantor (1/30 of the entire property) and Jeffrey Krstyen 1/10 of the 1/3 undivided interest held by Grantor (1/30 of the entire property). District 3. [$25,307-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.7 24082 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4092. Last assessed to: Goetz 03043 Trust UTD 4/29/14, a Trust Registered in this State. District 3. [$19,629-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.8 24088 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4099. Last assessed to: April M. Tejeda. a single woman. District 1. [$6,474-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.9 24092 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4102. Last assessed to: The SITL Investment, LLC and Back Bays Trust, as Tenants in Common. District 1. [$9,686-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.10 24101 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Items 4154, 4155, 4156, 4160, 4165, 4167, 4169, & 4171. Last assessed to: Investment Property Trust dated May 9, 2011. District 2. [$33,564-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.11 24107 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4166. Last assessed to: The SITL Investment, LLC. District 2. [$5,316-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.12 24108 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4168. Last assessed to: The SITL Investment, LLC. District 2. [$7,740-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.13 24109 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4170. Last assessed to: The SITL Investment, LLC. District 2. [$5,465-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.14 24136 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Items 4174, 4176, 4178, 4179, 4207, 4264, 4302, & 4431. Last assessed to: Investment Property Trust dated May 9, 2011. District 2. [$28,998-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.15 24138 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4173. Last assessed to: SITL Investment, LLC. District 2. [$5,974-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.16 24139 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4175. Last assessed to: The SITL Investment, LLC. District 2. [$8,637-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.17 24140 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4303. Last assessed to: SITL Investment, a California Limited Liability Company. District 2. [$3,535-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.18 24141 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4407. Last assessed to: 375312065 Strickland Trust. District 2. [$11,637-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.19 24146 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Items 4451 & 4452. Last assessed to: Jose Pol and Zonia Pol, husband and wife as joint tenants. District 2. [$7,893-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.20 24160 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4172. Last assessed to: Kenneth L. Johnston and Joan Johnston, husband and wife, as joint tenants. District 2. [$0]
19.21 24161 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4436. Last assessed to: Ani J. Jragatsbanyan, an unmarried woman. District 2. [$10,907-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.22 24162 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4453. Last assessed to: An undivided Fifty Percent Interest (50%) to Mark Hommel, Trustee, or Successor Trustees, of the Mark Hommel Living Trust dated March 17, 2008 and an undivided Fifty Percent Interest (50%) to Kathy Courtney, Trustee, or Successor Trustees, of the Kathy Courtney Living Trust dated May 9, 2008 as Tenants in Common. District 2. [$5,152-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.23 24163 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4491. Last assessed to: Clarence O. Chapman, a single man. District 2. [$40,956-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.24 24164 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4560. Last assessed to: OLAT General Building Company, LLC. District 4. [$7,734-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.25 24165 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4610. Last assessed to: Sima Tohidi Haghani, a Married Woman as her sole and separate property. District 5. [$2,831-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.26 24166 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4629. Last assessed to: Ella 43027 Trust UTD 4/29/14, a Trust Registered in this State. District 5. [$12,823-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.27 24215 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4177. Last assessed to: The SITL Investment, LLC. District 2. [$5,381-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.28 24222 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4847. Last assessed to: Robert Flores, a single man. District 4. [$0]
19.29 24242 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4839. Last assessed to: Mesa Bluffs Development Company, LLC. District 4. [$0]
19.30 24243 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4840. Last assessed to: Mesa Bluffs Development Company, LLC. District 4. [$0]
19.31 24245 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4561. Last assessed to: Yvonne S. Kruse. District 4. [$37,075-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.32 24288 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4729. Last assessed to: Eric J. Johnson, a single man. District 4. [$29,550-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.33 24331 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 215, Item 1092. Last assessed to: Sullenger Living Trust 1985, Carles M. Sullenger Trustee, and Estate of Carles M. Sullenger. District 3. [$0]
19.34 24383 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for the Chapter 8 Tax Sale Agreement, Agreement Number 4483. Last assessed to: Jose L. Ramirez and Patricia Ramirez, husband and wife, as to an undivided 60% interest and Luis Pedro Anaya, a single man, as to an undivided 40% interest, as tenants in common. District 4. [$3,237-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.35 24384 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4060. Last assessed to: Raymond Woodruff, a married man as his sole and separate property. District 1. [$43,658-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.36 24427 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4548. Last assessed to: Byles & Mas Development, LLC. District 5. [$17,344-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.37 24447 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 217, Item 4785. Last assessed to: Stella Menatos, Trustee of The Stella Menatos Trust, dated February 16, 2007. District 4. [$82,004-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.38 24487 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for the June 1, 2021 Chapter 8 Tax Sale Agreement, Agreement Number 4482. Last assessed to: Michael D. Mendoca and Kristy A. Mendoca Trustees of the Mendoca Family Trust. District 4. [$1,254-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.39 24489 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for the June 1, 2021 Chapter 8 Tax Sale Agreement, Agreement Number 4474. Last assessed to: Temecula Properties, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company. District 3. [$5,532-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
19.40 24492 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for the June 1, 2021 Chapter 8 Tax Sale Agreement, Agreement Number 4454. Last assessed to: Gary Swanson Trust Dated 12/01/2015. District 4. [$0]
19.41 24763 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 215, Items 1732 & 1733. Last assessed to: Viola B. Thompson, an unmarried woman. District 4. [$11,337-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale]
21 10:00 A.M. County Land Use Public Hearings Meeting
21.1 25497 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING; PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 38201, PLOT PLAN NO. 190026 AND CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 1900030/ORDINANCE NO. 348.5022 INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION - CEQ190099 - Applicant: Enermax Global Development Inc., Vivian Liang Engineer/Representative: Rick Engineering Company c/o, Juan Angeles Second Supervisorial District East Corona Zoning District Temescal Canyon Area Plan: Community Development: Highest Density Residential (CD: HHDR) Location: East of Truman Street, south of Magnolia Avenue, north of Harlow Avenue, and west of Windsong Street 4.56 Gross Acres Zoning: Residential Incentive (R-6) REQUEST: Change of Zone No. 1900030 is a proposal to change the sites Zoning Classification from Residential Incentive (R-6) to General Residential (R-3). Tentative Tract Map No. 38201 is a Schedule A Tract Map that includes the subdivision of one (1) 4.56 gross acre lot into two (2) parcels; Parcel 1 will be 2.37 acres and Parcel 2 will be 2.18 acres in size. Plot Plan No. 190026 is a proposal to construct 46 single family detached condominiums and 44 attached townhouses for a total of 90 dwelling units. The recreational amenities include an outdoor community swimming pool, outdoor lounging area, bathroom/storage facilities, and adjacent showers located within an 800 sq ft pool building APN(s) 135-063-016 and 135-063-019. District 2. [Applicant Fees 100%]
21.2 25479 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: PUBLIC HEARING ON GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT No. 200006, CHANGE OF ZONE No. 2000022, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT No. 200040 Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15303 Third Supervisorial District - Applicant: David Lester Engineer/Representative: MDS, LLC c/o, Larry Markham Rancho California Zoning Area Southwest Area Plan - (General Plan) Land Use: Rural: Rural Mountainous (R:RM) Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R) - Location: East of Rainbow Canyon Road and Interstate 15, and south of City of Temecula 1.60 gross acres REQUESTS: Conditional Use Permit No. 200040 is a proposal to permit the existing Temecula Creek Cottages as a temporary lodging rental for six (6) cottages and allow for a special event facility that would facilitate weddings and other similar events on a 1.60 acre gross property. General Plan Amendment No. 200006 is a proposal for a Technical Correction Amendment to change the General Plan Land Use designation for one (1) lot from Rural: Rural Mountainous (R:RM) to Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD:CR). Change of Zone No. 2000022 is a proposal to change the zoning of one (1) lot from Rural Residential (R-R) to Scenic Highway Commercial (C-P-S) APN: 918-160-024 and 918-170-013 - District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
21.3 25655 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: PUBLIC HEARING ON CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 2200055 No New Environmental Documentation is required, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 (Previous EIR524) Applicant: E-Three LLC Third Supervisorial District Rancho California Zoning Area/District Southwest Area Plan Agriculture: (AG) Location: North of Pauba Road, east of Rancho California Road, south of Madera De Playa, and west of Avenida de Anita 2.58 Acres Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R) REQUEST: Change of Zone No. 2200055 is a proposal to change the zoning classification of the subject site from Rural Residential (R-R) to Wine Country Residential (WC-R). The applicant is requesting a Change of Zone to bring the subject site into compliance with the standards of the Temecula Valley Wine Country Policy Area Residential District that it is within APN: 951-080-022 - District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
Supervisor Gutierrez:
· Recognized the increase in funding to Mental Health, Item 3.57
· Animal Services Ad Hoc Committee
· Baseball Summer Camp at Morrison Park in Moreno Valley
· Backpack giveaways throughout 5th District
· Funding with OED for Cabazon Community Fair
· Riverside County Nonprofit Roundtable
· Summit View Apartments Groundbreaking
· Beaumont Nights at Towncenter
Supervisor Perez:
· Honoring Abi Carter at Acrisure Arena
· ABC Recovery Center Addiction Being Conquered Groundbreaking
· Coachella Valley Rescue Mission Groundbreaking
Supervisor Spiegel:
· NACA Conference in Florida
· Womens Conference on August 8, 2024
· Norco Valley Fair -
· Mayor Berwin Hanna Opening
Supervisor Jeffries:
· Mead Valley Marketplace Ribbon Cutting
· Requested TLMA Planning to communicate with the Board on challenges and needs, and Foundation Hearing issues
· Volunteered to service on Planning Ad Hoc with Supervisor Gutierrez
Supervisor Washington:
· De Portola Anza Trail Ribbon Cutting
· Veterans Services in Southwest Riverside County
Supervisor Spiegel:
· Jannlee Watson
County Counsel Report On Closed Sessions
Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation:
(Subdivision (d)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9)
25671 A.1 USA v. Fallbrook Public Utilities District, et al. (United States District Court Case No.: 51-cv-1247-JO-SBC)
25672 A.2 Saul Martinez v. County of Riverside, et al. (United States District Court Case No.: 5:22-cv-01248-SSS-SPx)
25673 A.3 Deborah Newell v. County of Riverside, et al. (Riverside Superior Court Case No.: CVRI2204047)
25674 A.4 Justin Vanover v. County of Riverside, et al. (Riverside Superior Court Case No.: CVRI2301599)
25675 A.5 Sunnymead Ranch Planned Community Association v. KB Home, et al. (Riverside Superior Court Case No.: CVRI2300274)
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation:
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(2) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation: Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(4) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
25677 D.1 Conference with labor negotiator:
Agency Negotiator County Executive Officer
Employee organizations Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, RCDDAA, RSA, SEIU, LIUNA, UDW and LEMU
25678 H.1 Quality Report (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS) Requirement)
25679 H.2 Staffing Effectiveness
25680 H.3 Medical Staff Minutes
The Chair declared the meeting adjourned.
Chuck Washington, Chair of the Board of Supervisors
ATTEST: Kimberly A. Rector, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors